
The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia in the U18 game, and the fans were disappointed by less than one person after the game

author:Flying saucer chat

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Text: Flying saucer chat

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"Basketball is not just a sport, it is an attitude to life, a manifestation of team spirit."

This sentence is used to describe the performance of the Chinese women's basketball team U18 in the Asian Championships. Despite losing 79-96 to Australia in the final, their fighting spirit and the highlights of the game are still worth savoring.

Let's talk about this battle of focus. The Chinese women's basketball team had a fierce competition with the Australian team in the final of the Asian Championships. At the beginning of the game, the two sides fell into a stalemate, you go back and forth, and the score rises alternately.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia in the U18 game, and the fans were disappointed by less than one person after the game

The Chinese women's basketball team's defense is like an impregnable wall, and the Australian team continues to put pressure on the Chinese women's basketball team with excellent outside shooting. At the end of the first quarter, the scores of the two sides were almost evenly matched, but as the game progressed, the Chinese women's basketball team began to gradually find its rhythm.

In the second quarter, the Chinese women's basketball team's offense began to exert force, especially Zhang Ziyu, whose breakthrough and shooting made the opponent unguardable. Every time she scored, the audience cheered, as if she saw the hope of victory for the Chinese women's basketball team. However, the Aussies didn't give up easily, and their counter-attacks were just as sharp, and the duel between the two teams was like a good boxing match, with every punch full of power.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia in the U18 game, and the fans were disappointed by less than one person after the game

In the second half, the game entered the white-hot stage. The Chinese women's basketball team once overtook the score, but the mistakes and tactical deficiencies at the critical moment caused them to suffer a collapse in the final quarter. The defense of the Australian team suddenly strengthened, and the attack of the Chinese women's basketball team began to be blocked. In the end, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to the opponent 79-96, and this defeat undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the Chinese women's basketball team.

In this game, the performance of teenager Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly the biggest highlight. She scored 40 points in the whole game, almost single-handedly supporting the scoring burden of the Chinese women's basketball team. Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance gives us hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. She is sharp on the break, accurate in her shots, and looks comfortable with every score. Her potential and talent are undoubtedly the valuable wealth of the Chinese women's basketball team.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia in the U18 game, and the fans were disappointed by less than one person after the game

Zhang Ziyu's performance is not only in scoring, but also in her rebounding, assists and defense. Her all-round performance in the game gave people a glimpse of what a future basketball superstar could look like. Although the game ended in defeat, Zhang Ziyu's performance undoubtedly brought a ray of light to the Chinese women's basketball team.

However, except for Zhang Ziyu's highlight moment, the performance of other players was slightly bleak. In particular, the captain on the field, No. 8 Wang Jiaxin, her ability to handle the ball at critical moments was questioned by fans and commentators. As the captain, Wang Jiaxin chose a risky three-point shot at a critical moment in the game, rather than a more secure style of play. This decision undoubtedly increased the uncertainty of the game and also affected the overall performance of the team.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia in the U18 game, and the fans were disappointed by less than one person after the game

Wang Jiaxin's choice may be out of a desire for victory, or it may be a helpless move under pressure. But as a captain, she needs to take responsibility and make the right decisions when it matters most. The loss of this game is undoubtedly a valuable lesson for Wang Jiaxin. We believe that she will be able to learn from this experience and do better in future competitions."

From this game, we can see that the Chinese women's basketball team still has a lot of room for improvement in terms of technical tactics and psychological quality. The coach's employment strategy and the players' on-the-spot performance are both important factors that affect the outcome of the game. The Chinese women's basketball team needs to conduct in-depth analysis and summary in these aspects, find out the root cause of the problem, and formulate more effective solutions.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia in the U18 game, and the fans were disappointed by less than one person after the game

Despite losing the game, the girls of the Chinese women's basketball team did not give up. They actively summarized after the race, hoping to achieve better results in the next competitions. This indomitable spirit is the most valuable quality of the Chinese women's basketball team. We believe that as long as they can learn the lessons of this competition and continue to improve, the future of the Chinese women's basketball team will be even more brilliant.

Netizens are also talking about this game. Someone said: "Zhang Ziyu is really the hope star of the women's basketball team, and the future is promising!" Someone else said: "The captain's decision at a critical moment really makes people sweat, I hope she can learn a lesson." Some netizens ridiculed: "Isn't it time to update the coach's employment strategy?" These comments not only reflect the fans' attention and expectations for the Chinese women's basketball team, but also reflect their in-depth understanding and unique insights into the game.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia in the U18 game, and the fans were disappointed by less than one person after the game

In general, although the performance of the Chinese women's basketball U18 in the Asian Championships has regrets, it is more about growth and hope. Their hard work and efforts let us see the potential and future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

As the classic saying goes, basketball is not just a sport, it is an attitude to life. Let's look forward to the Chinese women's basketball team being able to bring us more surprises and touches in the next games.

Finally, let's review the key points of this game again: Zhang Ziyu's 40-point individual show, Wang Jiaxin's mistakes at key moments, and the coach's employment strategy. These are all areas where the Chinese women's basketball team needs to improve and improve in the future. At the same time, let us look forward to their re-blooming on the world stage.

Don't forget, basketball is round, and anything is possible. What do you think? Welcome to leave your views in the comment area, let us cheer for the Chinese women's basketball team together!

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