
The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

author:Juichi Senda

Recently, I learned a new word on the Internet: human flesh opens the box, and my back chills after reading it.

What is human flesh unboxing?

It's actually like doxing.

It's just that the human flesh search is offline, and the human flesh is online when the box is opened.

In the Internet era, everyone has their own social accounts, but these accounts have no privacy in front of certain groups of people.

It's like a box that can be opened at any time.

After being unboxed, your name, mobile phone number, ID number, home address, work location, family and friends, social contacts, life photos and other private information will all be exposed.

It was even made into a big-character poster to incite netizens to attack and abuse.

And you don't even know the other person's last name.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

Two days ago, CCTV News exposed a "human flesh unboxing" incident.

Game blogger Xiao Li (pseudonym) often posts videos online to share his gaming experience.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

One day, he suddenly received a picture from a strange netizen.

The images include his photo and home address, and his mobile phone number is also posted online as an "education hotline."

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

After that day, Xiao Li was bombarded with text messages and phone calls like never before.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

Life was seriously affected, and Xiao Li could only change his number, but the harassment did not stop.

Someone posted a lot of insulting videos on the online platform where he often activities.

Xiao Li never showed his face in the video, and he never revealed his privacy online.

He couldn't figure it out, what kind of hatred did the person who opened the box have with him?

Later, after investigation, it was found that there was an argument with a player while playing the game, and there were a few verbal altercations.

It's just such a thing, it's worth taking revenge on him like this?

For the person on the other end of the cable, it's worth it.

They enjoy the thrill of opening the box and the feeling of being in control of the fate of others.

They cruelly put their own pleasure above the pain of others.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me
The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

"I've been watching you, and you've looked back empty."

The female anchor Xiao Zhang (pseudonym) never showed her face during the live broadcast, and she never disclosed her personal information.

But for a while, her ID card photo, mobile phone number, home address, and social security records were all made public in a "human flesh unboxing" group.

Even the opening information of colleagues is nakedly listed in a table for people to watch on the Internet.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

However, this is just the beginning.

Subsequently, Xiao Zhang would receive some strange calls from time to time.

At first, Xiao Zhang thought it was a courier or takeaway call, but after connecting, the other party didn't say a word and hung up the phone after a few seconds.

Sometimes, the phone call will come in the middle of the night, and after the other party is connected, there will be a faint sound of breathing and intermittent electric current, which is extremely infiltration.

In the back, there were fewer calls, but the horror escalated.

Zhang received an email full of horror:

"Been watching... I can't do anything, I'm just looking at you..."

In addition to this text, it is also accompanied by 8 pairs of eye expressions.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

Where you don't know, there is someone who spies on everything about you every day, and they keep a full view of your every move on the web.

Every now and then, I'll call you...

The silent threat makes people's scalps tingle even more.

Xiao Zhang thought that he had offended someone, and his next life became cautious, lest a catastrophe would come one day.

But what she couldn't imagine was that she was "unboxed" by human flesh, in fact, there was no reason.

Swipe your ID, feel uncomfortable, open you;

Your avatar doesn't meet my aesthetics, open you;

You actually eat coriander, open you...

There are even those who are full and have nothing to do, randomly pick a "lucky person" in the group and open a box for recreation.

There is an open-box gang that threatens: dozens of yuan, where the three generations of ancestors are buried and where they are buried, can be found out for you.

"There's no reason to just have some fun."

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me
The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

The host Yang Di once posted that he was "unboxed".

I can receive all kinds of harassing calls every day, and I have changed my mobile phone number in desperation.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

Do you think you can sit back and relax after changing your mobile phone number?

They still won't stop.

Watching the tall man being trampled under his feet by himself, the rat in the gutter experienced pleasure.

Whoever is unhappy, they will drive whomever they want.

On the Qingming Festival, they ran downstairs to your house to burn paper and splash red paint.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

Put your photo P on a wreath and hang it in the online mourning hall.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

What's more, there is no bottom line, and they will take the opportunity to blackmail.

Ask for money, and even offline body transactions.

What, you don't agree?

Then make your browsing history on the small website, as well as all kinds of black material that can't be on the table, and send it to your WeChat list in groups.

Let you die, so that you can't hold your head up in front of your relatives and friends.

Just thinking about it, it's scary.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

There are also some risk events about mobile phone numbers that many people don't know.

Xiao Zhang in Hubei accidentally lost his mobile phone on the way to work, and because he was about to be late, he didn't deal with the matter.

When he got off work and went to replace his card and bought a new phone, he was dumbfounded.

All his social accounts have been washed, and those who can log in with Alipay and bank cards have been logged in.

Even WeChat friends were sent to borrow money in groups.

At this time, he understood that in this era, with a mobile phone verification code, there is everything...

Xiao Zheng in Hubei changed his mobile phone number and sold the old number.

As a result, a month later, his friends received text messages one after another, all in his name, saying that they were short of money and wanted to borrow money.

In fact, he had never sent such a message to his friends at all.

He went to consult the platform that bought his mobile phone number, and the other party said that the number was resold.

But he couldn't figure out how the next family who bought his mobile phone number knew his address book information...

There is also a netizen in Beijing, who changed his mobile phone number and took a taxi for the first time, but opened the app and displayed:

"You have an unpaid order of $230."

The order location shows Shanghai.

But he had never been to Shanghai.

It turned out that this order was from the original owner...

In a word, in this information age, mobile phone numbers are like our safe keys, and they should not be easily discarded unless they have to.

Changing numbers is risky, so be cautious.

Otherwise, there are endless consequences.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

In 2018, an artist named Deng Yufeng in Hubei Province did an exhibition called "Privacy".

The content of the exhibition has refreshed the three views of countless people:

"The private information of 346,000 Wuhan people, including names, mobile phone numbers, home addresses, ID numbers, bank card numbers, online shopping records, car owner details, company names, and even legal persons, etc."

What's even more explosive is that it only takes 5,000 yuan to buy this information.

A few years ago, a reporter also did a "human flesh unboxing" investigation.

He only spent 700 yuan and bought all the information of his colleagues.

Even where the colleague is at this moment, there is a position.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

There are also bloggers who tested the "human flesh unboxing query source" on the Internet.

Enter the mobile phone number, and more than 20 express delivery addresses will pop up...

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

To unpack human flesh is to let personal privacy be displayed in front of the public in a straightforward way.

A group of inexplicable people are judging your photos, ridiculing and belittling your black history.

Just thinking about it, I shudder.

The details of the "human flesh unboxing" incident on the hot search flowed out: I never thought that the danger was so close to me

To put it bluntly, you and I living in the Internet age are like running naked.

Your inadvertent actions may expose your personal privacy to the public.

For example, connecting to public WiFi outside, posting a photo on social media, throwing away a parcel package...

For example, if you buy a car in the morning, someone will ask you if you want to buy insurance in the afternoon, you will buy a house in the morning, and someone will ask you if you want to decorate in the afternoon...

Information that we thought was inconsequential, in the eyes of those who care, is a repository of information and a cornucopia.

As long as there are interests, there will always be unscrupulous people.

Even more infuriating is the fact that the cost of illegal information gathering is low.

Some manipulators are even minors, and even if the police incident is revealed, you can't do anything about him.

Living in the age of the Internet, the only thing we can do is to try to keep our personal information as little as possible.

1. Don't register an account at will.

Especially small websites and small programs that you have not heard of, you must be wary of registration.

2. When changing the mobile phone number, you must pay attention to unbinding, and when you lose your mobile phone, you must freeze the replacement card in time.

Otherwise, you may be like those netizens above, your personal information will be stolen and someone will be defrauded of money by impersonating your identity.

3. Be cautious about sharing personal information.

Try to avoid the disclosure of sensitive information on social platforms, especially location, photos, etc.

4. Participate less in online battles.

Try to be sane on the Internet and look at everything you come into contact with with a normal mind.

Once you meet someone who is paranoid, the cost can be unimaginably severe.

Under the leakage of information, you and I are lambs to the slaughter.

I hope that everyone can protect themselves when surfing the Internet, and I hope that the relevant departments will issue stricter laws as soon as possible, and also have a clear space on the Internet!