
"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

author:Moe Mobunsha
"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life
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"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

In the bright galaxy of Chinese table tennis, there is a story of a couple that is particularly fascinating. Chen Zihe, the "strange ball player" born in 1968, and Xu Zengcai, born in 1961, have walked hand in hand for a quarter of a century.

Their love story does not have a vigorous drama, but it is like a wonderful table tennis match, full of tacit understanding and touching.

In this surprising family of "women singing and husbands", Xu Zengcai always handed over decision-making power to Chen Zihe. From home décor to car shopping, her preferences come first.

This unique way of getting along makes their marriage less controversial and more harmonious.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

In February 1968, Chen Zihe was born in Meicheng Town, Minqing County, Fujian Province. In stark contrast to her later sports career, the young Chen Zihe was weak and plagued by illness all year round.

However, a turn of fate came quietly when she was attending Minqing Bandong Town Central Primary School.

Huang Jiayang, a physical education teacher at the school, discovered Chen Zihe's potential athletic talent with a keen eye. He selected this seemingly weak little girl into the school's table tennis team and started her table tennis journey.

Teacher Huang is strict with Chen Zihe and urges her to train hard every day. With such strict training and his own unremitting efforts, Chen Zihe's ball skills have become more and more sophisticated, and his physical fitness has gradually improved.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

In 1978, Chen Zihe, who was only 10 years old, ushered in an important turning point in his life. The Fujian Provincial Sports Team came to the school to select talents, and Chen Zihe stood out with his outstanding performance.

In the provincial team, coaches Lin Jinghua and Tang Wu tailored a unique pair of rackets for Chen Zihe according to her physical conditions and technical characteristics: long rubber on the front and positive rubber on the back.

This unique configuration laid the foundation for her to become a "weird player" who shocked the world table tennis world in the future.

In 1985, Chen Zihe made his mark at the National Table Tennis Championships. Her outstanding performance helped the Fujian Provincial Table Tennis Women's Team to finish fifth.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

In the same year, the head coach of the national team, Zhang Xielin, had the insight to recruit Chen Zihe into the national team, hoping that she could cope with the challenge from European players.

After entering the national team, Chen Zihe's career is like a rising star. In 1985, she made her debut in the Finnish Open Table Tennis Championships, where she defeated the experienced Czech star Hrakhova with her unique style of play.

In 1989, 21-year-old Chen Zihe won the women's team championship in her debut at the World Table Tennis Championships. Since then, she has made it to great international stage, winning five world championships.

At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, she and her partner Gao Jun won the silver medal in women's doubles, further proving her strength.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

Chen Zihe's long rubber style of play is unique, her ball is very sticky, and her defense is solid, but unpredictable. This style of play is particularly restrained by European players, making her a powerful weapon against strong European opponents in the national team.

From 1988 to 1991, Chen Zihe maintained a winning record against top European players and was known as the "European Defence" of the Chinese team.

However, behind the success is an unimaginable effort. In order to stand out in the Olympic trials, Chen Zihe was under tremendous pressure and often woke up in his dreams.

But it is this perseverance that has created her brilliant achievements in the table tennis arena and laid a solid foundation for her future life.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

In October 1961, Xu Zengcai was born in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The gears of fate began to turn in 1977, and 16-year-old Xu Zeng successfully entered the national team.

However, his role is not the main player in the limelight, but an obscure sparring partner.

Over the next decade, Xu Zengcai played a special and important role. At that time, the Chinese table tennis team was the mainstream of straight and fast attacking near Taiwan.

Xu Zengcai, as an athlete who uses double-sided curveball technology, is mainly responsible for imitating the playing style of European players and providing targeted training for his teammates.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

Although this role is not in the spotlight, it has made an important contribution to the Chinese team's response to international competitions.

Xu Zengcai's persistence and hard work finally paid off in 1987. This was the year he started a new chapter in his career with his first international participation as a key player.

Table tennis was included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1988. For Xu Zengcai, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, it is not easy to qualify.

China only has three men's singles spots, two of which are already occupied by Jiang Jialiang and Chen Longcan, and the remaining one will need to be decided through a fierce selection match.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

At the Olympic trials held in Japan, Xu Zengcai showed amazing strength and willpower. Although the team's top priority was to secure Teng Yi's qualification, fate favored Xu Zengcai.

He performed well in the competition, eventually winning the championship and successfully obtaining a valuable opportunity to participate in the Seoul Olympics.

In the Olympic arena, Xu Zengcai showed extraordinary strength. He finished 6-1 in the group stage, with six of those victories coming 3-0.

Although he lost to South Korea's Kim Ki-taek by a narrow margin of 2:3 in the 1/8 finals, this Olympic experience is undoubtedly the highlight of his career.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

After the Olympics, Xu Zeng made the decision to retire. However, he did not leave the world of table tennis. The Chinese Table Tennis Association sent him to Sweden to continue his development in the field of table tennis.

In a foreign country, Xu Zengcai still maintains his love and focus on table tennis. At the same time, he always has one person in mind - Chen Zihe, also from Fujian.

Although he is in a foreign country, Xu Zengcai has always silently paid attention to Chen Zihe's every move, and waited for this deep-seated feeling in his own way. This persistence laid the groundwork for their future emotional development.

Xu Zengcai's feelings for Chen Zihe are like a long and gentle marathon. They are both from Fujian, and this nostalgia adds a touch of closeness to their relationship.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

Chen Zihe's tall figure and sweet smile make her the most eye-catching member of the women's team. And Xu Zengcai's mature and steady temperament also quietly attracted Chen Zihe's attention.

Every Spring Festival, Xu Zengcai always took the initiative to take the task of buying a train ticket for Chen Zihe to return to his hometown. He worked tirelessly, often queuing up late at night to buy tickets, just to ensure that Chen Zihe could go home smoothly.

On the way back, he carefully prepared a variety of drinks, snacks and fresh fruits, making the long journey warm and comfortable.

These seemingly insignificant actions are like a trickle, accumulating into a warm current of emotion in Chen Zihe's heart. Although Chen Zihe understood Xu Zengcai's intentions, she wanted to focus on her table tennis career at that time, so she intended to keep a certain distance from him.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

However, Xu Zengcai's sincere emotions and continuous dedication finally planted the seeds of love in her heart.

In 1993, Chen Zihe officially announced his retirement. Originally, she planned to go to Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue her studies, but the gears of fate turned again. At this time, Xu Zengcai had already left Sweden and moved to Germany, and he sincerely invited Chen Zihe to go to Germany for development.

Standing at the crossroads of his life, 24-year-old Chen Zihe began to think about whether he needed a sincere relationship. She decided to go to Germany, and if she got along with Xu Zengcai, she would try to establish a romantic relationship; If you can't resonate, then continue to be a regular friend.

Chen Zihe, who first arrived in Germany, felt at a loss in the face of an unfamiliar environment and language barrier. However, Xu Zengcai's careful care was like a beacon, dispelling the confusion of a foreign country for her.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

He rented a cozy cottage for Chen Zihe, which was only a ten-minute walk from the training ground, and carefully prepared delicious hometown dishes. These considerate actions made Chen Zihe feel the warmth of home in a foreign country.

During their time in Germany, Chen Zihe and Xu Zengcai lived a simple and warm life. Xu Zengcai not only took on all the housework, but also became Chen Zihe's personal trainer and accompanied her through every day of training.

Whenever night falls, after Xu Zengcai finishes his day's work, he always rushes to Chen Zihe's club to pick her up.

As time passed, Chen Zihe gradually learned that over the years, Xu Zengcai's parents had been urging him to start a family. There were even two young women who expressed their love to Xu Zengcai, but he politely refused.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

Xu Zengcai's heart was always only Chen Zihe, and he waited for nearly ten years without hesitation.

This persistent and sincere feeling deeply touched Chen Zihe. She finally realized that Xu Zengcai was the person in her life who was worth entrusting for life. In this way, in a foreign country, their love finally came to fruition and began a sweet love life.

In 1997, 29-year-old Chen Zihe and 36-year-old Xu Zengcai received their marriage certificates in Fuzhou and officially entered the palace of marriage. After their marriage, they continued to develop their table tennis career in Germany, and their income and living conditions improved significantly.

However, as a Chinese, Chen Zihe has never been able to fully integrate into German society, and deep down he longs to return to his homeland.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

In October 1999, Chen Zihe made a major decision - to return to China for development. She resolutely told her husband: "I will not return to Germany, you should come back too."

Faced with his wife's choice, Xu Zengcai did not hesitate. He decisively gave up the achievements he had made after many years of hard work in Germany, and without hesitation followed his wife back to the bosom of his homeland.

After returning to China, Chen Zihe and Xu Zengcai quickly found a new career direction. Chen Zihe served as the deputy director of the Fujian Provincial Sports Center, while Xu Zengcai worked at the Fujian Provincial Table Tennis Center.

In 2001, Chen Zihe founded a table tennis school named after him, opening a new chapter in his life.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

Faced with heavy work tasks, Chen Zihe is busy every day. And Xu Zengcai became her strong backing, taking the initiative to take on many family responsibilities and share the pressure for his wife.

Their lives are like a tacit doubles match, cooperating with each other and advancing and retreating together.

In 2003, the crystallization of their love, their son Xu Lebin, was born, adding infinite joy to this happy family. Although Chen Zihe is 35 years old, she still feels extremely happy and satisfied as a first-time mother.

In terms of educational philosophy, the couple had disagreements. Xu Zengcai hopes that his son can become an excellent table tennis player and continue his parents' career. Chen Zihe, on the other hand, hopes that his son will make achievements in the field of tennis.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

In the face of this disagreement, Xu Zengcai once again showed his respect for his wife, and finally chose to support his wife's wishes.

Under the careful cultivation of his parents, Xu Lebin showed amazing talent in the field of tennis. In 2019, at the age of 16, he won the title of national second-class athlete, which made his parents proud.

The marriage of Chen Zihe and Xu Zengcai interprets a unique charm of "women sing and husbands follow". In this family, Xu Zengcai always handed over the decision-making power to his wife, from house decoration to car purchase, Chen Zihe's preferences were the first.

This mode of getting along makes their married life less controversial and more harmonious.

"Strange Ball Player" Chen Zihe: Table tennis love is indeed not romantic, and "women sing with their husbands" is the scenery of life

Xu Zengcai's full support and housework sharing provided a solid backing for Chen Zihe's career development. And Chen Zihe's love for her husband and her consideration for her in-laws also made this marriage more stable.

They have proven that genuine affection doesn't need to be flamboyant, and that mutual respect and support are the keys to a long-lasting relationship.

Inside and outside the table tennis court, they used tacit understanding and trust to compose a touching couple's deep affection. After 25 years of marriage, Chen Zihe and Xu Zengcai have interpreted what true happiness is in their own way.

Their stories show us that in love and marriage, understanding, tolerance and support are the key to making relationships last for a long time.

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