
The child is always constipated, boil 1 bowl of laxative water, the stool is smooth, the child suffers less, and can grow 5cm more

author:Director Meng said children

My outpatient case

Two days ago, a parent complained to me: "Director Meng, why is my child always constipated, but I am so worried!" ”

From this parent's words, I can feel his helplessness and eagerness.

The child is always constipated, boil 1 bowl of laxative water, the stool is smooth, the child suffers less, and can grow 5cm more

So I took a closer look at the child's situation and found that his tongue was yellow and greasy, a little thick, his mouth still had a sour smell, and his lower eyelids were blue, which was obviously constipation caused by internal heat accumulation, and the situation was not serious, so I did not prescribe medicine to the child, but recommended a dietary prescription.

In fact, many children's constipation can be solved at home, and parents do not need to go to the hospital frequently.

Today I will share with you two laxative dietary prescriptions, which are simple to make and have very good results, parents can collect them.

The child's constipation is divided into virtual and real

I have met many parents who like to give their child a caesar or take him to an enema when he is constipated.

This does work quickly, but the symptoms are not cured, the child will be constipated in a short time, and the defecation under the stimulation of this external force is easy to become dependent, and parents can not use it or not.

In fact, in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, children's constipation is divided into empirical constipation and virtual constipation, as long as parents distinguish between virtual and real, they can easily deal with it at home, so I will talk to you about it below.

The child is always constipated, boil 1 bowl of laxative water, the stool is smooth, the child suffers less, and can grow 5cm more

Empirical constipation

The child's empirical constipation is mostly caused by the accumulation of stagnation and heat, and the internal knot of dry heat, which is simply the accumulation of food and heat, and the child is on fire.

The spleen and stomach of children are weak, and some parents are afraid that their children will not be able to eat enough, and if they are fed too much, it will be easy to cause food accumulation.

Whether a child is constipated or not, parents can judge from the following situations:

Bad breath and bitter breath are more obvious when you get up in the morning;

The child has the condition of not being able to eat, abdominal distension and refusal to press;

Dry, hard stools;

Children are prone to fire, inflammation of the tonsils, and upper respiratory tract infections.

The child is always constipated, boil 1 bowl of laxative water, the stool is smooth, the child suffers less, and can grow 5cm more

I recommend a dietary remedy to everyone: rice raiphane porridge

Ingredients: Rice, sulforaphane seeds

Fry the sulforaphane seeds until fragrant and ripe, and then grind them into fine powder for later use, so that it is more convenient to give full play to the fragrance and effect of sulforaphane seeds.

After washing the rice, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for half an hour.

After the porridge is cooked, add the ground sulforaphane seeds, add the sulforaphane seeds, cook for another 1-2 minutes, and add salt to taste.

In this dietary remedy, sulforaphane has the effect of eliminating food and accumulating food, expelling phlegm and lowering qi, which is very suitable for moistening the intestines and laxative children who have accumulated food.

The child is always constipated, boil 1 bowl of laxative water, the stool is smooth, the child suffers less, and can grow 5cm more

False evidence of constipation

Most of the constipation in children is caused by yin deficiency, especially spleen yin deficiency. The main reason is that many children are fat and sweet, and they do not control the eating of meat and snacks, and they are also very reluctant to eat vegetables.

Generally, to determine whether a child is constipated, you can start from the following situations:

Children with spleen and yin deficiency eat too much meat, so their stools are mostly black and smelly;

Children with yin deficiency like to sweat on the head, back of the head, and back when they sleep;

Because yin deficiency will cause the five hearts to be irritable, the child will sleep very unsteadily, and even kick the quilt, turn over and over again and can't sleep.

The child is always constipated, boil 1 bowl of laxative water, the stool is smooth, the child suffers less, and can grow 5cm more

I recommend a dietary prescription to everyone: nourishing yin and moistening intestinal soup

Ingredients: tangerine peel, wheat winter, hemp seeds

Method: Wash all the ingredients, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, and cook for about 15 minutes.

In this recipe, tangerine peel regulates qi and strengthens the spleen, dries and damps and dissolves phlegm, wheat dong in the yin and nourishing at the same time, it also has a certain effect of moistening the intestines and laxative, hemp seeds can not only moisten the intestines and laxative, but also clear heat and detoxify.

Children are constipated, I see many parents will give their children bananas, saying that they can moisten the intestines, and I don't know who spread this rumor!

In fact, in order to facilitate the transportation of bananas, they are generally unripe when picked, and they contain a certain amount of tanninic acid, which has a strong astringent effect, which not only cannot be laxative, but may also cause constipation.

The child is always constipated, boil 1 bowl of laxative water, the stool is smooth, the child suffers less, and can grow 5cm more

Parents can observe their children's situation at home and choose some dietary remedies to help their children moisten their bowels.

However, no matter how good the effect of the dietary prescription is, it can only be used as daily maintenance, and if the child is constipated, it is necessary to ask the doctor to prescribe medicine.