
Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

author:Phantom pupil ball style


On July 1, 2024, Beijing time, the Warriors cut Chris Paul! The former basketball superstar, the future salary of 30 million was instantly wiped out, and his potential next home became the focus of attention.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

The decisive decision of the warriors

Last year, the Warriors spent a lot of money to bring in a superstar like Chris Paul, sending away a few of their own young players, as well as future draft picks. But what people didn't expect was that Paul only played for one season with the Warriors before changing the door again. This time around, on the surface, the Warriors are trying to save $30 million and avoid the trouble of the luxury tax, but in fact, on closer inspection, this is more of a strategy.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

You see, Curry, the core player of the Warriors, has gone through more than half of his career, and the team must plan for the future, and must find some cost-effective potential stocks to set up a good stage for the future championship dream. But on the other hand, Paul certainly didn't have a taste in his heart. He had just arrived at the Warriors, and he was full of thoughts about making a big deal here, who would have thought that he would have to change places again so soon.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

Paul's performance in the Warriors

Paul played in 58 games during his season with the Warriors, averaging 9.2 points, 3.9 rebounds, 6.8 assists and 1.2 steals in 26.4 minutes per game. He shot 44.1 percent from the field and 37.1 percent from three-point range. For a 39-year-old veteran, that's quite impressive.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

His value on the pitch is not only reflected in the scoring, but also in the overall offensive combing of the team. He used his experience and excellent passing vision to help the Warriors maintain a fluid offensive rhythm during the game. Although his scoring on the offensive end wasn't particularly outstanding, his assists created more scoring opportunities for his teammates.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

Paul's future conjecture

(1) Nuggets: Championship puzzle or salary constraints?

The Nuggets' failure to defend their championship by losing to the Timberwolves to the Final Four this year made them realize that the team needs to be strengthened further. Right now, the Nuggets need a backup point guard, and Paul's experience and skill may be able to help them. However, the Nuggets have limited salary space and are estimated to only offer Paul a contract of up to 10 million, which is a far cry from his 30 million with the Warriors. But if Paul is hell-bent on chasing a championship, joining the Nuggets might be a good choice.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

(2) Clippers: Opportunity in Variables

The Clippers have Harden as an assist master, but Harden has not signed a contract extension with the team, and everything is full of uncertainties. If George doesn't renew his contract, Harden will most likely leave, and the Clippers will have a vacancy at the point guard position. If Paul can join the Clippers and use his experience and ability as a backup point guard, he can undoubtedly bring new vitality to the team's offense and fully activate the team's offensive system.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

(3) Rocket: Inheritance and Rebirth

In Shin Kyung's absence, the Rockets went on a winning streak and narrowly missed the Warriors to advance to the playoffs. But in terms of team configuration, they are desperately lacking an experienced point guard to string together the entire team. If Paul chooses to return to the Rockets, he will not only bring valuable experience to the team, but also support the growth of new talents and help the team achieve new breakthroughs.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

(4) Lakers: The temptation of base salary

The Lakers have also shown interest in Paul, but they will most likely only be able to offer a base salary. For Paul, joining the Lakers meant making a huge sacrifice in terms of salary, but it also had the opportunity to join forces with superstars such as James and challenge for a championship.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

(5) Timberwolves and Bucks: Complementing point guard depth

The Timberwolves and Bucks lack depth at the point guard position, and Paul's arrival could make a qualitative leap forward for both teams. His excellent organizational skills can well connect the team, make the team more competitive in the competition between the East and the West, and challenge for the East and West championships and even the championship.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

Paul's Choices and the Future

It was a difficult choice for Paul. It is the choice to chase the championship, join a strong team but accept a lower salary; Or for the sake of financial gain, choose a contract with a relatively high salary but uncertain prospects for winning the championship? It's not just about the final years of his career, it's about whether he can achieve that dream of a championship.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

Whoever Paul ends up with, it will cause a subtle change in the league landscape. And as fans, we look forward to him finding the perfect place for him at the end of his career and bringing us more exciting games.

Shock! Paul was laid off, and the next 30 million will be wasted, and the potential 5 next homes will surface!

Dear fans and friends, which team do you think Paul will choose? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section and let's discuss together!