
When the village committee comes to expropriate the land, does it sign it or not? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens suddenly became enlightened

author:Planting flowers and rabbits
When the village committee comes to expropriate the land, does it sign it or not? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens suddenly became enlightened


Material source: Douyin lawyer Li Xiaodan

Have you ever wondered if we should not hesitate to sign the land when the village committee posts a notice of land expropriation?

Behind this seemingly simple decision, there is actually a complex legal logic and rights considerations. Should we be more cautious on this issue, rather than acting hastily? After all, the importance of land, as the foundation of the peasantry, is self-evident.

As the old saying goes: "The land is the foundation of government, the capital of finance, and the people's livelihood." "When faced with the issue of land expropriation, we must take it seriously and make careful choices.

When the village committee comes to expropriate the land, does it sign it or not? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens suddenly became enlightened

Case review

In a rural village, a notice of land expropriation issued by a village committee shattered the tranquility.

According to the announcement, due to urban planning needs, the village committee decided to expropriate some villagers' land. The villagers were full of discussions, some expressing support and others being skeptical.

Among them, villager Lao Li was particularly anxious. He looked at the land he had cultivated for many years, and his heart was mixed.

Lao Li approached the village committee and asked about the legal basis and procedures for this expropriation. However, the staff of the village committee simply told him that it was for the overall development of the village and hoped that he would cooperate.

Lao Li was not reconciled, and he decided to seek legal assistance. After the lawyer's answer, Lao Li learned that according to Article 46 of the Land Management Law of the mainland, the expropriation notice should be issued and implemented by the people's government at or above the county level. However, the village committee, as a grassroots mass self-governing organization, does not have the power to expropriate land.

With the help of his lawyer, Lao Li, together with other villagers, reported the situation to the county government.

The county government attached great importance to it and immediately launched an investigation. After investigation, the county government found that the village committee had indeed exceeded its authority, and immediately ordered it to stop the expropriation activities and dealt with the relevant personnel.

When the village committee comes to expropriate the land, does it sign it or not? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens suddenly became enlightened

Legal analysis

In mainland China, Article 46 of the Land Management Law clearly stipulates that: "Where land is expropriated by the state, the local people's government at or above the county level shall make a public announcement and organize its implementation after approval in accordance with legal procedures." ”

This provision clarifies the subject and procedure of land expropriation, that is, the people's government at or above the county level is the legal subject of land expropriation, while the village committee, as a grassroots mass autonomous organization, does not have the power to expropriate land.

In addition, the Land Management Law also stipulates the compensation standards and procedures for land expropriation, aiming to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers on expropriated land. If the village committee expropriates land without authorization, it not only violates the law, but also may infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

When the village committee comes to expropriate the land, does it sign it or not? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens suddenly became enlightened

Lessons learned

First of all, as farmers, we should understand our rights and regulations and not give up our legitimate rights and interests easily.

Second, when faced with the decisions of grassroots organizations such as village committees, we should remain vigilant and carefully verify their legitimacy and reasonableness.

Finally, when our rights and interests are violated, we should actively seek legal assistance to protect our legitimate rights and interests.

This incident also reminds us that the law is the cornerstone of maintaining social fairness and justice. Only by respecting and abiding by the law can we jointly build a harmonious and stable society.

When the village committee comes to expropriate the land, does it sign it or not? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens suddenly became enlightened


The land is the root of the peasants and the source of life. In the face of the problem of land expropriation, we cannot blindly follow the trend, let alone give up our rights and interests easily.

We should use the law as a weapon to defend our legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, we should also strengthen legal publicity and education to enhance peasants' legal awareness and ability to defend their rights.

Only in this way can we jointly protect this land that belongs to us and create a better future together.

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