
43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family

author:Howe eucalyptus

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A 27-year-old woman reported with her real name that the deputy county magistrate of Shizong County, Yunnan Province had cheated in marriage, and the deputy county magistrate tried to steal 150,000 yuan unsuccessfully, and the woman continued to report, causing heated discussions in the society

43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family


43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family

Recently, an incident involving marital infidelity has aroused heated discussions from all walks of life. According to reports, a 27-year-old woman, Wei, reported with her real name that Su, the deputy county magistrate of Shizong County, Yunnan, had cheated in marriage, and in this incident, the woman's reporting behavior and the process of the deputy county magistrate's attempt to go private were recorded, which caused heated discussions in the society.

43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family
43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family

1. A 27-year-old woman reported the deputy county magistrate's cheating in marriage with her real name

Recently, a 27-year-old woman, Wei, has become the focus of public discussion. Wei and one of his leaders, deputy county magistrate Su, got acquainted because of their work relationship, and gradually developed feelings in the process of getting along.

In the communication between the two parties, Wei gradually discovered some clues and learned that Su was actually married and had children at home. Faced with such a fact, Wei felt very aggrieved and angry, because he didn't know it, but he fell into such an extramarital affair.

In order to give an explanation of his feelings, Wei chose the method of real-name reporting and made Su's extramarital affair public. In this incident, Wei's reporting behavior was also highly valued by the relevant departments, and then the relevant departments launched an investigation.

43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family

Second, the deputy county magistrate tried to smuggle 150,000 yuan unsuccessfully

In the face of Wei's real-name report, the deputy county magistrate Su was obviously worried, because his extramarital affair had been exposed, which would have a certain impact on his personal image and work.

In the initial stage, Su chose to communicate with Wei and tried to resolve the incident through private means. In the private negotiation, Su gave Wei a certain amount of financial compensation, hoping that the other party could forgive him and chose to withdraw the report.

It is understood that Su once gave Wei 40,000 yuan in economic compensation, and in the follow-up process of this incident, Su also found Wei many times and expressed his willingness to make economic compensation, hoping that the other party could accept 150,000 yuan and no longer continue to report.

Wei did not accept Su's proposal, but continued to report and recorded the process. In the video, it can be clearly seen that Su's every move that he tried to go private was recorded by Wei, and the other party's behavior also aroused heated discussions and attention from the public.

43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family

3. The woman refused to go private and continued to report

Faced with the deputy county magistrate's private proposal, Wei did not choose to accept it, but continued to report without hesitation. In her view, this incident is not just an extramarital affair, but needs to be investigated by the relevant authorities and given a fair result.

Wei's reporting behavior has also aroused unanimous support from the public, and everyone has praised and encouraged him, thinking that such behavior is very brave, and hopes that the relevant departments can conduct a thorough investigation and restore the truth.

In this process, Wei's reporting behavior has also been highly valued by the relevant departments, and they said that they will deal with the incident in accordance with the law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the whistleblower, and will not affect the investigation due to the interference of others.

43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family

Fourth, it has aroused heated discussions in the society

After such an incident involving an extramarital affair was exposed, it also aroused heated discussions and attention from all walks of life. Similar incidents are not uncommon in our lives, and the exposure of every extramarital affair incident will have a certain impact on the lives and work of the parties involved.

In this case, the public also questioned the behavior of the deputy county magistrate, believing that as a public official, he should lead by example and abide by the bottom line of morality, and his extramarital affair has seriously violated such a requirement and will also lose the trust of the public.

Wei's whistleblowing behavior has also been unanimously supported by everyone, believing that it is safeguarding her legitimate rights and interests, and also reminding others to cherish their feelings and marriages, and not to be easily hurt by others.

After such an incident was exposed, it also gave the public a certain inspiration, so that everyone should pay more attention to the importance of marriage and family, and also know how to cherish the person in front of them, whether in the relationship or in life, should abide by relevant laws and regulations, and should not violate the bottom line of morality and law.

43-year-old deputy county magistrate and 27-year-old woman! Chat exposed! Woman: At first, I didn't know I had a family

V. Conclusion

Through the exposure of such an incident, I believe it will also have a certain reminder effect on the public. No matter what kind of environment we are in, we should abide by the relevant laws and regulations, and there should be no violations of laws and regulations.

For similar extramarital affair incidents, we should also have a certain tolerance and understanding, after all, there are all kinds of complicated situations in everyone's love life, but no matter what the situation, we should know how to protect our legitimate rights and interests, and also have the courage to face all challenges and difficulties.

It is hoped that such an event can also give the public some inspiration, so that everyone pays more attention to their own behavior, whether it is ordinary people or public officials, they should conform to the relevant professional ethics and social ethics, so as to be able to gain the respect and recognition of others, and also make their own contributions to the development and progress of society.

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