
Laughing numb! On June 30, the traffic jam occurred on the day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and the on-site video directly hit the traffic jam scene

author:Xiao Wei said entertainment

On the day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, there was a serious traffic jam, reflecting on people's pursuit of new things

Laughing numb! On June 30, the traffic jam occurred on the day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and the on-site video directly hit the traffic jam scene


Recently, a new traffic artery called the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened, which connects Shenzhen and Zhongshan, greatly facilitating the transportation between the two places. Originally, this should be a happy and good thing, but on the day the passage opened, there was an unexpected thing - a serious traffic jam.

Laughing numb! On June 30, the traffic jam occurred on the day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and the on-site video directly hit the traffic jam scene

1. There was a serious traffic jam on the opening day of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor

On June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened, and the new passage connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan can be said to be "hard-won", and its construction lasted for seven years. The construction of the passage uses many high-tech means, including not only large bridges, but also many tunnels, and also sets a number of world records in the construction process, which can be said to be a highly technical project.

Because the opening of the channel can greatly facilitate the transportation between the two places, so on the day of the official opening of the channel, many citizens have gone to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel, not only to "check in", but also many people want to witness the opening of the channel. On this day, there was a serious traffic jam near the Shenzhong Passage, which would have taken only 30 minutes by car, but because of the traffic jam, it took a full 2 hours to complete, and there were some sections of the road that even took 3 hours to pass.

Laughing numb! On June 30, the traffic jam occurred on the day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and the on-site video directly hit the traffic jam scene

Second, people's pursuit of new things leads to traffic congestion

In the face of the serious traffic jam on the opening day of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, many people are very puzzled, why is it a good thing, but such a situation occurs? The traffic congestion on the opening day of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor reflects a problem behind people's curiosity and pursuit of new things.

In today's society, no matter what new things are, as long as they appear, they will often be sought after by many people, who not only want to "check in" for the first time, but also hope to be able to witness the emergence of new things, which is why there will be traffic congestion on the opening day of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel. Similar situations are not uncommon, for example, in some cities, the initial opening of new subways will also be due to the influx of too many people, resulting in transportation disruptions.

Laughing numb! On June 30, the traffic jam occurred on the day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and the on-site video directly hit the traffic jam scene

3. Reflect on people's pursuit of new things

The traffic congestion that occurred on the opening day of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor actually reminded us of how we should look at and treat new things in the face of new things. For such traffic congestion problems, we should not simply blame the traffic management department, but should look at the root cause to find a solution.

For everyone's pursuit of new things, we should also have a clear understanding of when it is appropriate to "check in" and when we should stay away from the crowd, so that we can better protect new things and better protect ourselves. For the traffic management department, they should also pay attention to the early stage of the opening of new things, to have better traffic diversion and management measures, to avoid traffic problems caused by large-scale influx.

Laughing numb! On June 30, the traffic jam occurred on the day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and the on-site video directly hit the traffic jam scene


The traffic congestion on the opening day of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage actually sounded the alarm bell for us, making us more aware that people's pursuit of new things may have a certain impact on the surrounding environment and others, so we must learn how to protect and treat it rationally while enjoying the happiness brought by new things. I hope that in the future, no matter what new things appear, they can bring convenience and happiness to everyone, and can also get everyone's understanding and support.

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