
The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

author:Life says the weather 20,000 1 likes

Recently, with the arrival of the rainy season, heavy rainfall has occurred in many places in the eastern countries, which has brought a lot of inconvenience to the travel, production and life of local residents, and also caused a series of natural disasters. According to the news released by the National Meteorological Center, from July 1 to 2, under the influence of the southwest warm and humid airflow and the subtropical high pressure, the southern region will usher in a heavy rainfall weather process, among which, southern Jiangsu, southern Anhui, northern Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places are expected to usher in heavy rain or even extremely heavy rain, with local precipitation of up to 250 to 260 mm.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, Southwest and other places will also have moderate to heavy rain weather, high temperature weather is still continuing to affect North China, Huanghuai, Shaanxi, Xinjiang and other places, the maximum temperature can reach 37~39 °C or even more than 40 °C, need to take effective measures to prevent heatstroke. In the face of the upcoming extreme weather, residents and relevant departments need to make full preparations to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

1. Heavy rain is coming, and many places may welcome heavy rainfall

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

1. Heavy rainfall in many places in the south

Affected by the southwest warm and humid airflow and the subtropical high pressure, from July 2 to 3, the southern region will usher in a heavy rainfall weather process, among which, southern Jiangsu, southern Anhui, northern Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places are expected to usher in heavy rain or even extremely heavy rain, local precipitation can reach 250 to 260 mm, it is necessary to prevent possible urban waterlogging and flash floods geological disasters.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

2. The impact of hot weather continues

In addition to heavy rainfall, high temperature weather is still continuing to affect North China, Huanghuai, Shaanxi, Xinjiang and other places, the highest temperature in some areas can reach 37~39 °C or even more than 40 °C.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

3. Moderate to heavy rain in many parts of the country

In addition to the southern region, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, Southwest and other places will also have moderate to heavy rain weather, central and southern Anhui, most of Jiangsu, eastern Hubei, central and western Hunan, northern Jiangxi, southeastern Guizhou and other places may usher in heavy rain or heavy rain, the public needs to pay attention to weather warning information, reasonable travel planning.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

2. How to deal with extreme weather?

1. The urban drainage system needs to be strengthened

Under the influence of heavy rainfall, the risk of urban waterlogging will greatly increase, and local city managers should strengthen the maintenance and improvement of drainage systems to ensure that rainwater can be quickly discharged and reduce the occurrence of waterlogging.

2. Pay attention to the health effects of hot weather

Under the influence of high temperature weather, the health status of groups susceptible to high temperature will face certain challenges, and the public needs to pay attention to the health status of the elderly, children and other groups in addition to doing a good job of heat stroke prevention and cooling, and provide timely help and care.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

3. Farmers need to take disaster prevention and mitigation measures

Under the influence of thunderstorms, strong winds and hailstorms, crops and farmland will face a certain risk of loss, and relevant departments and farmers need to pay close attention to weather changes and take effective disaster prevention and mitigation measures to protect the safety of crops.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

4. Local authorities have stepped up flood prevention efforts

In the face of possible heavy rains, local authorities need to strengthen flood prevention work, make various emergency and disaster relief preparations to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and the general public should also enhance their awareness of prevention and avoid visiting dangerous areas for sightseeing.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

5. Safety guarantee of transportation facilities

Extreme weather also has a great impact on traffic facilities, relevant departments need to strengthen the inspection and maintenance of roads, railways and other traffic facilities to ensure traffic safety, citizens should pay attention to traffic tips when traveling, to avoid traffic congestion and delays.

The current round of rainfall has changed greatly, and the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow


The emergence of extreme weather has brought a certain impact on social development and people's lives, and the emergence of these weather phenomena is inseparable from human activities.

In the future life, each of us should start from ourselves, save resources, protect the environment, reduce carbon emissions, contribute to global climate governance, and believe that with the joint efforts of the whole society, we will be able to usher in a better tomorrow.