
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?

author:Look up under the stars
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?
9 good habits for men to get healthier and healthier, have you done it all?

As the vigilance of Phantom Mountain Villa was upgraded, Feng Qingyang, the woman in white, and Biluo were also busy. During the day, they train with the masters of the mountain villa to improve their combat power; At night, lurk in the shadows, probing the movements of the men in black.

Late one night, Feng Qingyang sneaked into the dense forest on the west side of Phantom Mountain Villa, where the man in black was last seen. He shuttled between the trees like a ghost, barely making a sound.

Suddenly, a faint sound of conversation reached his ears. Feng Qingyang hurriedly hid his figure, holding his breath and listening. I saw two men in black talking in the shade of a hidden tree.

"Big brother, can we really make it? Phantom Heights' defenses are getting tighter and tighter. One of them said worriedly.

The other snorted coldly: "Don't worry, everything has been arranged above." All we have to do is wait patiently for the right moment to storm the lodge and seize the treasure. ”

Feng Qingyang's heart moved, it turned out that the purpose of this group of black-clothed people was really a treasure in the Phantom Mountain Villa. He secretly wrote down the characteristics and words of the two of them, and prepared to return to the villa to inform the people.

At this moment, there was a strange noise, and Feng Qingyang turned back sharply, only to see a sharp sword silently stabbing him in the back. He dodged the blow narrowly and narrowly.

A masked man in black appeared in front of him, his eyes flashing with a grim light. "Dare to eavesdrop on our secrets and seek death!" The masked man in black screamed, and the long sword in his hand struck the wind like a torrential rain.

Feng Qingyang didn't dare to be careless, he pulled out the long sword at his waist and launched a fierce duel with the masked man in black. The two of them have superb swordsmanship and deadly moves, and it is difficult to distinguish between them for a while.

Just at the moment of the stalemate, Feng Qingyang suddenly used an ingenious sword move, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the masked black-clothed man, and stabbed the opponent in the shoulder with a sword. The masked man in black screamed and was defeated.

Feng Qingyang did not pursue, he knew that this person was only a small role, and the real enemy was still hidden behind the scenes. He quickly returned to the villa and told the woman in white and Biluo about the night investigation.

After the three of them deliberated, they decided to strengthen the Villa's defenses and send more spies to find out the news of the Men in Black. At the same time, they also began to investigate the possible existence of moles within the villa.

As the days passed, the man in black seemed to feel the pressure of the villa and did not attack easily. But the tension grows, and everyone knows that it's just the calm before the storm.

Finally, on a thunderstormy night, the man in black launched another fierce attack. Under the cover of thunder and rain, they quietly approached the villa.

The alarm of the villa sounded immediately, and everyone quickly entered the battle mode. Feng Qingyang, the woman in white, and Biluo also held weapons and rushed to the battlefield.

The battle was fierce, and the men in black seemed to be pouring out, their martial arts stronger than before, and their methods were cruel. Although the disciples of Phantom Mountain Villa resisted heroically, they gradually fell into a disadvantage.

During an encounter, Feng Qingyang was accidentally hit by a hidden weapon of a man in black and fell in a pool of blood. Seeing this, the woman in white and Biluo were furious, and they rushed at the enemy desperately, vowing to avenge Feng Qingyang.

At this moment, an earth-shattering sword aura came from a distance, cutting the team of the man in black in two. A mysterious swordsman appears on the battlefield, holding a long sword, his body is elegant, and his swordsmanship is even more exquisite.

The appearance of a mysterious swordsman immediately turned the tide of battle. He fought alongside the woman in white and Biluo, gradually repelling the attack of the man in black. Eventually, at dawn, the men in black collapsed and fled the battlefield.