
It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

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2024-07-01 12:55Nanfeng Window official account

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01 A college entrance examination student declined his concern in the circle of friends, and shared a copy of "Adhering to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in the Announcement of Results", emphasizing not to ask her about her results.

02 College entrance examination scores are important, but people often ignore its hidden consequences, such as the inertia of chasing scores and score evaluation at the college level.

03In fact, there are many real topics and rehearsals in universities, which require students to find their own goals and interests, effectively obtain information, analyze problems, discover opportunities, and express themselves.

04However, many college students tend to ignore these real issues when adapting to university life, resulting in the inability to transform their personal abilities from pure self-interest to public responsibility and responsibility.

05By focusing on the realities and real issues of the university, students can more easily change their thinking, internalize external resources into their own abilities, and achieve self-transcendence.

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It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

Author | Nanfeng window reporter Shi Jingjing

Edit | Sumi

After the college entrance examination scores, a college entrance examination student declined his concern in the circle of friends and wrote a "Result Announcement Insists on Abiding by the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence".

1. Don't ask me about my grades.

2. Don't try to ask about my grades.

3. Don't show off your grades in front of me.

4. Don't be humble in front of me, and don't talk about my achievements everywhere.

5. Don't take the results I can't pass and cry to me and say that you didn't do well.

She also listed two notes:

1. Don't be yin and yang weird to anyone.

2. I hope that the elders will stop calling my family to ask me how I did in the exam, I will naturally say that I am doing well, and I will no longer show how well my son and daughter are in the exam.

What made me nervous back then was not the moment when I entered the examination room or the score popped out, but the phone calls I made to my father to inquire about my college entrance examination scores before checking the scores.

I didn't know all the people who came to ask questions, and these greetings also made my father feel stressed.

Later, he said to me with some annoyance: Do you know how many people came to me today to ask me how many points you scored? I was sorry to log in to the system to check.

It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

Stills from "The Bottom Hot Girl".

I did resist because I knew it was going to be a score that wasn't bad, but it was going to be lower than I expected.

Then my father called back one by one, reported the test scores, made a little evaluation and greetings, and thanked them one by one again: "Thank you for your concern." ”

In fact, whether it is caring, sensitive, congratulatory or comforting, words are not as real as a gift after all.

College entrance examination scores are indeed important, so people care so much, but people often ignore its hidden consequences.

When it comes to college, the inertia of chasing scores and score evaluation that has continued from high school still makes many college students ignore those things that are more important than scores.


Last weekend, an intern was in the interview room of her unit preparing for the final exam of her freshman year. She printed out a few question banks, given by the teacher, with standard answers, estimated to be dozens of pages long, and she also had a number of noun concepts that she needed to memorize aloud.

The image is both familiar and eerie. Because it's kind of like a high school morning study hall. I also did a similar pre-test blitz back then, but I always doubted the meaning of this - why do universities still have such exams, why do teachers draw the scope of the exam or give questions and imply that XX is important, why do college students still have rote memorization?

This is a contest that is passively involved, and this intern reluctantly sums it up: grade points.

In her school, only the top 2 GPAs have the opportunity to secure a graduate school, and she wants to work hard to get a better degree and the corresponding major, pass the resume barrier, and get closer to her goal of becoming a journalist.

Friends learned from her how they could find their goals so early and know what they wanted to do in the future. She couldn't answer, she just thought it was natural. At this point, she is lucky to be less confused.

It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

Stills from "Ignite Me, Warm You".

Last week, I interviewed Kang Le, the outgoing president of my alma mater, Hebei University, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He notices a subtle set of contradictions in today's college students:

Able to accept new things more quickly, can easily and quickly access more diverse information, but lack of thirst for knowledge and desire to explore; Students dare to express their own demands and have strong claims for protecting their personal rights and interests, but they feel confused about their future, and lack a clear understanding of "what I like to do", "what I am suitable for" and "what I can do". Students copy the learning mode of high school to the undergraduate level, and then copy the learning habits of the undergraduate level to the graduate school, which delays and delays the entire chain of knowledge innovation.

Resolving these conflicts is more important than allowing students to earn grade points.

Today, going to college has become a universal right, and under the herd mentality, it seems that there is no need to think about "why did you go to college", but the way out between people is reflected in the answer to it: is it for a certificate of academic qualifications that is conducive to employment, or is it for the responsibilities and abilities that match it? The latter depends on how you organize your university life.

These two questions, one about belief and the other about method, both need to be acquired, and they also secretly lead people to different paths.

Universities are small societies that are both open and separated from the real world, which is both a protection and a barrier to information. Many people don't know what college is all about until they are close to graduation, and in peer comparison, the gap between people inadvertently widens.

It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

Because of poor information, the gap between people will inadvertently widen / stills from "First Love".

In fact, there are a lot of real topics and rehearsals in college. The so-called comprehensive quality does not simply refer to knowledge, grades, academic qualifications, and resumes, but also to find one's own goals and interests, to be able to effectively obtain information, analyze problems, discover opportunities, and express oneself...... These topics are often ignored, trivial, or even despised because they are mundane, small, or gradual.

The university is chaotic and diverse, and a new adventure begins when you walk in, and you need to complete many thrilling leaps and transformations.

It is a difficult task not to get lost in the sea of learning, and to find out what you "like to do", "what you are suitable for" and "what you can do"; Adapting to the rhythm of rapid knowledge renewal and exchanging existing knowledge for new knowledge is a leap from knowledge to ability; From mastering knowledge to applying knowledge, from discovering problems to analyzing and solving problems, it is the process of value transformation; How to transform individual ability from simple egoism to public responsibility and responsibility of "having others in mind" is a qualitative change in the spiritual quality of this society's need to transcend mediocrity......

When a person has completed these leaps and transformations, he is truly sound, and college is the starting point of this "adult" training.


This "adult" training ground is figurative.

In the classroom, how do you have a good lesson and how do you interact with the teacher? Or is it because you see your teachers as authority and stay away from them, and you don't know how to communicate with them? In the eyes of teachers and students, which seat in the classroom is a VIP and sensitive area? What efforts did the teacher make to communicate better with the students, and why were they frustrated?

When you enter the university, you will experience the embarrassment of "how to write a good essay from no one has ever been taught", and you will begin to write a different essay from the college entrance examination.

When you start to think seriously: why do you want to choose this topic? Why such a title? Why is this article worth citing? Why discuss this section first, and not that part? How do you formulate the conclusion, and which one is better? In the process, you will learn to identify real problems and express your opinions more effectively.

It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

In the process of thinking, you will begin to learn how to find problems and express opinions/Stills from "Basic Law of Genius".

When you return to the dormitory, you may have conflicts with your roommates because of many small things, and you will exercise an ability in your daily life: express your dissatisfaction awkwardly but politely, negotiate with each other, adjust and adapt, and do not isolate others or isolate yourself, so that you encounter cold violence in avoidance and depression, to the point of having to change dormitories.

You will show yourself in club activities, and in the organization of activities, whether it is becoming the president of the student union or other student cadres, you must avoid the illusion of "power", and when you have spare time, you should learn to cooperate with others with a pure heart of "public service" and do things well.

Even if you are admitted to the same prestigious school with similar scores, or if you are admitted to a better university than your high school classmates, what kind of person you will become and what kind of career path you will have after graduation is not predestined from the beginning.

Don't get caught up in a hierarchical narrative, and don't have to stuff yourself into some of the coveted templates for a single way out of graduate school, because really wise young people should take the time to ponder their own values and priorities and build their own philosophy of life.

Even if you are admitted to the "985" university and wear the halo of a prestigious school, if you find that this is against your heart, you may face a difficult choice in advance. Whether you choose to persist or give up, I hope you have the courage to take control of the initiative in life and face the possible risks of every choice without regrets.

A really good student is not obedient and obedient, dare not make mistakes, get a high score and get a stable job, and become what his parents expect; He should be in such a state: put forward his own ideas, create new things, and cultivate a spirit. This spirit is manifested in a sense of faith, knowledge and vision that integrates all disciplines, and a sense of responsibility from the standpoint of humanity as a whole.

It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

Stills from "Ignite Me, Warm You".

When we understand the reality of university and pay attention to these real topics that are easy to ignore, it is easier to change our thinking, to approach and arrive, and to internalize external resources into our own abilities.

This is also the original intention of Nanfeng Window to plan the cover report of "The Way of the University".

It is intended for prospective college students, current college students, parents, university teachers, and others who are involved in and care about university education. We hope that readers can be inspired by this series of reports: to see what today's college students are thinking, doing, and experiencing their inner struggles in the comparison between ancient and modern China and foreign countries, and to understand their needs for "socialized survival and self-transcendence".

It is our common sincerity, and it is also a "gift" from Nanfeng Window - an entrance ceremony and a coming-of-age ceremony, I hope you like it and have something to gain.


Editor-in-Chief on Duty | Zhao Jinghan

Typography | Fifi promised

Produced by Nanfeng Window New Media

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  • It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work
  • It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work
  • It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work
  • It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work
  • It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work
  • It was good to go to college, but now it doesn't work

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