
Yang Qi is the gospel of rhinitis babies, learn these 3 tricks in summer to get rid of the troubles of nasal congestion and runny nose in children

author:Director Meng said children

To get rid of rhinitis, you only need 3 tricks

The child's rhinitis is repeated repeatedly, but the cold and dampness in the body are too heavy. Teach you 3 tricks to uproot the cold and dampness in the child's body, so that the baby can completely get rid of rhinitis, breathe smoothly, and grow freely.

Recently, the number of children with rhinitis in the outpatient clinic has increased dramatically, and I feel very distressed when I see the little baby, breathing hard with his mouth open, sucking his nose, the little nose being rubbed red, and the little face being corroded by the snot and being rough and even festering.

Therefore, I would like to take advantage of the good time to eliminate rhinitis in summer and share 3 tips with parents. I hope to help our baby get rid of rhinitis, keep the baby's nasopharynx away from phlegm and dampness, and let rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillar hypertrophy, and adenoid hypertrophy all go away.

Yang Qi is the gospel of rhinitis babies, learn these 3 tricks in summer to get rid of the troubles of nasal congestion and runny nose in children

The first trick is to dry the back to drain the cold and wet

We all know that yang energy can help dispel cold and dampness in the body. The back is the area where the body's yang energy is most concentrated, and sunbathing the back in summer can enhance the yang energy in the body. When the yang energy is sufficient, the cold and dampness in the child's body will be unable to resist, and it will be smoothly discharged from the body.

The cold and dampness in the body are reduced, and the mucus in the child's lungs will be reduced accordingly. In this way, the child's nose and throat are rescued from the "phlegm and dampness", and slowly can repair themselves and return to normal function.

Precautions for sunburning

It is best to dry your child's back in summer between 10 and 11 a.m., for half an hour to an hour each time, until the child sweats slightly. During the sunburn, there may be an increase in nasal discharge, indicating that the child's body is discharging cold and dampness, which is a normal phenomenon and parents do not need to worry.

Yang Qi is the gospel of rhinitis babies, learn these 3 tricks in summer to get rid of the troubles of nasal congestion and runny nose in children

The second trick is to strengthen the spleen and drain cold and dampness

After all, it can only help to discharge cold and dampness from the body, reduce the irritation of phlegm and dampness to the child's nose and throat, but cannot reduce the production of phlegm and dampness. Therefore, after a few days, the child's symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose will recur.

Therefore, if we want to cut off the root of rhinitis, we must completely cut off the source of phlegm and keep the child's lungs fresh. How? Just strengthen the spleen.

The spleen is the source of phlegm in the human body. Children's spleen and stomach are relatively delicate, and a little carelessness in feeding the day after tomorrow will cause damage to this delicate viscera. If the spleen is deficient, the child will not grow tall, and a large amount of phlegm and dampness will accumulate in the body.

A child's lungs are like a pocket, where most of this phlegm and dampness collect. When the pockets are filled, they will overflow from the "pocket opening" of the nasopharynx, causing the tonsils, adenoids, and sinuses to soak in the phlegm for a long time, causing inflammation and hypertrophy.

To strengthen the spleen, I usually combine the child's physical condition. If the spleen and stomach are seriously damaged, we will use drugs to quickly repair them.

For children with mild damage to the spleen and stomach, I generally recommend that parents use dietary remedies to help their children improve. For example, you can boil barley porridge, red bean and barley soup, red date yam soup, poria cocos soup, yam millet porridge, Sishen soup and so on.

Yang Qi is the gospel of rhinitis babies, learn these 3 tricks in summer to get rid of the troubles of nasal congestion and runny nose in children

The third trick is to drain cold and dampness from acupuncture points

According to the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the human body is a complex network of many acupoints (acupuncture points). By precisely stimulating a specific acupuncture point, it can effectively promote blood circulation and dredge blockages in the meridians.

Stimulating Guan Yuan acupoint, Shenque acupoint, Yinling Spring acupoint, Zusanli acupoint, Sanyin Jiao acupoint, these acupuncture points can completely clean up the phlegm and dampness blocked in the child's lungs, and can rescue the child's nasopharynx from the phlegm and wet hands.

The above acupuncture points can be stimulated by massage, moxibustion, plasters, or even by soaking in drugs such as foot soaking.

Yang Qi is the gospel of rhinitis babies, learn these 3 tricks in summer to get rid of the troubles of nasal congestion and runny nose in children

Massage to drain moisture

Replenish the spleen meridian 300 times, push the three levels 50 times, rub the abdomen clockwise 100 times, and clear and replenish the large intestine meridian 200 times.

Moxibustion method to dispel dampness

Use moxibustion patches to moxibustion Hegu acupoint, Quchi acupoint, Zusanli acupoint, Guanyuan acupoint and Zhongguan acupoint for children. Pay attention to choosing a regular manufacturer to produce moxibustion patches, which can not only ensure the efficacy, but also avoid children from being burned.

Plaster dehumidification method

Every night before going to bed, stick it on the child's Guan Yuan acupoint, Shenque acupoint, Zusanli acupoint and other positions, and remove it the next morning. It is administered through acupressure stimulation and is more effective than massage.

Yang Qi is the gospel of rhinitis babies, learn these 3 tricks in summer to get rid of the troubles of nasal congestion and runny nose in children

How to soak your feet and drain moisture

Boil mugwort leaves and peppercorns together, wait for the water temperature to be about 40 degrees, and start soaking the child's feet, and try not to exceed the child's ankles.

It can not only stimulate the corresponding acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, but also dispel the cold and dampness in the body with the help of the warm yang qi of mugwort leaves and peppercorns.

The above three methods, if parents and friends can persist for a summer, the child's rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy can be completely cured in the summer, which is a good time to nourish yang and eliminate cold.

Moreover, the baby's immunity can also be greatly improved, which can avoid the invasion of various respiratory diseases in autumn.

Yang Qi is the gospel of rhinitis babies, learn these 3 tricks in summer to get rid of the troubles of nasal congestion and runny nose in children