
Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

author:Coffee History C

A poor peasant who had been enslaved, through his unremitting efforts, finally joined the Communist Party and became the deputy commander of the New Fourth Army, dedicating his precious life to the birth of New China. He is Luo Binghui, a native of Yunnan.

Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

Luo Binghui's life can be described as bumpy. Since childhood, he has been deeply exploited and bullied, and has experienced first-hand the darkness and injustice of society. In order to change this situation, he resolutely joined the revolutionary ranks, fought bloody battles in the rain of bullets, and made unremitting efforts for the liberation of the people. In the end, in a battle in 1946, Luo Binghui died heroically due to a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 49. His son Luo Xin'an was only two years old at the time, and since then he has lost his father's love, and once resented his father when he grew up. But as he grew older, Luo Xinan gradually realized the great significance of his father's revolutionary cause, let go of his resentment, and inherited his father's spirit of patriotism and dedication.

Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

Born in 1897, Luo Binghui was deeply exploited and oppressed by feudal society since he was a child. His hometown of Yunnan is remote, the society is dark and outdated, and the status of the peasants is extremely humble. Luo Binghui's family used to be slaves of a landlord and suffered all kinds of bullying and abuse. Once, when a companion angered the landlord and was severely injured, Luo Binghui at that time saw it in his eyes and felt extremely indignant at this cruel and heinous behavior. This incident deeply stimulated him to realize that the poor were destined to suffer poverty and oppression in the old society, and that only by overthrowing this rotten system could the people be truly liberated.

In 1912, the Qing Dynasty fell, but the ensuing warlord war made life even more precarious. As a last resort, Luo Binghui joined the Yunnan warlord Tang Jiyao. After several years of campaigning, he discovered that the new warlords were no different from the old regime, equally corrupt and degenerate, and had no regard for the lives of their soldiers. Lo Binghui was extremely disappointed by this, and he longed for a new force to completely change the fate of the country.

Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

In 1927, Luo Binghui met Zhu De and joined the Communist Party. From then on, under the leadership of the party, he threw himself into the magnificent torrent of revolution. In a series of difficult and tortuous struggles against "encirclement and suppression" and the Long March in the Soviet area, Luo Binghui turned the tide on many occasions and made outstanding military achievements. During the War of Liberation, he served as the deputy commander of the New Fourth Army and made outstanding contributions to the final victory with his outstanding military command skills. It can be said that it was precisely with an indomitable revolutionary pioneer like Luo Binghui that the birth of New China was exchanged.

However, the road to revolution is long, and the price Luo Binghui paid for it is also heavy. In the Battle of Zaozhuang, he suffered from high blood pressure and dragged his sick body to personally command the battle and bravely sacrificed himself. Half a month after the war, Luo Binghui fell unconscious during a meal, and died shortly after rescue efforts failed, at the age of 49. Due to the severe post-war situation, his body could not be properly placed for a long time, and was even humiliated by the Kuomintang warlords. However, Luo Binghui made tremendous sacrifices for the revolutionary cause, and his great achievements and lofty spirit will forever be engraved in the memory of the people.

Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

Luo Binghui's untimely death left the whole family heartbroken. His wife, Zhang Mingxiu, was overwhelmed with grief and cried for three days and three nights after her husband's body was humiliated. And Luo Xin'an, the only son who was only two years old at the time, didn't know anything about the meaning of death, and innocently asked when his father would come back.

Chen Yi, an old comrade-in-arms, looked at Luo Xin'an, who almost had nothing to do with his father, and said earnestly: "Your father has fought all his life for the country and the people, as long as you pass on your father's will, your future will be extremely bright." Although these words were a bit profound for Luo Xin'an, who was still young, they also made him realize for the first time that his father might never come back.

In the following decades, Luo Xin'an's growth path was bumpy and tortuous, and he once resented his father's career. In order to make up for the lack of father's love, his mother Zhang Mingxiu was extremely strict in education and discipline, which made Luo Xin'an, who was already lonely and introverted, even more inferior and withdrawn, and his study and life fell into decadence for a while. Fortunately, he later met a mentor, and under the guidance of the teacher, he finally got back on the right track.

Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

But even so, the resentment towards his father Luo Binghui has not been eliminated. Luo Xin'an believes that his father put all his thoughts on the revolutionary cause and ignored the importance of the family, resulting in the lack of due fatherly love in his childhood. It was not until later through his own life experience that Luo Xinan slowly realized his father's noble sentiments and great contributions.

Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

Especially after becoming a father, Luo Xinan realized more that it is not easy to be a father. His son Luo Cheng has been very rebellious since he was a child, which broke his heart. Luo Xinan spared no effort to educate his son, and even took him abroad for medical treatment and medicine, but finally broke up the relationship between husband and wife due to personality estrangement. It was through this tortuous experience that he truly understood his father's difficult choice of having to stay away from his family for the revolutionary cause.

Once, Luo Xinan said to a friend: "When I was a child, I always accused my father of neglecting the family, and now I think about it, how difficult it was for him to make such a sacrifice!" You must know that he was born as a slave and suffered the devastation of the old society, so he was even more hungry for overthrowing the exploitation system and establishing a new China. It is precisely because of his flesh and blood paving the way for thousands of revolutionary martyrs that our generation can live a happy and healthy life. "

Luo Binghui died in 1946, and his son Luo Xinan was haunted by his father's death, and let go of his resentment at the age of 75

From resentment to understanding, and then to sincere admiration, Luo Xinan used his life to interpret the inheritance and development of Luo Binghui's spirit. Although there were many detours in the middle, he finally came out of the haze and became a patriot with enthusiasm for the country and the people. Just as the revolutionaries of the older generation expected, the pioneering spirit of the revolutionary predecessors will be passed down from generation to generation and become an inexhaustible source of motivation for the sons and daughters of China to forge ahead courageously. #头条首发大赛#