
The mainland fired the first shot of countermeasures, announcing that some routes would face Taiwan Island, why is the island so afraid?

author:Li Xingchenyi

A new chapter in civil aviation: route adjustment and changes in cross-strait relations

Introduction: The Dawn of Dawn

When the dawn of a new day breaks through the sky, the mainland's civil aviation industry also ushered in a historical moment. An announcement from the Civil Aviation Administration of China is like a spring breeze blowing waves on both sides of the strait, stirring up thousands of waves. The decision to cancel the "flight offset" measure of the route numbered M503 and launch the new W122 and W123 routes is a reasonable optimization of civil aviation routes and a strong impetus to the development of cross-strait relations. However, the pace of progress has been met with incomprehension and obstruction from the other side.

The change of course: shorten the distance, close the heart

The mainland fired the first shot of countermeasures, announcing that some routes would face Taiwan Island, why is the island so afraid?

In the past years, the M503 route has been like a winding snake, flying from north to south, increasing the flight distance and increasing the cost of cross-strait communication. Now, with the launch of the W122 and W123 routes, the situation will change completely. The new route will cross directly from west to east, greatly reducing the flight distance, saving time and costs. The changes have ushered in new development opportunities for the civil aviation industry, and also provided a convenient way for people on both sides of the strait to communicate.

However, in the midst of peace and expectations, the local authorities on the other side of the strait seemed to have been touched by a sensitive nerve and expressed strong dissatisfaction and opposition to this. He claimed that the route adjustment would "cause potential flight safety problems", and even regarded the move as a denial of Taiwan's "restricted navigation zone". This kind of reaction can't help but make people sigh, why does a simple route adjustment cause such a big wave?

: Concerns and uneasiness of local authorities in Taiwan

The mainland fired the first shot of countermeasures, announcing that some routes would face Taiwan Island, why is the island so afraid?

The concerns of Taiwan's local authorities are not unfounded. There are deep-seated reasons behind the strong opposition to this. First of all, from an economic point of view, the opening of the new air route will bring the two sides of the strait closer to economic and trade exchanges, which will undoubtedly intensify the dependence of Taiwan's local economy on foreign countries. This is undoubtedly a threat to the local authorities in Taiwan, which have always sought "independence." Secondly, from a point of view, the opening of the new route also means the further integration of cross-strait relations. This is undoubtedly a blow to Taiwan's local authorities, who have been trying to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan."

However, these worries and uneasiness are based on a misconception. It is believed that the "middle line" is the boundary between Taiwan Island and the mainland, and it is an insurmountable chasm. In reality, however, the "median line" is a geographical concept, not a legal boundary. It is an unchangeable fact that both sides of the strait belong to one China. Therefore, the adjustment of civil aviation routes is entirely based on the consideration of actual needs and economic interests, and has nothing to do with the so-called "middle line".

The Collision of Law and Reality: The Absurd Logic of Taiwan's Local Authorities

The mainland fired the first shot of countermeasures, announcing that some routes would face Taiwan Island, why is the island so afraid?

Another important reason why the local authorities in Taiwan have expressed strong opposition to this is that there is a deviation in their understanding of legal principles and reality. It is believed that the opening of the new route will make it possible for civil airliners to cross the so-called "middle line", thus "causing potential flight safety problems". This logic is undoubtedly absurd.

First of all, from a legal point of view, Taiwan is a provincial-level administrative region on the mainland, and its status is no different from that of the provinces in the mainland. Therefore, the so-called "middle line" does not exist in legal theory. Secondly, from a practical point of view, civil airliners will be adjusted according to various factors such as weather and route during the flight. Even the occasional crossing of the so-called "middle line" does not have any impact on flight safety. Moreover, our army's powerful naval and air forces have long passed through the region many times, and the local authorities in Taiwan have long been "accustomed" to this.

The call of the motherland: an inevitable choice under the general trend of reunification

The mainland fired the first shot of countermeasures, announcing that some routes would face Taiwan Island, why is the island so afraid?

Under the call of the motherland, the development of cross-strait relations has become an inevitable choice of history. The adjustment of civil aviation routes is only a microcosm of the general trend. With the deepening of cross-strait exchanges, similar route adjustments will continue. This is the inevitability of history and the call of the times.

However, in the face of the general trend, Taiwan's local authorities are still obsessed with their fantasies of "independence." Attempts have been made to obstruct the development of cross-strait relations through various means, but this is doomed to be futile. This is because the fact that both sides of the strait belong to one China cannot be changed, and any attempt to change the facts will be futile.

Conclusion: Together through thick and thin, create together

The mainland fired the first shot of countermeasures, announcing that some routes would face Taiwan Island, why is the island so afraid?

On the journey of the new era, the development of cross-strait relations is facing new opportunities and challenges. The adjustment of civil aviation routes provides a new perspective and thinking. We will work hand in hand to create a better cross-strait relationship. Let those ridiculous remarks and fantasies go away with the wind, and let the people on both sides of the strait share a good life in prosperity.