
Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

author:Nanke Documentary


Why is the Northeast aunt so powerful, she can eat pesticides safely!

Pesticides are known to be poisonous, even highly toxic, and many people have died because of accidental ingestion of pesticides, and some have died before they are sent to the hospital.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

But there is such an aunt in the Northeast who likes to eat pesticides, and she also has a "drug addiction", and she has to eat some pesticides every day to relieve her mood.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Why can eating pesticides still relieve my mood? Is there any scientific basis for this?

Auntie's "quirks"

This aunt's name is Cheng Shumei, and she lives in a small mountain village in Daqing City, which is particularly remote and difficult to find.

When the reporter found Cheng Shumei, the moment he saw her, the reporter was "stunned", it turned out that Cheng Shumei was much thinner than the reporter imagined.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Cheng Shumei is a middle-aged woman, although she doesn't seem to have any culture, but there is no way to imagine that this is a middle-aged woman who likes to drink and eat pesticides.

When Cheng Shumei met the reporter, she began to tell about her "magical" experience of liking to eat pesticides, according to her, he had this tendency since he was a child, and he liked to smell gasoline at the beginning.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

She didn't understand why she knew why, anyway, when the car passed by, she quickly ran over and sniffed it, and after smelling it, she felt very "enjoyable".

Later, she found that she not only liked the smell of gasoline, but also liked the smell of pesticides.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Under normal circumstances, many people don't like the farm work of spraying pesticides because it is too pungent, but she is different, she will be very happy when she smells pesticides.

So as long as there is a farm work at home, she will rush to do it, which makes everyone very surprised, how can anyone like to smell pesticides!

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

But the fact that she likes the taste of pesticides is already very explosive, but what everyone didn't expect is that she still likes to eat pesticides, which is unbelievable.

Although the world is big, there are no surprises, but the matter of liking to eat pesticides is still quite "explosive", no matter what era it is placed in, this matter belongs to a "strange story".

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

At this time, Cheng Shumei began to say that in fact, when she first started, she didn't think about eating pesticides, but when she sprayed pesticides once, she felt that the taste was very good.

So I thought about tasting it, and when she first tasted it, she only ate a little bit, but after eating, she found that there was nothing wrong with it, and she felt comfortable.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

This made Cheng Shumei taste the "sweetness" for the first time, and she thought to herself that since she was fine, she could eat a little more, and she began to eat more "666 powder" (the name of a pesticide).

What makes her feel strange is that although she has eaten so many pesticides, her body is nothing at all, Cheng Shumei In addition to eating pesticides, she usually likes to drink gasoline.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

As mentioned earlier, when she was young, she liked to smell gasoline very much, and then gradually had the idea of wanting to drink gasoline, so she secretly took a small sip, and this drink did not matter and was directly "addicted".

It wasn't until later that she began to feel uncomfortable as long as she didn't drink it, but the price of gasoline in that era was quite expensive, and she slowly couldn't afford to drink gasoline, so she switched to low-priced diesel.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

As long as she feels uncomfortable, she will take a little pesticide, and after eating, she will be fine, her body will not hurt, her legs will not be uncomfortable, and her body will be full of strength.

Sometimes there is a lot of farm work at home, so she relies on eating pesticides and works for more than ten days.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Incomprehensible "fetishes"

Many people are very curious about Cheng Shumei's hobby, including her family, because no one in her family has such a "fetish".

So what's going on?

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

It turned out that when Cheng Shumei's daughter was young, she discovered her mother's special "fetish", and at a young age, she was afraid that her mother would be poisoned by pesticides.

So she began to persuade her mother not to let her mother drink pesticides, after all, she was such a mother, but Cheng Shumei at that time did not listen to her daughter's advice.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

But later I found out that my mother was not poisoned after eating pesticides, so since then, she no longer persuades her mother, but not only persuades her mother, but also often buys "666 powder" for her mother.

When Cheng Shumei and her husband were sometimes working in other places, her daughter-in-law also knew that her mother-in-law liked to eat "666 powder", so she asked her mother-in-law everywhere to buy "666 powder".

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

At the beginning, Cheng Shumei still drank gasoline to relieve her mood, but she only ate the "666 powder" pesticide, and she didn't dare to be interested in gasoline.

Although she is no longer interested in gasoline, her addiction to the "666 powder" pesticide is getting bigger and bigger, at the beginning she only eats a little bit, and then more and more, and she has to eat a few taels every day.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

If she was asked to let go of eating, she would be able to eat about a catty, but later the "666 powder" was discontinued, and the price increased after the discontinuation.

After the price increase, the "666 powder" will cost more than a dozen yuan a catty, and if it is a catty a day, then this consumption is indeed a bit high for a rural woman.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

So sometimes, she can only eat one or two taels to relieve some of her mood, in her opinion, "666 powder" is better than anything, even more fragrant than meat.

When a reporter interviewed her at home, she also took out the "666 powder" for the reporter to see, only to see her come to a wooden box, and then took out a bag of things from the wooden box.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

When she opened the bag, the reporter choked on the unpleasant smell, but Cheng Shumei was the opposite of the reporter, she picked up the powder and put it in her mouth, feeling like eating delicious food.

Regarding Cheng Shumei's actions, the reporter was very curious, was it caused by Cheng Shumei's illness?

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Solving the "mystery"

Regarding Cheng Shumei's "quirks", the family is also very worried, and I have also been to the hospital in the middle, but there are no major problems after checking several items, but there is a little problem in gynecology.

In fact, for Cheng Shumei, she also wants to solve this problem as soon as possible, because her family is not very good, the house is also dilapidated, and the household appliances at home are only a dilapidated TV.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Because her finger was cut off when she was working before, and her own strange disease, she couldn't find any work at all.

I thought that I would start watching my grandson at home when I had my grandson, but my daughter-in-law wouldn't let her see it at all after my grandson was born, because she always smelled of pesticides.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

The daughter-in-law is afraid that her child will be poisoned when she smells this smell, after all, not everyone can be as "invulnerable" as her mother-in-law, and Cheng Shumei can also understand her daughter-in-law's thoughts.

So in Cheng Shumei's heart, she also wanted to cure her illness as soon as possible, because "666 powder" has been discontinued, and sooner or later there will be a day when she can't buy it, and I can't imagine how painful she will be at that time.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Regarding Cheng Shumei's "strange disease", the reporter contacted the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin as soon as possible, and the doctor's words also surprised everyone.

It turned out that Cheng Shumei had "pica", and some people who had this disease liked to eat "stones" and some liked to eat soil, but there were still a few who liked to eat pesticides.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

Logically speaking, eating "666 powder" for a long time will bring a certain burden to the kidneys and liver, but the reporter is also very curious about this, why is Cheng Shumei okay if she eats pesticides?

Later, the reporter contacted the staff of the plant protection station, and the staff told the reporter that in fact, the "666 powder" that Cheng Shumei ate was not very toxic, and it could be poisoned, but not fatal.

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

But for Cheng Shumei's "666 powder", it is already a leftover product from more than ten years ago, and the toxicity is very small, because it has expired for so long.

As for why Cheng Shumei likes to eat "666 powder", it is actually related to her experience when she was a child, she has a certain psychological disorder, so she wants to alleviate it by eating "666 powder".

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

To put it bluntly, no one guided her correctly, which led to her "pica".

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?


About the Northeast aunt eating pesticides, the mystery has been solved, to put it bluntly, the aunt still lacks the care of her family, and finally went to the road of eating "666 powder".

There's no metaphysics in it, you have to believe in science!

Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?


China News Network, July 6, 2006, "A Village in Daqing Suffers from a Strange Disease and Eats Poison" 666 Powder "Addicted"
Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?
CCTV October 8, 2006 "A peasant woman in Daqing suffered from peculiar pica for more than ten years and drank tons of gasoline"
Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?
Northeast Net 2011 Grandma October 13 "Daqing Peasant Woman Eats" 666 Powder "Addicted to 16 Years Without Eating for a Day
Eating 130 kilograms of pesticides can still be safe and sound, why is this Northeast aunt "not invasive"?

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