
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out

author:Good upwards
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out
The man calls you the code, compare it, what does your husband call you? Check it out

Li Yuesheng's love code

On the bustling beach of the Republic of China, under the neon lights, the traffic is busy and the voices are boiling. In this noisy city, Li Yuesheng, a gentle and independent woman, is experiencing a special time in her life.

Yuesheng was born in a scholarly family, and has been reading poetry and books since he was a child, with elegant manners and a good temperament between his words. However, the twists and turns of fate forced her to face the hardships of life early. In order to support the burden of the family, Yuesheng chose to come to the bustling city of Shanghai to seek a way out of life.

In Shanghai, Yuesheng relied on his talent and hard work to find a job at a newspaper. With her keen observation and sharp writing, she has won the respect of her colleagues and the love of readers. However, behind the glamorous and glamorous, Yuesheng hides a lonely heart. She longs for love, but she is afraid of being hurt.

At this time, a man named Zhang Hao walked into Yuesheng's life. Zhang Hao is a colleague of Yuesheng Newspaper, a personable and talented young man. He fell in love with Yuesheng at first sight and began a passionate pursuit. However, Yuesheng kept a certain distance from Zhang Hao's overtures. She wasn't sure if she should believe in love, and she wasn't sure if Zhang Hao was her destiny.

Zhang Hao did not give up, he impressed Yuesheng with his sincerity and patience. He would deliver supper when Yuesheng was working overtime, and rub her shoulders and back when she was tired. His care was meticulous, which made Yuesheng feel unprecedented warmth. However, Yuesheng never took that step, and she was afraid that once she fell in love, she would lose herself.

One night, Yuesheng worked overtime at the newspaper office alone. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, it turned out to be Zhang Hao. He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a big smile on his face. Yuesheng was a little surprised, she didn't know why Zhang Hao appeared at this time.

"Yuesheng, I know you've been tired lately, so I'm here to accompany you." Zhang Hao said and handed the flowers to Yuesheng.

Yuesheng took the flowers, and a warm current surged in his heart. She looked at Zhang Hao's sincere eyes and suddenly felt an inexplicable touch. She realized that maybe she really should try love.

Since that day, the relationship between Yuesheng and Zhang Hao has made significant progress. They began to date frequently, watching movies, shopping, and drinking tea together. Yuesheng found herself more and more dependent on Zhang Hao, and Zhang Hao also took good care of her. Their relationship heats up day by day, as if the whole world is filled with sweetness.

However, at this moment, Yuesheng discovered a strange phenomenon. Every time she was with Zhang Hao, he would always call her by a special name - Yue'er. At first, Yuesheng didn't care about the title, but as time went on, she found that it seemed to have a special meaning.

One night, Yuesheng and Zhang Hao were walking by the river. The moonlight is like water sprinkled on the surface of the river, sparkling. Yuesheng suddenly asked Zhang Hao: "Why do you always call me Yue'er?" Does this title have any special significance? ”

Zhang Hao looked at Yuesheng with a smile and said affectionately: "Yue'er, do you know? When I first saw you, you attracted me like the bright moon. Your beauty, your temperament, your talent are irresistible. So I silently swear in my heart that if I could be with you one day, I would definitely call you by this title—for you are the brightest moon in my heart. ”

Yuesheng listened to Zhang Hao's words, and a warm current surged in his heart. She finally understood how deep Zhang Hao's feelings were for her. She held Zhang Hao's hand tightly, and her eyes flashed with happiness.

Since then, Yuesheng and Zhang Hao's relationship has become deeper. They have been through many ups and downs together, but they have always supported and encouraged each other. In the end, they entered the palace of marriage and became the most important people in each other's lives.

And that special title - "Yue'er" - has also become the sweetest love code between them. Whenever Zhang Hao softly called "Yue'er", Yuesheng would feel an inexplicable happiness and satisfaction. She knows that this title not only represents Zhang Hao's deep love for her, but also represents the rock-solid love between them.

This story spread all over Shanghai and became a good story that people talked about. And the love between Yuesheng and Zhang Hao has also become the yearning and pursuit in the hearts of many people. They use their own experiences to tell the world: true love requires courage, dedication, perseverance and cherishment. Only in this way can you reap your own happiness and fulfillment.