
Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

author:Straightforward and honest go to the world
Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

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Reflections after the Magnolia Award: A storm of public opinion about acting, traffic and "thieves".

As an authoritative award in the field of Chinese TV dramas, the Magnolia Award has always been the focus of attention of the industry and the audience, this year's awards ceremony, in addition to who is attracted by the major awards, the "undercurrent" between Wang Yang and Wang Yibo has also become a hot topic, especially after Wang Yang was nominated for Best Actor for a supporting role, the controversy about "thief" on the Internet has intensified, which can't help but make people think: In this storm of public opinion, is acting king or traffic dominant? What kind of prejudices and misunderstandings are hidden behind the word "thief"?

Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

When the "supporting role" challenges the "protagonist": the value game between acting skills and traffic

In the traditional cognition, the attribution of the best actor tends to be the absolute protagonist of the series, Wang Yang's wonderful interpretation of the supporting role "Zhou Bingkun" in "The World" broke this inherent pattern, he portrayed the joys, sorrows and sorrows of an ordinary little person very well, deeply moved the audience, and also won the recognition of the judges, which is undoubtedly a strong proof of "acting is king", and also triggered people's reflection on the acting skills of traffic stars

Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

In recent years, with the rise of the fan economy, traffic stars have gradually occupied half of the film and television dramas, and the status quo of some traffic stars with empty looks and lack of acting skills has also aroused doubts and dissatisfaction from the audience.

The origin of the name "thief": misunderstanding, prejudice and unwillingness

The word "thief" originally referred to those who obtained other people's property by illegal means, but in the public opinion turmoil of the Magnolia Awards, it was given a new meaning and became a weapon used by some netizens to attack Wang Yang, they believe that Wang Yang won the nomination for Best Actor for a supporting role, which is a kind of "snatching" of Wang Yibo and unfair treatment of traffic stars

Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

This accusation is obviously untenable, the selection of the Magnolia Award has strict standards and processes, and the judges are all highly respected and experienced experts in the industry, and they judge based on the actor's acting skills and the quality of the work, rather than traffic and popularity, therefore, Wang Yang's nomination is an affirmation of his strength, and has nothing to do with "thief".

The amplification effect of social media: from rational discussion to emotional catharsis

In the Internet era, social media has become an important platform for people to express their opinions and exchange information, and due to its fast spread speed and wide range of influence, it is also easy to become a hotbed for emotional catharsis and rumor spread

Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

In the controversy of the Magnolia Awards, social media played a role in fueling the flames, and some netizens made extreme remarks and even made personal attacks on Wang Yang without knowing the truth of the matter, putting their personal preferences and emotions above the facts, which eventually led to the intensification of this storm of public opinion

From the "Battle of the Two Kings" to Industry Reflection: How Should We Look at Traffic Stars

Wang Yang and Wang Yibo's "undercurrent surging" reflects the subtle relationship between acting skills and traffic in the traffic era, traffic stars are not the original sin, they have a huge fan base, which can bring higher attention and commercial value to film and television works, and traffic stars should also realize that only by continuously improving their acting skills can they go further in the entertainment industry and gain the recognition and respect of the audience

Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

For the audience, we should also look at traffic stars rationally, don't deny their efforts and dedication because of their traffic, we must also maintain the ability to think independently, don't be swayed by emotional remarks on the Internet, and learn to evaluate a work and an actor with an objective and rational attitude

Return to the essence of performance: speak with strength and make the work shine

The controversy of the Magnolia Award will eventually subside, but the thinking it has aroused is worth our deep thought, in the era when traffic is king, we should stick to the pursuit of acting, speak with strength, and let the work shine, I believe that only in this way can we promote the development of China's TV drama industry in a healthier and more benign direction

Magnolia Award follow-up: Wang Yang's wife tore up, the two kings deleted Weibo with each other, and the bigwigs in the circle spoke out

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views on this incident, which do you think is more important when evaluating an actor's acting skills or traffic?

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