
Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

author:Graceful Artist L
Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

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Can the Huawei P70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition save the "face" of the standard version?

The last week of June,The digital circle because of HuaweiP70The sudden sale of the Beidou satellite news version set off a wave,This was only in the maintenance product directory in a low-key appearance"Mysterious guest",Finally unveiled,Presented in front of everyone with a new attitude,256GB、512GB and 1TBThe three versions,The prices are 5599 yuan、6099 yuan and 7099 yuan,Compared with the standard version, it is only 100 yuan more expensive,But it makes up for the regret that the standard version does not support Beidou satellite messages, This wave of operations is really confusing

Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

Looking back on the release of HuaweiP70 series, in addition to the standard version, P, P and U are all equipped with satellite messaging functions as standard, but the standard version is absent, which makes many consumers confused, is it to guide everyone to buy a higher version in this way? Now it seems that Huawei is trying to salvage the situation by launching the Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition, after all, it has a similar price to the M 60 series, but has more complete features, which is undoubtedly a very attractive option for those wavering consumers

Is the 100 yuan "value-added" Beidou satellite message really worth the money?

100 yuan difference,You can get the Beidou satellite message function,This does sound very tempting,In real life,Is the frequency of use of this function really that high? In contrast, the infrared function seems to be closer to daily life, after all, there are far more scenarios of remote control of home appliances with mobile phones than scenes of needing satellite distress in the field

Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

We can't deny the importance of Beidou satellite messages at critical moments, especially in some remote areas, when there is no mobile phone signal, it can even become a lifesaver, but for most users who live in cities and have good signal coverage, the frequency of use of this function may not be as high as imagined, therefore, for consumers, whether they need to pay for the 100 yuan "added value", it also needs to be weighed according to their own needs and use scenarios

Can Huawei P70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition continue to be brilliant?

In addition to the much-talked-about Beidou satellite message function,HuaweiP70Beidou satellite message version in other aspects of the configuration is also quite eye-catching,The new Kirin 9010E processor,With6.6Inch straight screen straight edge design,And the blessing of the second-generation Kunlun glass,All make this mobile phone full of sense of technology and texture

Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

In terms of image,500000000000 pixel super concentrated main camera also brings users a better shooting experience,4900A battery capacity,support66W wired fast charging、50W wireless fast charging,and7.5W wireless reverse charging,It provides users with a full range of battery life guarantee,It can be said,Whether it is performance、screen、Image or battery life,HuaweiP70Beidou satellite message version has shown strong product strength

The indispensable function of fish and bear's paw has become the biggest regret?

Although HuaweiP70Beidou Satellite Message Edition is remarkable in configuration,But it is not flawless,It does not support starlight and infrared function,This is a small pity for some users,Especially the lack of infrared function,It makes many netizens say"I don't understand"

Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

After all, compared with Beidou satellite messages, the infrared function is more practical in daily life, and Huawei's own star flash technology, because it is not installed on this new machine, has caused all kinds of speculation from the outside world, perhaps, in Huawei's product planning, the target user group of this mobile phone is not those who pursue the ultimate function, but users who pay more attention to practicality and cost performance

Which model will Huawei's "Yangmou" consumers pay for?

From the overall layout of HuaweiP70 series,Standard version、P version、P version、U version and the new Beidou satellite message version,Each model has its distinct positioning and target user group,The standard version focuses on cost performance,P version focuses on balanced performance,P version pursues the ultimate image,U version represents the pinnacle of science and technology,The emergence of the Beidou satellite message version,It fills the gap that the standard version does not support satellite messages,Provide consumers with more diversified choices

Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

For Huawei, this is undoubtedly a well-planned "Yang Scheme", by subdividing the product line to meet the needs of different user groups, and finally achieve a double harvest of sales and word of mouth, so, in the face of a dazzling array of models, which one will consumers pay for in the end? Perhaps, the answer to this question is only time to give the final answer

Back to basics, user experience is king

Whether it is Beidou satellite message, infrared function or star flash technology, it is only a part of the function of the mobile phone, and what really determines the user experience is the overall performance of the mobile phone and the smoothness of daily use, after all, for most users, the mobile phone is just a tool for communication, entertainment, and recording life

Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

Therefore, when choosing a mobile phone, we should be more rational, not blindly pursue those seemingly "high" features, but according to our actual needs and budget, choose the most suitable one for ourselves, after all, what suits you is the best

What are your options?

Faced with multiple models of the Huawei P70 series, which one will you choose? Is it a cost-effective standard version, or a more versatile P version? Or will you be attracted to the Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition and pay for this feature? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and reasons for choosing

Just now! Huawei suddenly officially announced that on June 29, the new machine will officially go on sale!

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