
is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

author:Aliens talk about emotions

He Shengming, born in 1976, has grown into an evergreen tree in the field of Chinese costume dramas. With his solid acting skills, He Shengming has left a deep mark on many costume film and television works.

From "Glory of the Tang Dynasty" to "Da Song Gong Ci", and then to "Splendid Southern Song", every character portrayed by He Shengming is lifelike, making the audience remember it vividly.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

In "Glory of the Tang Dynasty", Li Tai played by He Shengming showed his polite side. In "Da Song Gong Ci", he interpreted the role of Zhao Heng affectionately. And in "Splendid Southern Song", he became Liu Yikang, loyal and brave.

Each role shows He Shengming's excellent acting skills and unique charm.

As He Shengming grew older and gained experience, he began to desire to break through himself and try more challenging roles. He hopes to show his range of acting skills through different types of roles, while also bringing freshness to the audience.

This enterprising spirit has allowed He Shengming to always maintain a strong vitality on the stage of costume dramas.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

In recent years, He has begun to experiment with more challenging, complex and layered roles. For example, Xiao Zhan he played in "Jade Bone Yao" and Gu Jingsi in "Changfeng Crossing", the image and personality characteristics of the two characters are very different, which provides him with the opportunity to show different acting skills.

He Shengming has performed well in costume dramas, and his ability to understand and interpret roles continues to improve. Both the audience and the industry are looking forward to his future development, and firmly believe that he will continue to move forward on the road of acting and create great roles.

In the TV series "Changfeng Crossing", He Shengming played the role of the powerful minister Gu Jingsi, the setting of this role is quite dramatic, and he is willing to sacrifice himself in order to protect his beloved woman Shiying.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

But when He Shengming played this role, it was difficult for the audience to deeply feel this deep love and sacrifice spirit from his performance.

Gu Jingsi's facial expression was often indifferent, and there were few emotional fluctuations in his eyes, which showed that his reaction to Shi Ying was too restrained, as if he had always deliberately suppressed the turmoil in his heart.

This kind of performance may be to fit the identity of the son of a powerful minister, but it invisibly reduces the charm and appeal of the character.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

He Shengming does not have many roles in the play, which further limits his acting skills. The audience can only piece together the image of this character through scattered fragments, and it is difficult to have a deep impression and resonance with him.

The limitations of this kind of character creation make it difficult for He Shengming to fully show his acting skills, which is really regrettable.

Although He Shengming has tried his best to create a restrained and restrained Gu Jingsi in the limited performance space, it is undeniable that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the shaping of this role.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

He tries to convey the complex emotions of the characters through subtle facial changes and body language.

In "Long Wind Crossing", He Shengming's performance is limited by the script and character setting. The role of Gu Jingsi is relatively thin, and there are not enough details to support his development, which restricts He Shengming's acting skills, making it difficult for the audience to understand and resonate deeply.

Although He Shengming went all out to interpret Gu Jingsi's firm determination to sacrifice in order to protect Shiying, due to the limitations of the scene, this expression of feelings failed to impress the audience.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

Compared with his wonderful performance in other works, the role of Gu Jingsi in "Long Wind Crossing" failed to meet expectations.

He Shengming's Xiao Zhan in "Jade Bone Yao" can be said to be a huge breakthrough compared to his performance in "Changfeng Crossing". Xiao Zhan is a ruthless general, but under He Shengming's interpretation, the character becomes three-dimensional and plump, showing amazing versatility.

With his sharp eyes and firm expression, He Shengming brilliantly interpreted Xiao Zhan's majesty and decisiveness, and every time he looked at him, it seemed to tell the story of Xiao Zhan, full of strength and momentum.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

And when facing his relatives, his eyes immediately became soft, full of warmth and vulnerability, both of which were very natural, showing He Shengming's excellent acting skills.

He Shengming portrays Xiao Zhan's complex inner world with superb acting skills, and his loyalty to the country and his desire for love have a fierce contradiction, making the audience deeply feel the inner struggle of the character.

Especially at the critical moment of a major decision, his eyes are full of pain and entanglement, which makes people empathize.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

The most impressive thing is that He Shengming vividly interprets Xiao Zhan's characteristic of "willing to sacrifice everything for love".

He Shengming used his performance to make the audience feel the power of love, whether it is the courage to stand up for his beloved, or the determination to give up everything, his performance not only stays on the surface lines and actions, but also perfectly conveys Xiao Zhan's inner heat to the audience through subtle expression changes and body language.

In "Jade Bone Yao", He Shengming's performance is very layered. He succeeded in transforming a character on paper into a flesh-and-blood real person, creating a strong empathy for the viewer while watching.

He Shengming interpreted Xiao Zhan's every decision and every emotional fluctuation just right, which was neither pretentious nor real.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

He Shengming's superb acting skills in this role not only accurately interpret the character of Xiao Zhan, but also show his acting skills accumulated over the years to the fullest.

Through his unique interpretation, he perfectly blended Xiao Zhan's multi-faceted characters such as coldness and gentleness, strength and vulnerability, loyalty and contradictions, and created an unforgettable character.

Comparing Gu Jingsi in "Long Wind Crossing" and Xiao Zhan in "Jade Bone Yao", it is obvious that they are very different in terms of depth of shaping and performance level. This not only shows He Shengming's performance in different roles, but also highlights the decisive role of excellent scripts on the actors' acting skills.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

First of all, from the perspective of character building, Xiao Zhan is a fuller character. He has a distinct personality, a complex inner world, and a clear character arc.

We can not only see Xiao Zhan's majesty as a general, but also feel his dedication to love, compared to Gu Jingsi's character setting, although there is also a plot of sacrificing for love, but it lacks enough details to support the development of the character, which makes it difficult for the character image to impress the audience.

Secondly, from the perspective of performance skills, He Shengming's performance in "Jade Bone Yao" is more layered than in "Long Wind Crossing". He can switch between different emotional states with ease, and convey Xiao Zhan's inner activities through subtle facial changes and body language.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

Whether it is a cold look or a gentle smile, He Shengming can perform just right, however, due to the limitations of the role itself and the lack of scenes, He Shengming's performance in "Long Wind Crossing" is relatively simple, and it is difficult to fully demonstrate his acting strength.

Secondly, the two characters also show significant differences in the expression of feelings. Xiao Zhan's emotional world is rich and colorful, and He Shengming shows his inner love and hatred vividly.

The audience can clearly feel his passion for love and his determination to give everything for love, while Gu Jingsi's emotional performance is restrained and deep, although there are also plots of sacrifice for love, but it did not leave a deep impression on the audience.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

Finally, it is not negligible that the script has an impact on the actors' performances. "Jade Bone Yao" provides an excellent performance platform for actor He Shengming, with sufficient roles and depth to allow him to fully show his acting skills.

Every scene and every dialogue created an opportunity for him to show his acting skills, however, in "Long Wind Crossing", Gu Jingsi's roles were relatively small, which limited He Shengming's room to play to a certain extent.

This difference not only reflects Ho's outstanding performance in different roles, but also highlights the importance of good scripts to the actors. When the strength of the actor is perfectly integrated with the depth of the character, it can present an unforgettable performance.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

Xiao Zhan in "Jade Bone Yao" is a good example, He Shengming used his excellent acting skills to perfectly match the character setting, and successfully created a character that is loved by the audience.

Overall, the contrast between these two roles not only reveals Ho Shengming's potential and strength as an actor, but also provides us with an opportunity to think about the relationship between character building and actor performance.

It reminds us that a successful role requires not only the superb acting skills of the actors, but also excellent script support and ample performance space.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

He Shengming's performance in "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has received different evaluations from the audience and critics, which not only reflects the difference between the two roles, but also once again verifies his status as a powerful actor.

Xiao Zhan in "Jade Bone Yao" won unanimous praise from everyone. He Shengming's delicate and expressive performance touched many audiences, and he successfully portrayed a complex character who was both cold and affectionate.

Many people directly said that this is one of the most outstanding performances in He Shengming's acting career, and his portrayal of Xiao Zhan's inner contradictions, as well as the emotional outbursts in key scenes, have left a deep impression on the audience, and the critics also highly praised He Shengming's performance, believing that he showed a very high level of acting skills and successfully interpreted the role of Xiao Zhan into flesh and blood.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

Compared with Gu Jingsi in "Long Wind Crossing", some viewers thought that He Shengming tried his best to create a character in a limited performance space, but this role has caused controversy, with some people thinking that the role is slightly thin and difficult to impress.

Some viewers believe that He Shengming is too restrained in his performance and fails to fully show Gu Jingsi's determination to sacrifice for love, while critics point out that this is more a problem with the script and character setting, rather than the flaws of He Shengming's acting skills, and they believe that in the limited performance space, He Shengming still tries his best to show Gu Jingsi's inner world.

The difference in the response of He Shengming's two roles once again shows his status as a powerful actor. This also provokes people to think deeply about the relationship between actors, characters and scripts.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

Many viewers and critics believe that when He Shengming encounters a busty character like Xiao Zhan, he is able to give full play to his acting prowess and create an impressive performance.

Ho's acting career has been a process of continuous growth and self-challenge. He bravely explores and challenges a variety of complex roles from his early idol dramas, striving to broaden his acting range.

In recent years, he has begun to challenge for more in-depth roles, fully demonstrating his potential and strength as an actor.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

He Shengming opened a new chapter in his career through his wonderful performance in "Jade Bone Yao". The audience and industry insiders are looking forward to his future development and look forward to seeing his wonderful performances in more high-quality works.

As for the experience of "Long Wind Crossing", it may become a reference for He Shengming to choose roles in the future, and I believe that he will choose more carefully roles that can fully show his acting skills and bring more wonderful performances to the audience.

He Shengming has already shown his strength in the field of costume dramas, and in the future, we expect him to challenge more different types of roles, continue to move forward on the road of acting, and create more exciting roles.

is also He Shengming playing the costume male supporting role, and the comparison between "Jade Bone Yao" and "Changfeng Crossing" has obvious differences

Whether He Shengming chooses to continue to focus on costume dramas or try modern themes, we believe that he can rely on his own strength to achieve greater achievements in his acting career.

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