
The United States has sanctioned DJI again? I lost the first 4 times, can I succeed this time?

author:Fun to talk about the world

Recently, the United States once again took action against the Chinese drone giant DJI, and the House of Representatives passed a bill to prohibit the future sale of DJI drones in the United States. This news has attracted widespread attention, but when you count it carefully, this is the fifth time that the United States has imposed sanctions on DJI. Why is the United States so "fond of DJI", but it has repeatedly been frustrated? The story behind this is worth exploring in depth.

The United States has sanctioned DJI again? I lost the first 4 times, can I succeed this time?

Historical allusions and self-developed cores:

Looking back at history, U.S. sanctions on DJI did not happen overnight. From the 2016 proposal restriction on the grounds of "network data security", to the 2017 Department of Defense pulling it into the entity list, to the 2019 tariff increase, the U.S. crackdown on DJI can be described as a step by step. However, these sanctions have not stopped DJI in the U.S. market. The reason is that DJI's core components are basically self-developed or from China's supply chain, and its technical strength is irreplaceable in the United States.

This point is particularly important in the context of multiple sanctions. When the U.S. Department of Defense ordered to stop the purchase and use of DJI drones, the military protested strongly because of the superior performance of DJI products. They found that by not using DJI's products, their detection technology was regressed. This fact is undoubtedly the best proof of DJI's technical strength.

Market Position & Consumer Voice:

Despite repeated U.S. sanctions, DJI's position in the civilian drone market has become more and more solid. At present, DJI has won more than 70% of the market share and has become a leader in the drone industry. Behind this achievement is DJI's continuous pursuit of technology and accurate grasp of the market.

The United States has sanctioned DJI again? I lost the first 4 times, can I succeed this time?

It's worth noting that U.S. consumers' love for DJI drones hasn't waned because of the sanctions. On the contrary, they cherish this high-quality product from China even more. Some consumers have even protested against these sanctions, saying that DJI drones are an essential tool for them to carry out various activities. This voice is undoubtedly the best response to US sanctions.

The game-breaking power of self-developed technology:

In the face of U.S. sanctions, DJI's self-developed technology has played a key role in its repeated bans. In the drone industry, technical strength is the core competitiveness. Through continuous R&D and innovation, DJI has mastered a number of core technologies, making it invincible in the market.

This point is particularly important in the current international situation. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the increasingly fierce international competition, having self-developed technology has become the key to the survival and development of enterprises. DJI's success has undoubtedly set an example for other Chinese companies.

The United States has sanctioned DJI again? I lost the first 4 times, can I succeed this time?

To sum up, the fifth US sanction on DJI once again proves the importance of self-developed technology. In the face of international competition and suppression, only by mastering the core technology can we be invincible in the international market. DJI's successful experience tells us that no matter how the external environment changes, as long as we adhere to independent research and development and continuous innovation, we will be able to shine on the international stage.

With the continuous progress of science and technology and the changes in the international situation, DJI drones will face more challenges and opportunities. However, we believe that with its core self-developed technology and excellent market performance, DJI will be able to continue to write its own legendary chapter in the international market. At the same time, we also hope that more Chinese companies will be able to have self-developed technologies, dare to innovate, and go to the center of the world stage like DJI.

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!

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