
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky

author:Wanghu Ke (Xingyuan)

#天兵科技通报火箭坠落起火##头条创作挑战赛##官方回应火箭坠落起火: Unexpected liftoff#

Recently, the Long-3 liquid launch vehicle underwent a hot test run of the nine-machine parallel power system at the Henan Comprehensive Test Center. During the commissioning, the ignition of the first substage was normal, and the engine had a thrust of 820 tons. Due to the failure of the structure at the junction between the rocket and the test bench, the rocket unexpectedly lifted off and fell into the mountain, causing the mountain to catch fire.

It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky

Accidental liftoff? Is it an accident or not? Surprise or not? This kind of accident was really frightening. Taking a step back, what if this thing flies into a residential area? What if this thing blows up people? In case of....... I ask you, do you dare to imagine? I really hope that such accidents are still rare, or even non-existent. Rockets are different from others, whether they are carried out by the state or private enterprises, they are basically foolproof, because we cannot guarantee what danger this thing will bring once it goes to the sky.

It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky

Some people say, don't you allow people to fail in this kind of thing? No one can guarantee that they will not fail! It's not that it's not allowed, scientific experiments, flight work, it's impossible not to fail, but it's still necessary to make every effort to avoid it. Especially when everyone sees the words "accident and private enterprise", they are even more at a loss. Which comes first, accident or tomorrow, this is a word that everyone uses when they ridicule tomorrow, but now it is connected to the flying career, how can people not worry about it? The reason is under investigation, and I hope to find out as soon as possible and give you an explanation. If it's an accident, keep working hard to avoid it. If it is a human being, then please don't be polite, find out this kind of person clearly, and don't let him harm the flying career.

It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky

The supervision of private enterprises' flying business may have to be put on the agenda as soon as possible. Private enterprises are different from state-owned enterprises, in addition to providing certain services, making money is also their main consideration. Because if you want to make money, you must have profit margins, and with this space, then the technology will be discounted in the consideration and application of the cause, which is inevitable. Therefore, we hope to be cautious about handing over the Feitian business to private enterprises, and we must make repeated decisions. If it really can't be done by them, take back the permission to avoid accidents happening again.

It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky
It's no joke to play the piano to the sky

Now we can't afford to toss, because the stage and difficulty of development require us to make these considerations. In particular, we have been redefined by some countries in Europe and the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia, and we should pay more attention to not giving authority to others in major tasks. Whether this incident was accidental or man-made, it will become clear after the results of the investigation come out. Of course, we still hope that everything is good, and there is no artificial malice in it. But this also gives us a wake-up call, as soon as possible to integrate and rectify the flying business, to avoid accidents is the premise and foundation of all undertakings.