
The man rode home drunk and fell to his death on the side of the road after eating, and his family sued the banquet setter and the person who ate at the same table

author:Mei'er sees the world

Tragedy after the feast! The drunk man fell to his death while riding a bicycle, and his family sued the banquet setter and the person who ate at the same table

What was supposed to be a joyous dinner became the beginning of a tragedy. A few days ago, a man unfortunately fell to his death on the way back from a drunken bicycle after the banquet, and this sudden incident has aroused widespread social concern. Now, his family has filed a lawsuit alleging the negligence of the banqueters and the people who ate at the same table for the tragedy.

The man rode home drunk and fell to his death on the side of the road after eating, and his family sued the banquet setter and the person who ate at the same table

It is understood that on the night of the incident, the man and some friends attended a banquet together, and everyone laughed and laughed. However, as the banquet ended, the man was left alone and drunk on his motorcycle. Unexpectedly, on the road, he lost his balance and fell on the side of the road and died.

The man's family was deeply saddened and outraged by this, and they believed that the person who hosted the banquet and the person who ate at the same table should bear some responsibility. They said that the banquet organizers did not fulfill their due responsibilities when serving drinks, and the people at the same table did not prevent the man from driving while drunk, which directly led to the tragedy.

The man rode home drunk and fell to his death on the side of the road after eating, and his family sued the banquet setter and the person who ate at the same table

Whether it is the person hosting the banquet or the people at the same table, everyone should be highly vigilant about safety during the banquet. Drunk driving is not only an illegal act, but also an irresponsible behavior for the safety of one's own life and the safety of others.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, we can't help but reflect on the fact that the excitement and festivities at the banquet cannot overshadow the neglect of safety. The organizer shall earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the organizer, reasonably control the supply of alcohol, and remind the guests not to drink and drive. At the same time, the people who eat at the same table should also actively take on the responsibility of dissuasion and supervision to ensure everyone's safety.

The man rode home drunk and fell to his death on the side of the road after eating, and his family sued the banquet setter and the person who ate at the same table

From this incident, we see the importance of banquet safety awareness. In all aspects, we should strengthen our attention and prevention of security issues, not only at banquets, but also in all aspects of life.

The cultivation of social morality is also crucial. As a banquet attendee, everyone is responsible for their own safety and that of others. As the old saying goes: "If the driving is not standardized, the relatives will cry." Everyone should always keep the meaning of this sentence in mind and integrate safety awareness into their own lives.

We were deeply shocked by the tragedy that followed this feast, and for the families, their loss was irreparable. We hope that through such an event, the general public can pay attention to safety awareness and social morality, and jointly create a safe and harmonious society.