
30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

author:Lol Lol Literature

In China's entertainment industry, there is a name that everyone is familiar with - Shen Junyi. His road to fame first has to thank the role of "Diamond Mountain Leopard" in the TV series "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain".

This role seems to be tailor-made for him, and he has brought his unique charm and acting skills to the fullest, pushing him to the ranks of film and television superstars in one fell swoop.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

However, behind Shen Junyi's success, there is an unknown key figure that cannot be ignored, he is Shen Junyi's former partner Zhan Yanni. It was Zhan Yanni's discernment that first discovered Shen Junyi's acting potential.

She not only saw Shen Junyi's talent, but also actively won him the leading role in "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", it can be said that Zhan Yanni paved the way for Shen Junyi's acting career and allowed him to soar.

Shin's fame is rising, and his life has changed dramatically. He used to be an unknown actor, but now he has become a household name film and television star. However, the cost of this shift was enormous, and Shin began to travel frequently around the world, participating in various events and shooting.

With this busy lifestyle, he spends less and less time with his family.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

The contradiction between Shen Junyi and Zhan Yanni gradually surfaced, because the long-term relationship between them and their relationship became weaker and weaker. The once sweet couple is now arguing for various reasons.

Eventually, after a heated argument, they made a painful decision – divorce.

At the end of this marriage, Shen Junyi not only lost his wife, but also lost the time he spent with his daughter. With her daughter leaving with Zhan Yanni, Shen Junyi is forced to face the empty home alone.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

The once beautiful "Drill Mountain Leopard" has now become a melancholy beast, licking his inner wounds alone.

Shen Junyi fell into a trough and began to question the value of his success. Behind his glittering star image, he is actually a frustrated man who is tormented inside.

When Shen Junyi was at a low point in his life, fate seemed to be kind to him. A 22-year-old girl named Jenny is like a ray of warm sunshine that illuminates his gloomy heart.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

When they first met, Jani was fascinated by the charm of Shin Junyi's mature man, and Shin Junyi saw a glimmer of hope in this young and lively girl.

Jia Ni's appearance brought new life to Shen Junyi, and she did not hesitate to dedicate her youth to this man who had experienced many vicissitudes. The two quickly fell in love and were almost inseparable.

Whether they are watching movies together or going out to play, Shen Junyi and Jia Ni always hold hands, leaning on each other sweetly, Jia Ni's smile seems to have magic power, which can dispel the haze in Shen Junyi's heart and bring him the warmth of love.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

Despite being often recognized by fans when dating, Jani never showed any discomfort. Instead, she would proudly hold Shin's arm and face the crowd with a sweet smile.

This kind of calmness and confidence made Shen Junyi feel very gratified, he was deeply moved by Jia Ni's innocence and enthusiasm, and felt the long-lost feeling of being loved and cherished.

Jia Ni used her pure and fiery love to heal the wounds in Shen Junyi's heart bit by bit. With her company, Shen Junyi gradually walked out of the haze of divorce and regained his passion for life.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

He was grateful and glad that he could meet such a precious love, and Shen Junyi firmly believed that with Jia Ni's company, he could finally get rid of the shadow of the past and write a new chapter of love.

However, time flies like a song. In the blink of an eye, Shen Junyi and Jia Ni have been living together for eight years. In the past eight years, they have experienced countless laughter and tears together, not only has their relationship become deeper and deeper, but Jia Ni has gradually grown from a young girl to a mature and elegant woman, and Shen Junyi's career is also thriving with her support.

The relationship between the two is very good, but Shen Junyi has never been able to enter the marriage hall with Jia Ni. It may be insignificant, but it fills Jani's heart with worry. As time passed, Jia Ni gradually became uneasy about the relationship and began to think about the future of the relationship and whether Shin Junyi would like to spend her life with her.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

These questions are like a dark cloud, hanging over their seemingly perfect love.

Although Shin Junyi loved Jia Ni deeply, he never made up his mind to marry her. Behind this hesitation, there is an unspeakable reason - his only daughter has been getting in the way.

After Shin Junyi divorced his ex-wife Zhan Yanni, their daughter was deeply dissatisfied with her father's behavior of throwing herself into Jia Ni's arms. The daughter believes that her father abandoned her and her mother for the sake of a new love.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

This misunderstanding is like an invisible chasm between Shen Junyi and his daughter, in order to regain his daughter's trust and love, Shen Junyi had to suppress his desire to marry Jia Ni and repeatedly postponed the marriage.

Whenever Jia Ni cautiously brought up the topic of marriage, Shin Junyi always happily perfunctory for various reasons. His eyes flickered, his tone hesitated, and it was clear that his heart was going through a struggle to turn the river and the sea.

Shen Junyi knew in his heart that what he did was unfair to Jia Ni, but he couldn't ignore the deep guilt he felt for his daughter.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

However, Shen Junyi's hesitation made Jia Ni feel tormented. As a woman who is almost thirty years old, her desire for marriage is like a fire. Watching her friends walk into the palace of marriage one by one, Jia Ni couldn't help but ripple in her heart, and began to question her status in Shen Junyi's heart, doubting whether there was a future in this relationship.

Although Jia Ni never made any demands on Shen Junyi in public, and only privately expressed her hope for a marriage contract, Shen Junyi apparently failed to do so.

Looking at the exhaustion and disappointment in Jia Ni's eyes, she still persisted, hoping that one day Shen Junyi would respond to her expectations.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

As time passed, Jani's patience began to run out. She began to realize that if she waited like this, she might miss the best age for marriage and childbearing. The anxiety and uneasiness in her heart came like a tidal wave, and Jani was on the verge of collapse.

Jani began to become reticent, and the sparkle in her eyes faded. She no longer takes the initiative to talk about marriage, but whenever she sees Shen Junyi and her daughter together, a trace of imperceptible pain flashes in her eyes.

Jani understands that she is engaged in a silent battle with Shin's past and his daughter, and that there seems to be no end in sight.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

Shen Junyi felt the change in Jia Ni, and his heart was conflicted. He couldn't bear to hurt Jani, who loved him deeply, but he couldn't let go of his responsibility to his daughter. This contradictory situation caused him to sleep poorly every day, often sighing alone on the balcony, not knowing what to do.

On her 30th birthday, Jani's pent-up emotions turned into a volcano, and she decided to give a clear answer to this 8-year-long relationship. She took a deep breath, plucked up her courage, looked into Shen Junyi's eyes, and uttered the shocking ultimatum.

"After 8 years, we are in the same boat, if you are not willing to enter the palace of marriage again, then let me make up my mind and choose to spend my life with your brother!" Jani said resolutely and clearly, with a determined glint in her eyes.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the depths of Shen Junyi's heart fiercely. At that moment, the good times he spent with Jia Ni flashed through his mind like a movie picture: the sweet moments of their acquaintance, the ups and downs they experienced together in the past 8 years, and the beautiful figure of Jia Ni gradually growing from a young girl to a mature woman.

Shen Junyi's expression froze, he never seemed to expect Jia Ni to say such decisive words.

Shen Junyi fell into deep contemplation. He knew very well that Janny was no longer young, which might be why she had suddenly made such a decisive request. The golden years of women are fleeting, and Jani is no longer willing to waste her youth in a relationship with no clear future.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

However, in the face of the ultimatum in this relationship, Shin Junyi fell into a painful struggle and seemed difficult to choose. His brow furrowed, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. Shin Junyi deeply understands that he must choose between Jia Ni and his career, either to give Jia Ni a clear commitment, or to lose the woman who loves him so much forever.

Jani waited with anticipation for her lover to give her a reassuring answer. There was hope in her eyes, but there was a fear that was hard to hide. Jani knew that this decision would change the course of her life forever.

However, Shen Junyi's face looked very solemn and he didn't speak for a long time. It's not that he no longer loves Jani, but because he has been unable to shake off the guilt he felt about his daughter and made up his mind to start a family again.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

Shen Junyi's silence was like a sharp blade, piercing Jia Ni's heart deeply.

There was a suffocating silence in the air. Jani's eyes glistened with tears, even as she tried her best to keep her emotions in check. She knew in her heart that this might be her last chance to get this relationship.

Shen Junyi's inner contradictions struggled. He was reluctant to love Jia Ni, but he couldn't let go of his responsibility to his daughter. This choice will determine the direction of his life in the future. At this moment, time seems to be frozen, and everyone is waiting for Shen Junyi's decision.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

Shin's hesitation ultimately led to a tragic outcome. Half a year after Jani presented her ultimatum, he still couldn't give a clear response. This torment was like chronic torture for Jani.

In the end, she made a decision that everyone didn't expect - to marry Shen Junyi's younger brother Xie Xiaoxing.

This decision was like a resounding slap in the face, slapped Shen Junyi hard. When he saw Jia Ni holding Xie Xiaoxing's arm, with a happy smile on his face, Shen Junyi's heart was suddenly full of remorse and self-blame.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

He finally realized what he was missing, but it was already too late.

For Shen Junyi, what makes him most difficult to let go of is that Jia Ni and Xie Xiaoxing's marriage will be so happy. Not long after, they also welcomed a pair of lovely twin children, and the whole family had a new look and was extraordinarily warm.

Seeing that his brother-in-law, sister-in-law and children could enjoy themselves, Shen Junyi's heart was full of sourness.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

Xie Xiaoxing's thoughtfulness and cherishment of Jia Ni made Shen Junyi feel ashamed. Xie Xiaoxing's serious questioning was like a return to a pistol, leaving Shen Junyi speechless.

At this moment, Shen Junyi was deeply aware of his mistake. He watched his ex-girlfriend shine under the care of others, while he could only taste the bitterness of loss alone.

Shen Junyi deeply understands that he will never be able to find a woman who loves him as much as Jia Ni.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

This experience has become the biggest regret and lesson in Shen Junyi's life. He had to admit that it was precisely because of his indecision and hesitation that he personally pushed the most precious love into the arms of others.

After losing Jia Ni, Shin Junyi's life became decadent and fell into endless gloom. The "Diamond Mountain Leopard", who used to shine in the entertainment industry, is now just a lonely and lonely person.

He began to use alcohol to kill his sorrows, trying to numb himself with strong liquor, forgetting the painful memories However, whenever he woke up from a drunken dream, the loneliness and loss in his heart still followed, and there was nowhere to escape.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

Shen Junyi's career also fell into a trough. The once brilliant star is now lonely in the face of the empty room. Occasionally, when I think of Jani's gentle face, tears welled up in my heart.

He began to regret his indecision and the gains and losses, and he regretted that he had missed out on the good time he had spent with Jani for the rest of his life.

Every time Shen Junyi sees the sweet scene of his brother-in-law and Jia Ni's love, his heart will be full of complex emotions of jealousy and guilt. He often sighed alone on the balcony, recalling the ultimatum that changed his fate: "If you have not married me after eight years of cohabitation, you will marry your brother."

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

Shen Junyi is deep in the abyss of remorse and loneliness, and he can't find an outlet for relief. He finally realizes that he has missed the most precious love of his life, and this miss stems from the decision he failed to make in time.

Today's Shen Junyi can only spend the rest of his life in endless remorse. He began to question his life choices and wonder if he could have saved the relationship if he had been braver.

30-year-old Jia Ni: We have been living together for 8 years, and if you don't marry me, I will marry your brother

However, time is irreversible, and he can only sink deeper and deeper into this endless regret and loneliness, unable to find any way out.

Shen Junyi's story is not only a tragic lesson that life can not bear, but also a vivid teaching material that warns the world to cherish the people in front of them and bravely fulfill their love promises. Because love waits for no one after all.

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