
Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

author:Old nonsense about history

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army. During the anti-Japanese period, there was a commander Luo who commanded well, which was simply amazing! No wonder since then, he has been prosperous, and later became a marshal. How did he do it?

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

In the autumn of 1941, the Japanese devils launched a massive "iron wall encirclement" operation in the Yimeng Mountains of Shandong. They dispatched more than 50,000 troops to attack simultaneously from 11 directions, targeting the headquarters of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the Shandong Branch Office stationed there at that time.

Don't underestimate the combat effectiveness of the 115th Division, they are a strong force that attacks the city, fights all over Shandong, and conquers the whole country! At that time, the person in charge of the command was Comrade Luo Ronghuan, who later became a marshal.

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

At first, the Japanese army was only 7 miles away from our garrison, and the situation still looked quite tense. However, Commander Luo didn't seem to be scared of those things, but remained calm. In the early morning of November 4, the devils suddenly surrounded Mamuchi Village, trying to wipe out our army. Who knows, our army has already been armed, and immediately began to break through.

The deployment that day was really clever, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army broke out of the encirclement under cover, bypassed the blockade of the devils, and soon entered the defense area of the newly formed 36th Division of the National Army. These gangs are from the bandit army, and they are usually quite dark, but under the inspiration of national righteousness, they still let us pass.

Before sunrise on the 5th, the Eighth Route Army finally got rid of the devils and hid in the Tianbao Mountains to rest. However, this was only temporary, and soon the Japanese army closed the encirclement again, and at the same time launched a general attack on Rutamura.

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

Seeing that the situation was grim, Luo Ronghuan and other division leaders immediately began to concentrate on studying countermeasures. Since there was only one special service battalion and one special service company left in the troops that could participate in the war at that time, it was inevitable that everyone would have some difficulties. Break out to the east? Break out to the west? Break through to the north? Scattered breakouts? Opinions differ, and no one can say which path is more reliable.

At this moment, Commander Luo suddenly said, "Let's break through to the south."

Everyone was stunned. Don't forget, the south is where the devil's base camp is located, and it's a heavily guarded place! However, Commander Luo analyzed that it is precisely because it is the base camp that the devils may relax their precautions, and our army will give them a surprise attack, and the possibility of success is very high.

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

After listening to it, everyone also felt that it made sense, so they finally adopted this seemingly "crazy" idea. That night, our troops moved, and the vanguard quietly infiltrated only 500 meters from the Japanese barracks and laid an ambush.

Sure enough, as Commander Luo expected, the devil was indeed very lax in his precautions at that time, and our soldiers easily solved a few sentries. Next, the road was much more refreshing, and the troops quickly passed through the enemy positions and continued to advance.

Soon, however, they encountered a difficulty, there was a river in front of them, and there was only a single-plank bridge connecting the river. What should I do? Commander Luo personally ordered to reconnoiter the situation of the river, and it turned out that the water level was not deep, and adults could only reach their chests at most.

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

So, the soldiers of our army quickly began to wade across the river in pairs. Seeing the single-plank bridge on the river, the chief of staff wanted to tear it down at that time, so that the devils would follow him and chase him. Who knows, but Commander Luo said that it couldn't be dismantled.

The reason is very simple, if the devils see that there is no bridge on the river, they will definitely guess that we are wading over, and then they will follow suit; On the contrary, if you see that the bridge is still there, you can only slow down and pass over the bridge one by one.

Our army immediately sent someone to clean up all traces on the riverbank, making it look as if no one had ever waded in the water. As a result, when the devil's pursuers arrived, they were kept in the dark and could only obediently move across the river from the single-plank bridge. In this way, the headquarters of the 115th Division, under the wise command of Commander Luo, successfully broke through the "iron wall" of the Japanese army and fled with swagger.

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

Speaking of which, you should also know that Commander Luo later became known as the nickname of "Land Divine Blade", right? Let's take a look at how he commanded the troops to win a great victory at Liangshan on August 1, 1939.

At that time, our army received information that more than 400 people from a division of the Japanese army were opening Liangshan and preparing to launch a "sweep". As the commander at that time, Commander Luo immediately dispatched troops and prepared a big gift for the devil.

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

On August 1, when the Japanese troops arrived at the pavilion, our troops began to harass them. But our army only dispatched small detachments to act, and the devils didn't seem to take it very seriously. On the night of the 2nd, the main forces of our army suddenly launched an attack, surrounded the devils from all sides, and launched a fierce positional battle.

Although our army's firepower is weaker than that of the devils, the willpower of the soldiers is quite tenacious. After several fierce battles, the devil's life hung by a thread, and the offensive could no longer continue. At this moment, the 686th Company of the 11th Regiment arrived quickly and completely beat the stubborn enemy into the mud!

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

In the end, in this battle, our army not only won a complete victory, but also annihilated an elite brigade of devils, captured a large number of weapons and ammunition, and captured 24 prisoners alive. This is the famous Liangshan Annihilation Battle, and Commander Luo's command strategy can be said to be wise and powerful!

Our army was pursued by the Japanese army, and after crossing the river, Luo Ronghuan did not agree to dismantle the single-plank bridge, and actually successfully threw off the enemy army

After reading the above description, do you have a better understanding of this "Land Divine Blade"? Whether it was in a difficult breakthrough or in a dangerous mountain battle, Commander Luo always responded calmly and commanded calmly, and he was indeed a well-deserved military powerhouse. #头条首发大赛#