
"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

author:Moe Mobunsha
"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

In April 2015, when the night was falling, the lights of CCTV's "Focus Interview" studio were still bright. Jing Yidan stood in a familiar position, facing the camera, his eyes were firm and slightly reluctant.

Her trademark deep voice sounded, "Goodbye, Focus Interview." Subsequently, she bowed deeply and drew an end to her 27-year CCTV career.

At this moment, the hearts of countless viewers trembled. Their "national sister" is retiring. However, what is less known is that the host who won the Golden Microphone Award three times, her life legend is much more than that.

From a girl with a strong Northeast accent to a pillar of CCTV, what kind of ups and downs and bitterness is Jing Yidan's growth road full of? How did she become an idol in the hearts of the audience step by step? Let's uncover the untold story behind this legendary woman.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

In the early summer of 1981, 26-year-old Jing Yidan stood at the crossroads of life. She has been working at Heilongjiang People's Radio for a year, but her desire for a higher level of learning is getting stronger.

After careful consideration, she made a bold decision: quit her job and apply for a postgraduate degree in broadcasting and hosting at Communication University of China.

In the examination room, fate gave Jing Yidan an unexpected surprise. She met Wang Zimu, who also had a dream, and the two hit it off at first sight and admired each other. However, fate seems to have played a joke on them - the results of the exam were announced, and both of them failed.

A haze of loss enveloped Jing Yidan, but she quickly regained her confidence. Wang Zimu's encouragement was like a spring breeze: "Don't be discouraged, let's work together and fight again next year!" In this way, in the days of preparing for the exam, the two of them were in love with each other, supporting each other, and their feelings were quietly growing in getting along day and night.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

The second year's exam came again, and Jing Yidan walked into the exam room full of hope. However, the result was Wang Zimu's title on the gold list, and she lost the election again. In the face of his lover's success, Jing Yidan was sincerely happy, but the sense of loss in his heart became stronger and stronger.

In the dead of night, she cried alone and began to wonder if she was really a good fit for the industry.

Wang Zimu was keenly aware of her low mood. He firmly held Jing Yidan's hand and said, "Let's get married." With me by your side to support you, you will definitely succeed! This commitment is like a shot in the arm, rekindling hope for Jing Yidan.

In 1982, Jing Yidan, a newlywed Yan'er, walked into the examination room for the third time. This time, she finally got her wish and was successfully admitted to graduate school. Looking back on this experience many years later, Jing Yidan's eyes flashed with tears: "It was love that gave me the strength to persevere."

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

If it weren't for Azusa's support, I might have given up on my dream a long time ago.

This difficult study experience not only made Jing Yidan gain love, but also made her deeply realize that behind success often requires unremitting efforts and courage.

It is this indomitable spirit that laid the foundation for her brilliant career in CCTV in the future.

From a Northeast girl to a CCTV celebrity, Jing Yidan's transformation was not achieved overnight. She used her own experience to interpret the true meaning of "there is nothing difficult in the world, only afraid of people with hearts".

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

This ups and downs of her study experience has become the most valuable asset in her life, and it has also made her cherish every hard-won opportunity even more.

In 1988, 33-year-old Jing Yidan stood at another crossroads in his life. CCTV's invitation was like a thunderclap, breaking her peaceful life.

At this time, she was already a teacher at her alma mater, with a stable job and a happy family. However, the love of journalism came like a flood in her heart, and she could not rest on her laurels.

After careful consideration, Jing Yidan made a decision that surprised many people - to give up his position as a university teacher and join CCTV. It was not an easy choice, but her husband, Wang Zimu, gave her full support and encouraged her to follow her heart's calling.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

When he first arrived at CCTV, Jing Yidan faced tremendous pressure and challenges. Starting as a front-line reporter, she was so busy every day that she sometimes wondered if she had made the right decision.

But every time she sees her report being broadcast and receives positive feedback from the audience, she feels that all the hard work is worth it.

In 1995, Jing Yidan took over the "Focus Interview" column, which became another important milestone in her career. She is deeply aware of the importance of this program - it is the eyes of the people, and it shoulders the heavy responsibility of supervising society.

In order to reveal the truth, Jing Yidan and his colleagues braved hardships and dangers, went deep into the grassroots level, and conducted unannounced investigations. She once risked her life to secretly shoot the black scene of water-injected pork in Shandong, and was chased by dozens of strong men, and almost encountered an accident.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

On another occasion, she exposed the vile behavior of officials in Chongqing's Wushan area of forcing farmers to eradicate seedlings and grow tobacco instead, which attracted widespread public attention.

These experiences have strengthened Jing Yidan's professional beliefs. "As a journalist, we have a responsibility to speak up for the disadvantaged and expose the dark side of society," she often said.

This job, while dangerous, is meaningful.

In the post of "Focus Interview", Jing Yidan gradually became the "embodiment of justice" in the hearts of the audience. Countless people confided in her through letters about the injustices she encountered, and each episode of her program touched the hearts of audiences across the country.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

Her sense of responsibility and mission has allowed her to persist in this position for more than 20 years.

In addition to "Focus Interview", Jing Yidan also hosted high-profile programs such as "Moving China". In 2006, under her active promotion, the program group of "Moving China" paid tribute to the old Red Army for the first time, showing her deep thinking about history and society.

However, with the changes of the times, "Moving China" also faces doubts and challenges. Someone left a message on her Weibo: "Moved, is it really useful? In the face of doubts, Jing Yidan responded firmly: "Of course it works!" Those good people and good deeds hidden in the long river of history, no matter how the times change, are worthy of our vigorous promotion.

These deeds can give endless courage and strength to those who are struggling through life.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

From local stations to CCTV, from ordinary reporters to famous hosts, Jing Yidan's career is a history of continuous breakthroughs and continuous improvement. She used her actions to interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities of journalists, and also set an example for countless young people with journalistic dreams.

In 1955, Jing Yidan was born in an ordinary family in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. As a child, a small radio became her window into the outside world.

Whenever the announcer's clear and powerful voice came from the radio, Xiao Yidan would listen intently, as if attracted by a magical power. This experience planted the seeds of love for broadcasting in her young heart.

However, fate did not give the young Jing Yidan much comfortable time. At the age of 13, the torrent of the times hit her family. The father was forced to leave, and the mother needed to go out to work.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

Jing Yidan, who was still young, had to take on the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings. She learned to sew clothes, make cotton pants, cotton shoes, and prematurely took on adult responsibilities.

My mother saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, and often said to her younger brothers: "When you grow up, you must repay your sister well."

At the age of 17, Jing Yidan ushered in another turning point in his life. She was assigned to Qinghe Farm in Xiaoxinganling as an educated youth. Leaving the familiar city life and coming to the unfamiliar countryside was undoubtedly a huge challenge for her at a young age.

However, fate seems to have played a good-natured joke on her - the forest farm happens to be short of announcers.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

Jing Yidan seized this opportunity and became an announcer at the forest farm with the broadcasting experience he had accumulated in school. She cherishes this hard-won opportunity, whether it is the selection of topics or broadcasts, she does it herself, even if it is a short broadcast time, she is never perfunctory.

On the road to chasing her dreams, she no longer feels tired from the day's work.

Three years later, the country resumed the college entrance examination system, and the 21-year-old Jing Yidan finally had the opportunity to step into the university. However, to her surprise, the Mandarin she was proud of turned out to be a pure and authentic Northeast dialect.

This caused her great frustration in her first professional class.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

In order to get rid of his accent, Jing Yidan resolutely chose to get up early every morning, go to that quiet grove, hold a dictionary, and correct his pronunciation over and over again.

Her diligent and hard-working figure led the craze for morning reading on campus.

Recalling those difficult years, Jing Yidan sighed: "Although it was hard at that time, it was these experiences that tempered my will and made me understand that only hard work can change my fate."

This experience and university years laid a solid foundation for her future career development and shaped her tenacious character.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

In 2015, Jing Yidan retired from CCTV, relieving her of many years of responsibility. However, accustomed to her busy life, she felt unprecedented confusion and emptiness for a while.

Having lost the sustenance of her work, she didn't know how to arrange her time, and her heart was full of a sense of loss.

However, Jing Yidan is not a person who easily admits defeat. With the encouragement of her family, she began to re-examine her life. She realized that retirement was not the end, but another beginning in life.

So, she began to record her life in words, pouring her thoughts and feelings into the pen, and slowly, her inner world became colorful again.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

In 2017, opportunity once again knocked on Jing Yidan's door. CCTV launched a new column "Thank You, My Home" and invited her to return to the screen. This program, which focuses on the wisdom of the elders' life, has allowed Jing Yidan to find a new stage.

She embraced the challenge and got back into the work she loved.

In the show, Jing Yidan told his life experience and thoughts on life. "Retirement is not the end of life, it's a new beginning," she said.

I hope that through this program, I can help more people adjust their mentality after retirement and find fun and passion in their ordinary lives. Her words not only inspired the audience, but also allowed her to rediscover the direction of her life.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

In addition to hosting the program, Jing Yidan is also actively involved in public welfare undertakings. She often travels to remote areas to impart knowledge to children and share her life experience with young people with dreams of broadcasting.

Whenever he saw the glint in the young man's eyes, Jing Yidan felt extremely gratified. She often says, "Being able to continue to contribute to society makes me feel that my life is still full of meaning."

In 2019, Jing Yidan ushered in her 64th birthday, but this day became one of the saddest days of her life. Her beloved mother died suddenly on this day.

The pain of losing a loved one devastated Jing Yidan, but she was not struck down by grief. In order to commemorate her mother, she created the book "Bright Moonlight in Front of the Bed" to record the bits and pieces of getting along with her mother.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

In the process of writing, Jing Yidan not only expressed his longing for his mother, but also re-examined his own life. She realizes that the meaning of life lies not only in personal achievement, but also in inheritance and influence.

This book became her most affectionate confession to her mother and the crystallization of her life wisdom.

After retirement, Jing Yidan interprets the true meaning of "retiring without resting" in her unique way. She proves with her actions that every stage of life can shine, as long as you maintain a heart of love and struggle.

Throughout Jing Yidan's life journey, her family has always been her solid backing. From acquaintance and love to walking hand in hand, her husband Wang Zimu has always been her staunchest supporter.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

At the busiest time of Jing Yidan's career, Wang Zimu silently took on more family responsibilities. He often says, "Yidan's work is very important, and I hope to take some of the pressure off her and let her devote herself to her career."

The growth of her daughter Wang Erqing also gave Jing Yidan unlimited strength. Despite his busy schedule, Jing Yidan still tries his best to accompany his daughter. When Wang Erqing chose to study abroad when she was in high school, Jing Yidan was reluctant to give up, but still supported her daughter's decision.

Later, when Wang Erqing brought back a handsome English boyfriend, Jing Yidan accepted this transnational relationship with an open and inclusive mind.

Now, Jing Yidan and Wang Zimu have entered their old age, but their relationship is still sweet. In their spare time, the two often travel the world together and enjoy the world of two.

"National Sister" Jing Yidan: The story behind the legend has experienced how many hardships and hardships

Wang Zimu also achieved great success in his career and became the chairman of Huatai Insurance, but he always regarded Jing Yidan as the most important person in his life.

Looking back, Jing Yidan sighed: "Without the understanding and support of my family, I would not have been able to achieve what I am today. They are my most precious treasure. This love from her family has made Jing Yidan comfortable in her career and life, and has become the warmest harbor in her life's journey.

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