
Tianbing Technology Rocket Test Flight Accidental Fall: No Casualties, Is the Company a State-owned Enterprise or a Private Enterprise?

author:Biluo Yellow Spring


In this era of rapid technological change, every rise of the rocket closely affects the hearts of countless people. The sky in Gongyi City, Henan Province, was no longer calm because of the launch of the rocket.


A test flight of a rocket engine initiated by Tianbing Technology ended unexpectedly in the form of a rocket crash and fire. Fortunately, there were no casualties caused by the accident, but it undoubtedly caused a lot of shock to the local residents.

Tianbing Technology Rocket Test Flight Accidental Fall: No Casualties, Is the Company a State-owned Enterprise or a Private Enterprise?

Although the test flight of Tianbing Technology ended in failure, what is represented behind it is the unremitting pursuit and exploration of aerospace technology.

When it comes to Tianbing Technology, many people will mistakenly think that it is an enterprise affiliated with a country. In fact, it is a private enterprise founded in 2015. In the turbulent period of the global commercial aerospace field, Tianbing Technology resolutely devoted itself to it with its deep insight into the huge potential of aerospace technology.

Tianbing Technology Rocket Test Flight Accidental Fall: No Casualties, Is the Company a State-owned Enterprise or a Private Enterprise?

Tianbing Technology's business scope is quite extensive, from the research and development of spacecraft and parts, launch vehicles and space engines, to technology transfer and consulting services, to space launch and space transportation technical services, they cover almost all aspects of the aerospace field.

Tianbing Technology Rocket Test Flight Accidental Fall: No Casualties, Is the Company a State-owned Enterprise or a Private Enterprise?

The company is exploring ways to make rockets safer, more cost-effective and more efficient, while sharing this knowledge with the industry.

Tianbing Technology Rocket Test Flight Accidental Fall: No Casualties, Is the Company a State-owned Enterprise or a Private Enterprise?

The development trend of Tianbing Technology is good, and the company has successfully completed the C+ round of financing of more than 1.5 billion yuan, and investors have firm confidence in its future development. At this time, Tianbing Technology is actively preparing for the first launch of the Tianlong-3 liquid launch vehicle, which is of great significance to its position in the aerospace field.

Tianbing Technology Rocket Test Flight Accidental Fall: No Casualties, Is the Company a State-owned Enterprise or a Private Enterprise?

The rocket crash is a huge challenge to Tianbing Technology, but this does not mean that the company's future is hopeless. On the contrary, setbacks may become valuable lessons for the company's growth. The field of Gaine aerospace is full of unknowns and challenges, and every failure can breed the next success.

The failure of Tianbing Technology's test flight is worrying, but it also shows the vitality and potential of China's commercial aerospace.

Tianbing Technology Rocket Test Flight Accidental Fall: No Casualties, Is the Company a State-owned Enterprise or a Private Enterprise?

The Gongyi City Emergency Bureau is commendable for its swift action after the incident. The timely response ensured that there were no casualties and effectively ensured public safety.


This incident also reminds us that the aerospace industry should not only be a "patent" for scientists, but should also be concerned and supported by the whole society. Every successful launch of the rocket embodies the efforts of countless people; Every success is inseparable from countless failures and attempts.

Although the setbacks of space exploration have made Tianbing Technology deeply experience its hardships and costs, it has also made us more aware of the value of the space industry. Therefore, we should do our best to meet the challenge fearlessly. It is hoped that many people with lofty ideals will devote themselves to this field in the future, work together to promote the prosperity of China's aerospace industry, and bring more well-being and hope to the people.

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