
Russia seeks a breakthrough and shares Indian military bases, who should stand on the Sino-Indian border issue?

author:Graceful Artist L
Russia seeks a breakthrough and shares Indian military bases, who should stand on the Sino-Indian border issue?

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Russia's diplomatic chess game and India's strategic choice under the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it has gone far beyond the scope of regional conflicts, and has evolved into a game between Russia and the NATO bloc led by the United States

Russia seeks a breakthrough and shares Indian military bases, who should stand on the Sino-Indian border issue?

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited North Korea and Vietnam, both of which are long-term partners of Russia, especially in the military field has a deep foundation of cooperation, the visit was also interpreted by the outside world as Russia's attempt to consolidate traditional friendly relations, seeking more support, there is news that North Korea may send "volunteers" to Russia to participate in military operations in eastern Ukraine, which will undoubtedly exacerbate the complexity of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Russia-India Military Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges

In addition to strengthening cooperation with traditional allies, Russia has also set its sights on India, according to reports, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is about to visit Russia, and the two sides are expected to reach a series of important cooperation agreements in the field of defense, although India has increased its purchase of weapons and equipment from the United States in recent years, Russia is still India's largest arms supplier, and the two countries have a long history of military-technical cooperation

Russia seeks a breakthrough and shares Indian military bases, who should stand on the Sino-Indian border issue?

It is reported that Russia and India plan to share some ports and air bases, which will help Russia expand its military presence in the Indo-Pacific region and pose a challenge to the hegemony of the United States in the region

India's "balanced diplomacy" and the Sino-Indian border issue

India has long pursued a policy of "balanced diplomacy" and has tried to safeguard its own interests to the greatest extent possible, and India has been in constant friction with China in the border areas in recent years, and a large number of advanced weapons and equipment purchased from Russia have also been deployed near the Sino-Indian border, posing a potential threat to China

Russia seeks a breakthrough and shares Indian military bases, who should stand on the Sino-Indian border issue?

For example, India has deployed the S-400 long-range air defense missile system purchased from Russia in the Sino-Indian border area to counter the J-16 and other advanced fighters of the Chinese Air Force, and India has also purchased a series of advanced weapons and equipment from Russia, such as Su-30MKI fighters and T-90S main battle tanks, the existence of which has undoubtedly exacerbated the tension on the Sino-Indian border

Russia's position and potential risks

Although Russia's proximity to India may put China under greater pressure on the border issue, we must also note that Russia has always kept a clear head in handling its relations with China, that Russia is well aware of China's importance, and that Russia has always stood by China's side on issues involving China's core interests

Russia seeks a breakthrough and shares Indian military bases, who should stand on the Sino-Indian border issue?

Therefore, we have reason to believe that Russia will not harm China's interests in order to win over India, and we should also be wary of India using Russia to achieve its goals on the border issue, for example, India may deliberately create friction with China and try to involve Russia in it, so that China will not dare to act lightly

Be wary of India's "meat shield" strategy

It is worth noting that if India allows Russia to deploy military forces in its country, then in the event of a conflict in the Sino-Indian border area in the future, it cannot be ruled out that India will use the Russian Aerospace Forces as a "meat shield", for example, the Indian Air Force may deliberately deploy Russian-made fighters at bases on the border with China and fly in mixed formations with Russian Aerospace Forces fighters, thereby increasing the risk of Chinese Air Force operations

Therefore, China must maintain a high degree of vigilance and be prepared to deal with various emergencies when handling relations with India, and at the same time strengthen communication and coordination with Russia to avoid the situation getting out of control due to miscalculation

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