
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.

author:Look up under the stars
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.
Lixia drinks ginger jujube tea to drive away the cold of the year.

With the first morning light, the ruins of the Yanyu Building are bathed in a faint gold. Yun Feiyang, Wind Without a Trace, and Red Sleeves left the Smoke and Rain Tower, which had become a battlefield, and embarked on a journey to find the Golden Wind Valley. According to the clues left by Mo Wen, Golden Wind Valley may be the key to solving the mystery of the man in black.

The trio traveled along the winding mountain road, over the mountains, and finally reached the entrance to the Golden Wind Valley at sunset. There are two stone monuments standing at the mouth of the valley, which are engraved with the word "Golden Wind", and the pen is strong, showing the traces of time.

The scenery in the Golden Wind Valley is very different, the four seasons are like spring, there are countless strange flowers and plants in the valley, and the air is filled with a refreshing fragrance. But they know that behind this beauty there may be hidden dangers that no one knows.

They cautiously went deep into the valley, occasionally observing their surroundings with alertness. Suddenly, a figure leaped out of the bushes in front of him and landed on a small bridge. It was a middle-aged man, dressed in a plain gray robe, carrying a long sword, and his long hair was haphazardly tied behind his head. His eyes were sharp and deep, as if he could see everything.

This middle-aged man's name is Xiao Ling, and he is the guardian of Golden Wind Valley, and he is also a swordsman with superb swordsmanship. He looked at Yun Feiyang and the three of them, and there was a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

"We're here to find the secrets of Goldwind Valley." Yun Feiyang stopped and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Ling nodded slightly, her gaze swept over the three of them, "The secrets of Golden Wind Valley are not something that anyone can touch. But since you can come here, you naturally have your fate. Follow me. ”

After speaking, Xiao Ling turned around and left, and Yun Feiyang and his companions followed closely after glancing at each other.

Xiao Ling led them through a series of complex terrains, and finally came to an ancient cave. The entrance of the cave is engraved with the word "Sword Shrine", which gives people a heavy and ancient feeling.

"This is the core place of the Golden Wind Valley - the Sword Shrine." Xiao Ling's voice echoed in the cave, "It contains peerless swordsmanship that has been lost for many years on the rivers and lakes, but it is also full of various tests. ”

Cloud Flying, Wind Without a Trace, and Red Sleeves were all shocked when they heard this, and they realized that the next challenge would not be easy.

After entering the sword shrine, the four of them found that the layout inside was like a labyrinth, and it was full of traps. Yun Fei Yang and Feng Wuxian showed excellent wisdom and skill, and helped the team avoid danger many times. Red Sleeves, on the other hand, uses her keen instincts to point the right way forward.

As they delve deeper into the sword shrine, they encounter a variety of tests, including solving complex martial arts puzzles and passing the mechanisms that test their martial arts. Eventually, they found an ancient book in a closed hall that recorded a mastery called the "Liuyun Yifeng Sword".

Seeing this, Xiao Ling pondered for a moment and said, "This swordsmanship pays attention to overcoming rigidity with softness and braking with quietness, which may help you deal with the man in black." ”

After Yun Feiyang and the others learned this swordsmanship, they found that their swordsmanship level had improved significantly. At this moment, Xiao Ling told them with a solemn expression: "The man in black is an envoy from the 'Netherworld Sect', and their purpose is to disrupt the order of the rivers and lakes and then control the martial arts. ”

After learning the truth, Cloud Flying, Wind Traceless, and Red Sleeves realize that their responsibilities are heavier. They thanked Xiao Ling for his help and decided to leave the Golden Wind Valley and go to the Netherworld Sect to find out.

Xiao Ling gave each of them a special scabbard before they left to protect their newly learned swordsmanship from outside interference.

After bidding farewell to Xiao Ling, the three of them embarked on the journey to the Netherworld Sect. They knew in their hearts that the next battle would be the hardest of their lives. But for the sake of peace and justice, they have no room to retreat.