
Three in one! Ranking of Chinese universities by major in artificial intelligence: 2nd in Nanjing University and 6th in Zhejiang University!

author:Zhihu Zhou Rui talks about university

Source: Top University is coming and other network news

Three in one! Ranking of Chinese universities by major in artificial intelligence: 2nd in Nanjing University and 6th in Zhejiang University!

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With the advent of the season of the college entrance examination, countless candidates are focusing on the upcoming voluntary filling. At this critical juncture, choosing a suitable major is not only related to your future study career, but also affects the direction of your life's development. Among the many popular majors, artificial intelligence is undoubtedly a star major that has attracted much attention in recent years.

From the stunning debut of the ChatGPT model to the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies such as Sora, the heat wave of artificial intelligence has swept the world. As a leader in the field of artificial intelligence, Nvidia's market value once reached 3.4 trillion, ranking first in the world and becoming one of the most eye-catching high-tech companies in the world. These phenomena fully illustrate the important position and development potential of artificial intelligence in today's society.

In China, artificial intelligence majors have also received more and more attention from candidates. In order to help candidates and parents better understand the strength of artificial intelligence majors in domestic universities, this paper summarizes three well-known university rankings in 2024 (namely the 2024 Artificial Intelligence Ranking of Chinese University Majors, the ABC Ranking of Chinese University Ratings for Undergraduate Majors 2024, and the Alumni Association 2024 Ranking of Chinese Universities for Artificial Intelligence Majors (Research)), and conducts a comprehensive ranking.

Three in one! Ranking of Chinese universities by major in artificial intelligence: 2nd in Nanjing University and 6th in Zhejiang University!

After careful comparison and calculation, the following comprehensive ranking results were obtained. Tsinghua University topped the list with its strong faculty and excellent research results. Nanjing University followed closely behind, demonstrating its strong strength in the field of artificial intelligence. Xidian University and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, as leaders in the field of information technology, also performed well in the artificial intelligence rankings, ranking third and fifth, respectively. Shanghai Jiao Tong University is in fourth place by a narrow margin, but its research and application achievements in the field of artificial intelligence are still impressive.

In addition to the top 10, universities such as Zhejiang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Southeast University, University of Science and Technology of China, and Harbin Institute of Technology also rank high in the AI rankings. These universities have deep accumulation and strength in the research and application of artificial intelligence, providing candidates with a high-quality learning and development platform.

Surprisingly, however, Peking University is only ranked 19th in the overall ranking. This is mainly due to the fact that Peking University is not included in the top 37 in the alumni association rankings. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the contribution and strength of Peking University in the field of artificial intelligence. Assuming that the alumni association re-ranks and puts Peking University in the top three, its overall ranking will also be after Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Three in one! Ranking of Chinese universities by major in artificial intelligence: 2nd in Nanjing University and 6th in Zhejiang University!

Judging from the comprehensive ranking of these three lists, although there are certain subjectivity and limitations, they can generally reflect the strength and level of artificial intelligence majors in domestic universities. This also provides an important reference for candidates and parents when filling in the volunteers.

Of course, when choosing a major, in addition to considering the strength and ranking of the major, you also need to consider it comprehensively in combination with your own interests and strengths. Although the AI major has a bright future, it also requires a solid foundation in mathematics, programming, and algorithms. Therefore, when choosing an AI major, candidates need to carefully evaluate their interests and abilities to ensure that they can achieve better development and achievements in this field.

In addition, we need to recognize that the development of the AI profession is a long-term process. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, the artificial intelligence major will also face more challenges and opportunities. Therefore, we need to maintain an attitude of continuous learning and exploration, and constantly improve our professional quality and ability level to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Filling in the college entrance examination is an important decision-making process. Choosing a suitable major is not only related to future study and career development, but also affects the direction of the whole life. Hopefully, this article can provide some valuable reference and help for candidates and parents when choosing an AI major.

Three in one! Ranking of Chinese universities by major in artificial intelligence: 2nd in Nanjing University and 6th in Zhejiang University!

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