
Half a year off and half a year of work, the Douyin released by Forest North today is full of life insights

author:Entertainment Bajie

Text/Summer Monsoon

Half a year off and half a year of work, the Douyin released by Forest North today is full of life insights

To be honest, because Wang Feng is not interested in the Douyin released by Forest North, I always feel that her concept of love is very problematic.

And today's (June 30) Douyin she posted changed my opinion of her, and it really touched me deeply.

After watching the whole video, although she advertised the Trumpchi car, the content of her chat with local herders in Xinjiang was the topic that everyone paid the most attention to.

Forest North said to the herdsman:

"If I asked you to move to the city, would you be willing to go?"

The herdsman replied: "The key reason for not going is that we have half a year off and half a year to work." ”

Did the herdsman's words touch everyone? Especially for outsiders who live in the city and work hard.

Half a year off and half a year of work, the Douyin released by Forest North today is full of life insights

Half a year off and half a year to work, what an envious lifestyle, if you live in the city, will you have such a life?

The author lives in the first-tier city of Shanghai, and knows how busy it should be to live in the city, not to mention any holiday breaks, and even the working hours of the day are stretched to the limit of personal endurance.

If there is still a mortgage, then a twenty or thirty year mortgage will make it difficult for you to achieve decent happiness for the rest of your life.

If you think about the rural life with half a year off and half a year of work, will you feel envious, jealous and hateful?

The pace of life in the city is too fast, and it is difficult to enjoy the elegance and tranquility of life, which is undoubtedly more difficult than climbing to the sky if you want to escape from the hectic lifestyle.

Half a year off and half a year of work really hurt everyone's deep weakness, and they really envy rural life.

Half a year off and half a year of work, the Douyin released by Forest North today is full of life insights

I have to admire Lin Bei's unwilling attitude towards life, and she knows how to live better.

She can still earn decent money in the lifestyle of play, and that's what we should appreciate and learn from.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, and self-preservation may be our wisdom orientation to avoid stepping on the pit and live a down-to-earth life, let's come on!



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