
After Zhuge Liang died, why didn't Jiang Wei get reused?


After Zhuge Liang's death, Jiang Wei was not reused for the following reasons:

  1. Age and qualifications: Jiang Wei was still very young at the time of Zhuge Liang's death, and he lacked enough qualifications to serve as prime minister. Despite his great military prowess, he lacked political experience and influence.
  2. Identity question: Jiang Wei was a surrendered general, originally a general of Cao Cao, and later surrendered to Shu Han. This background affected his status and trust within Shu Han, and it was difficult to gain full support from the top.
  3. Relationship with Liu Chan: Jiang Wei had contradictions with Liu Chan, Zhuge Zhan and other high-level Shu Han leaders, and public opinion on his removal was rising within the court. These political struggles limited him from further developing his power and influence.
  4. Military Challenges: After Zhuge Liang's death, Jiang Wei continued his northern expedition against Cao Wei, but his military campaign did not achieve significant results in the face of a formidable opponent and a complex situation. In addition, he also suffered defeat in the battle with Zhonghui, further weakening his prestige.
  5. Internal strife: The rivalry between Jiang Wei and the eunuch Huang Hao also affected his status and power. Huang Hao, as a representative of the eunuch group, was opposed to Jiang Wei's military faction, further restricting his movements.

There are many reasons why Jiang Wei was not reused after Zhuge Liang's death, including his age, seniority, identity background, conflicts with high-level leaders, and military challenges and internal struggles.

After Zhuge Liang died, why didn't Jiang Wei get reused?

What was Jiang Wei's specific age after Zhuge Liang's death?

Jiang Wei's specific age at the time of Zhuge Liang's death was not yet thirty-three years old. According to evidence, Jiang Wei was born in 202 AD, while Zhuge Liang died in 234.

How did the contradiction between Jiang Wei, Liu Chan, and Zhuge Zhan begin?

The contradictions between Jiang Wei and Liu Chan and Zhuge Zhan mainly stem from the conflict of political interests and personal ideas.

Zhuge Zhan's dissatisfaction with Jiang Wei began with Jiang Wei's many northern expeditions to the Central Plains, but he failed to achieve significant military successes, but instead consumed the national strength of Shu Han. Zhuge Zhan thought that Jiang Wei was warlike and fruitless, and suggested that Liu Chan deprive him of his military power. In the fifth year of Jingyao (262 AD), when Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition failed again, Zhuge Zhan and Dong Ju sent a table to Liu Chan, asking Jiang Wei to serve as the assassin of Yizhou, preparing to reduce his military power, and planning to replace Jiang Wei with Yan Yu.

In addition, Zhuge Zhan's behavior also reflects his excessive pursuit of personal political interests. Seeing the wind, he followed Liu Chan's bias and impeached Jiang Wei, but he did not dare to act against Huang Hao because of Liu Chan's support for Huang Hao. This behavior reveals that he cares more about his own political status than about the long-term development of the country.

After Zhuge Liang died, why didn't Jiang Wei get reused?

What were the main challenges and failures encountered by Jiang Wei during his Northern Expedition to Cao Wei?

Jiang Wei encountered many challenges and failures during the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei, and the main reasons can be summarized as follows:

  1. Disparity in national strength: Shu Han's national strength was far inferior to Cao Wei's. Since ancient times, wars in which the weak defeat the strong have existed, but the probability of success is extremely low when the two countries' national strengths are clearly contrasted.
  2. Grain and grass supply problem: Jiang Wei had to withdraw his troops because he ran out of grain and grass during the siege of Nan'an. This shows that Shu Han had serious problems in logistics support and could not sustain large-scale military operations for a long time.
  3. Insufficient troops: Compared with the Northern Expedition during the Zhuge Liang period, Jiang Wei's army was greatly reduced. During the Zhuge Liang period, the Northern Expedition often had an army of 300,000 or 400,000, while Jiang Wei almost always led an army of about 200,000, which reflected the decline in the available forces of Shu Han.
  4. Unstable popular sentiment: Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition went against the will of the people, and the various systems of Wei were relatively perfect, and the people trusted Cao Wei, so it was difficult for Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to gain widespread support.
  5. Strategic Mistakes: Jiang Wei repeatedly challenged the Wei army's unfortified strongholds, but failed to make a breakthrough. For example, when Deng Ai's army built a fortress near the water, Jiang Wei's repeated attacks failed.
  6. Domestic contradictions: The frequent Northern Expeditions not only consumed a lot of people's power, but also caused many domestic contradictions, which further weakened the internal strength of Shu Han.
  7. Tactical limitations: Although Jiang Wei achieved some tactical victories, he did not strategically change the trend of Shu Han's decline.

The main challenges and failures during Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to Cao Wei included the disparity in national strength, the supply of grain and grass, the shortage of troops, the instability of the people, strategic mistakes, and domestic contradictions.

After Zhuge Liang died, why didn't Jiang Wei get reused?

As a representative of the eunuch group, what specific impact does Huang Hao have on Jiang Wei?

Huang Hao, as a representative of the eunuch group, had a specific impact on Jiang Wei in many ways:

  1. Sabotage the Northern Expedition Plan: Huang Hao repeatedly sabotaged Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition plan, causing Jiang Wei to make several unsuccessful attempts to expose Huang Hao's crimes. This interference not only weakened Jiang Wei's military capabilities, but also put Shu Han at a disadvantage in foreign wars.
  2. Exclusion and threat to Jiang Wei: Huang Hao ostracizes Jiang Wei through his own power group and tries to drive a wedge between Jiang Wei and Liu Chan. This made Jiang Wei's position in the imperial court gradually threatened, and he was even excluded from the imperial court for a time and lost his command of the army.
  3. Affecting Jiang Wei's status: Huang Hao's hand was stretched too wide, which directly affected Jiang Wei's status. Jiang Wei had to speak out because of Huang Hao's existence, showing his weakness in the power struggle.
  4. Forcing Jiang Wei to take refuge in the city: Due to Huang Hao's threat, Jiang Wei had to stay away from Chengdu and go to the city to take refuge. This forced exile further weakened his power against Huang Hao.
  5. Formation of interest groups: Huang Hao formed an interest group in the Shu Han regime, further consolidating his power. This group includes Yan Yu and others, who work together against Jiang Wei and try to take his place.
After Zhuge Liang died, why didn't Jiang Wei get reused?

How did the rivalry between Jiang Wei and Huang Hao affect his political status and power?

The rivalry between Jiang Wei and Huang Hao had a profound impact on Jiang Wei's political status and power. First of all, Huang Hao, as Liu Chan's favored retainer, held a huge power in the court and became the de facto ruler of Shu Han. He gradually took control of the government through his skillful use of court politics, and was adept at taking advantage of the contradictions between others to consolidate his position. This concentration of power threatened Jiang Wei's position in the imperial court, and he was even expelled from the imperial court for a time, losing his command of the army.

Although Jiang Wei was highly accomplished in military affairs, he lacked sufficient support and allies within the imperial court, which put him at a disadvantage in the contest with Huang Hao. Huang Hao was good at covering up his crimes, and Liu Chan's trust in him also made Jiang Wei's efforts go to waste. In addition, Huang Hao's dictatorship also seriously affected Jiang Wei's military operations, making it impossible for him to fully implement military strategies in the political struggle.

The contest between Jiang Wei and Huang Hao was not only about personal power and status, but also profoundly affected the overall political situation of Shu Han.

After Zhuge Liang died, why didn't Jiang Wei get reused?