
After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why?

author:Old nonsense about history

After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why? In that bloody era, a fierce war broke out between China and Vietnam. The soldiers on both sides defended the dignity of the country with their flesh and blood, and the heroic and tragic war scenes are breathtaking. After the end of the war, the corpses of the killed Vietnamese soldiers were all over the valley, and the rotting corpses not only emitted a pungent stench, but also spread the virus, endangering the lives of our officers and soldiers. Faced with this dilemma, our army made a shocking decision to burn all these corpses with flamethrowers! What is it for, exactly?

After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why?

The war with Vietnam was a forced self-defense counterattack. During Ho Chi Minh's administration, China and Vietnam remained as close as siblings. However, once Le Duan came to power, he was hostile to us, drove out the expatriate, and constantly provoked in the border areas. We couldn't bear it anymore, so we could only make a painful decision to send troops to fight for help.

After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why?

At the beginning, our army fought bravely to kill the enemy and won victory after victory. In just one month, it captured more than 20 areas of Vietnam and defeated the Vietnamese army. It seemed that the purpose of the war had been achieved, so our army decided to do good and prepare to withdraw and return home. didn't think about it, Li Duan, this kid got better and forgot about the pain, and he actually started to be presumptuous at the border again! The Vietnamese army unleashed cruel words and bombarded schools, villages and towns on the mainland, killing and wounding nearly 100 of our soldiers and civilians. After many failed peace talks, the Chinese government became angry and went on another expedition against Vietnam.

After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why?

That was the most tragic of the 7.12 war in 1984. Our army launched a huge "wild boar" artillery battle, and 100,000 shells smashed into the Laoshan position like a thunderstorm, beating the enemy to a crumbling mess. Fierce offensive and defensive battles ensued between the two sides, followed by a number of skirmishes. In the end, our army won a strategic victory with overwhelming firepower and liberated the Laoshan fortress.

After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why?

But at this point, the situation took an unexpected turn! Luohua deliberately flowed ruthlessly, and the defeat failed to wake up Li Duan, and he still held on, secretly supporting the remnants of the armed forces to continue to provoke our army. After several twists and turns, our army found that the corpses of those martyrs were abandoned in the open air, to be eaten by maggots, and the stench of decay was stinking! In order to avoid the outbreak of the plague, after repeated considerations, a difficult decision was made - cremate the body!

After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why?

What follows is a shocking scene! Countless orange-red flames erupted from the jets, reducing the rotting corpses to ashes. Looking at the blazing fire, my heart was extremely heavy. They had sacrificed heroically for their family and country, but their fate was so bad that they even lost their last dignity, tears rolled in my eyes, for our army's last resort, but also for those fallen soldiers.

After the 7.12 war, a large number of Vietnamese corpses were left on the battlefield, and they were finally burned with flamethrowers, why?

Although the methods of war are cruel and merciless, it is a forced choice, and no one wants to see their lives wasted. In this battle, although the Vietnamese army suffered many defeats, their heroic spirit in defending the dignity of the country with their blood is admirable. The battlefield is the best stage to test the right and wrong of the government's decision-making, and the war of that year has taught us a profound lesson, allowing us to cherish the hard-won peace, help the world, and be kind to our neighbors. From now on, let the cruel war never be staged again, and let the sunshine of peace stay in the world forever. #头条首发大赛#