
Bloody Legend: The studio in the new 100 districts benefited the most, and a Titan shouted 8,000 legendary coins

author:Brother Dao said that it was a legend
Bloody Legend: The studio in the new 100 districts benefited the most, and a Titan shouted 8,000 legendary coins

The popularity of the new 100 districts of the bloody legend is still good, except for a few NPCs that are slightly novel, there are indeed some feelings from the past. In the past two days, there have been more and more players in level 22 professional outfits, after all, it is so convenient to upgrade offline, as long as there are gold coins. Lao Dao hangs up every day before going to bed.,The next day online.,It's all level 16.,But I'm just experiencing the memories of digging meat and looking at equipment.,The level training in the picture below really can't run.。

Bloody Legend: The studio in the new 100 districts benefited the most, and a Titan shouted 8,000 legendary coins

After the opening of the new 100 district, the popularity of the official uniform has made a lot of money, although it is only some of the income of the time and shops, but the strength of the number of people is great, and there are many 50,000-level bigwigs with the title of "spending money like dirt". In fact, after the opening of the new 100 districts, the studio is the group that benefits the most, all of them are full of money, and listen to the old way to decompose it for you.

Bloody Legend: The studio in the new 100 districts benefited the most, and a Titan shouted 8,000 legendary coins

Now out of the safe zone, they are all a group of trumpets that act autonomously, as shown in the picture above, a deer N trumpets play, N trumpets dig, and orderly, Taoist profession can also be automatically cured, this look is the studio's robot operation. This is the most basic gold operation, after accumulating a lot of gold coins, there will naturally be players who will collect it, and Mane is here. At present, the gold coins in the 100 districts are really not cheap, and they can indeed make a good profit.

Bloody Legend: The studio in the new 100 districts benefited the most, and a Titan shouted 8,000 legendary coins

In addition to the gold robot,The studio's boosting is also needed by many players at present,Although there is a doppelganger hang-up system,But there are fixed times a day.,And players have to get stuck to overtime to operate in order not to waste every opportunity.,So you need someone to operate in terms of hang-up.。 And offline idle does not affect the player's leveling up of monsters in the picture below, so the leveling business will also go to the map to fight monsters offline to increase experience. The idle experience plus the experience of fighting monsters in the figure below makes the player's level rise rapidly, don't believe it, there are many bigwigs who are willing to ask for boosting. The studio also has a lot of benefits in terms of boosting.

Bloody Legend: The studio in the new 100 districts benefited the most, and a Titan shouted 8,000 legendary coins

In addition to gold and boosting, the studio also has another branch of operations, which is to play equipment. Players can increase step by step in terms of level, so the demand for equipment is also great. Especially for the big guy players, the demand for high-end equipment and the best equipment must be in place, and I am not afraid that the big guy will not be able to give it, but I am afraid that the studio will have it. For example, in the past two days, there has been a shout that a Titan ring will cost 8,000 legendary coins, which is really amazing. The big guy equipment in the picture above will definitely be available in the later stage, let's wait and see.

To sum up, the studios in Xinbai District have the largest income, which can be described as a lot of money.

Bloody Legend: The studio in the new 100 districts benefited the most, and a Titan shouted 8,000 legendary coins

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