
The WeChat group said six words and was sentenced to 9 months, and after listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were fried!

author:Planting flowers and rabbits
The WeChat group said six words and was sentenced to 9 months, and after listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were fried!


Material source: Douyin Lawyer Hao is really good (Shijiazhuang)

Have you ever thought that a random joke in a virtual WeChat group could end you up in prison?

In today's rapid development of informatization, where is the boundary of online speech? Can an unintentional remark be the basis for a conviction?

As the old saying goes, "If you say too much, you will lose, be cautious in your words and deeds." So, when we gently typed those words in the WeChat group, did we ever think about the serious consequences they might bring?

The WeChat group said six words and was sentenced to 9 months, and after listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were fried!

Case review

Zhang, from Huilongguan in Beijing's Changping District, is immersed in a lively discussion in a WeChat group. His portrait is a portrait of Osama bin Laden, which undoubtedly adds a bit of mystery to him.

Suddenly, a netizen's ridicule broke the peace: "Look at the big guys coming!" ”

Zhang smiled slightly, and followed the topic: "Follow me to join ISS." ”

However, this seemingly joking sentence was like a pebble thrown into the calm surface of the lake, causing ripples.

The crowd didn't react much, and the conversation quickly shifted to something else. However, for Zhang, this unintentional remark was like a time bomb, quietly laying the groundwork.

The WeChat group said six words and was sentenced to 9 months, and after listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were fried!

Soon after, the summons order of the public security organ descended in front of Zhang like a cold face.

The police examined his phone and computer in detail and found no other terrorism-related remarks other than the sentence in the WeChat group.

However, the seriousness of the law cannot be questioned. Zhang was placed on file for investigation on charges of advocating terrorism and extremism.

In the solemn courtroom, the judges carefully considered the case. They believe that Zhang's posting of information in a public WeChat group of more than 300 people, advocating terrorism and extremism, has constituted a crime.

In the end, Zhang was sentenced to nine months in prison and fined 1,000 yuan.

The WeChat group said six words and was sentenced to 9 months, and after listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were fried!

Legal analysis

According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the mainland, the act of advocating terrorism and extremism is a criminal act that seriously endangers social stability.

Regardless of the purpose, any form of advocacy of terrorism or extremist ideas or acts in public places will be severely punished by law.

In this case, although Zhang's remarks in the WeChat group were not maliciously intentional, his actions had violated the provisions of the law.

During the trial, the court fully considered factors such as Zhang's subjective malice, the social harmfulness of his behavior, and his attitude toward admitting guilt, and finally made a fair verdict.

The WeChat group said six words and was sentenced to 9 months, and after listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were fried!

Profound lessons

Zhang's case is a wake-up call. In the age of the internet, freedom of speech is not borderless.

While we enjoy the convenience and fun brought by the Internet, we should always remind ourselves that the Internet is not a foreign place.

Every word and action we make can be infinitely amplified and interpreted.

Therefore, we should always be vigilant and rational to avoid violating the red line of the law because of impulse or ignorance.

At the same time, we should also recognize that the law is just and serious. It doesn't turn our eyes on us because of our ignorance or negligence.

Therefore, we should enhance our legal awareness, learn legal knowledge, and abide by the law.

Only in this way can we enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet while protecting our legitimate rights and interests from infringement.

The WeChat group said six words and was sentenced to 9 months, and after listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were fried!


In the information age, we are both receivers and disseminators of information. Every choice and decision we make may affect the stability and development of society.

While enjoying the convenience brought by the Internet, we should not forget the bottom line and constraints of the law. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily in the Internet age.

What do you think about this?