
Escalation of the Russian-American confrontation? Putin reveals the new strategy of medium and short-range missiles, foreign media: Russia is betting a bit big

author:Fun to talk about the world

On the chessboard of the global political map, every move affects the nerves of the world. Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a shocking news at the Standing Committee of the Federal Security Council: due to the United States' violation of its commitments, Russia will resume the production of short- and medium-range missiles that were previously banned. The decision immediately drew a lot of attention from the global media and added to the already tense international situation.

Escalation of the Russian-American confrontation? Putin reveals the new strategy of medium and short-range missiles, foreign media: Russia is betting a bit big

Historical allusions are intertwined with reality:

Looking back at history, the INF Treaty signed in 1987 was an important milestone between the United States and the Soviet Union, which limited the ability of both sides to produce and use short- and medium-range missiles, and brought a hint of relief to the international security situation at that time. However, time has passed, and the United States unilaterally withdrew from the treaty in 2019, upsetting the original balance. In his speech, Putin made it clear: "We announced in 2019 that we would no longer produce such missiles and would not deploy them, provided that the United States does not deploy short- and medium-range missiles in a certain region of the world." But now, the United States is not only violating the INF Treaty, but is also conducting such missile exercises in Europe and elsewhere. This statement is undoubtedly a powerful response to the behavior of the United States.

Escalation of the Russian-American confrontation? Putin reveals the new strategy of medium and short-range missiles, foreign media: Russia is betting a bit big

Putin's tough stance and strategic considerations:

Putin's speech revealed strong strategic considerations. He pointed out that the United States not only deploys short- and medium-range missiles in Europe, but also plans to deploy such missiles in Poland, Denmark, Finland, and other countries, and its strategic suppression intention against Russia is obvious. Faced with such a situation, Putin said: "In any case, we need to react to this and make a decision." "This decision is not only a direct response to the violation of the United States, but also to ensure the full security of Russia.

Attention and interpretation of Western media:

Putin's speech quickly attracted intensive attention from the Western media. The New York Times reports that Putin's latest announcement "raises the stakes on the confrontation with the West." Agence France-Presse noted that Putin's statement came at a time when Moscow also warned the United States that a drone reconnaissance flight over the Black Sea could trigger a "direct" military conflict. These reports not only reflect the high level of concern of the international community about Russia's move, but also highlight the complexity and sensitivity of the current international situation.

Russia's Attitude to Negotiations and Strategic Space:

Despite Putin's tough stance, he did not completely close the door to negotiations. He noted that the United States brought such missiles into Europe and Asia for training exercises, which seemed to indicate that he was still open to negotiations. This statement not only demonstrates Russia's tough power, but also leaves some space for future international negotiations.

Escalation of the Russian-American confrontation? Putin reveals the new strategy of medium and short-range missiles, foreign media: Russia is betting a bit big

Putin's decision will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on the international situation. It is not only a direct response to the United States' breach of contract, but also an important move by Russia to safeguard its own security interests. In the future international arena, how to balance the interests of all parties and maintain global strategic stability will be an important topic. For the international community, this is undoubtedly a direction that requires joint thinking and efforts. Putin's decision is not only a response to the current international situation, but also a kind of foresight and layout for the future international pattern. In these uncertain times, every move needs to be made carefully and wisely.

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