
It is said that life is too difficult, but in fact, as long as you do these three things, everything becomes simple

author:Fang Juexiao

XI Jiangyue. Surname. Su shi

The world is a big dream, and life is cool several times. The wind leaves have been singing in the evening. Look at the eyebrows and sideburns.

The wine is often sad and there are few customers, and the moon is mostly disturbed by clouds. Mid-Autumn Festival who shares the lonely light. Look to the north sadly.

It is said that life is too difficult, but in fact, as long as you do these three things, everything becomes simple

Sometimes when you calm down and think about it, no matter where you live, life is only more than 30,000 days, so why bother thinking and worrying about it? Whether you are an official or not, life will eventually return to dust, so why bother being too scheming? Whether it is at the department level or at the department level, in the end, people are scattered at the end of the song, and people are just going to tea and cool, where is the intrigue, eight-sided exquisite?

About a year ago, I found out that I also had gray hair, and it was growing well. I was a little surprised, because there was no precedent for a young man in my family. At first, I thought it was because of the shampoo and conditioner, so I tried to change a lot, but in the end nothing came of it. Later, I consulted Chinese medicine and tried to solve the problem with the help of Chinese medicine, but I also failed. Later, I gradually realized that it might be a problem with my diet and daily life, so I began to force myself to go to bed early, exercise, and eat reasonably.

One day, I occasionally read the Buddhist classic "Diamond Sutra" on WeChat Reading, and immediately understood a lot of truths. The reason why I have grown a lot of gray hair is nothing more than a lack of purity of mind. In a materialistic society full of fame and fortune, too many people can't see who they are and become slaves to these desires. The heart of the original empty wisdom is full of filth and dirt, and it is heavy. Therefore, the tasteless food, the restlessness of sleep, the lack of dedication, and the fruitlessness of the request lead to a vicious circle, which constantly consumes our spirit, qi and blood, and exhausts our lives.

It is said that life is too difficult, but in fact, as long as you do these three things, everything becomes simple

I want to ask myself, how many important things are really worth doing on my own? How many important people are really worth remembering? And how many indispensable things have to be obtained by yourself? The answer is that there are really not so many, life is nothing more than three things, eating and sleeping, self-cultivation, and making money, and doing a good job.

(1) Eat well and sleep well

To be honest, I envy those who sleep with their heads on their pillows. All the disturbances in the world, as long as you can sleep peacefully, everything can change the mood and angle, and even a few points in time will pass, everything will pass, and there is no big deal.

In life, too many complicated little things will always intrude on our inner world, once we don't forget to put it in our hearts, then we will have trouble sleeping. Therefore, let go of obsessions, let go of the past, eat a good meal, sleep well, let the body and mind of the tired body and mind be restored, invest in the controllable present, and strive for a proper future.

Why is it useless to force yourself, I have forced myself more than once, to go to bed early and get up early, to eat seriously, but these go against the heart, the so-called self-discipline often can't stand the test of time, and soon collapses instantly. Only when you figure it out and let go of your attachment to the past will you travel lightly, take me down, and win the future.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, joy, anger and sorrow, gain and loss, success or failure are all cause and effect cycles, so why be too persistent. Let him go in the past, the future has not yet come, and the only thing that can be grasped is the present. Eat well, ensure your physical strength, take a good rest, and fill your energy to better grasp the moment. Nothing could be more important than this.

It is said that life is too difficult, but in fact, as long as you do these three things, everything becomes simple

(2) Exercise the body and cultivate the mind

All living beings, what is the difference, when life and death come and go, they are all naked. Life is just an experience, it's just that some people make it bad, and some people have a good time. The experience of a wonderful life is our positive yearning and pursuit of life.

Physical health is extremely important, whether it is a high-ranking official or an ordinary person, physical health is the most valuable resource. I've heard or seen a lot of people who don't pay attention to their health when they're young, and when they end up being prosperous and rich, they don't have to be blessed. In the face of birth, old age, sickness and death, everyone is absolutely equal.

I once wrote an article "Quit Drinking, You Can Definitely Live a Long Life and Open the Door to a New World", which discussed the problem that drinking alcohol is harmful to your health, and many people agreed. However, there are also some people who put forward the view that life must be happy and that there is wine and drunkenness in the future, and I cannot agree with this sober state. Because physical health is an extremely important resource, once indulged, it may bury hidden dangers for health, so it is better to act cautiously.

Let's discuss the habit of drinking, in fact, many people have bad habits, most of them are not strong enough. As soon as someone hears me say this, they want to be cruel to themselves and push themselves, which is not a sign of inner strength. You have to understand what is going on, so that you can give up some bad behaviors, if you don't understand why and force yourself, it will not last long, and it will be very anxious, and you will not be able to talk about empty wisdom in your heart. Therefore, cultivating our hearts is also an extremely important thing. Under the guidance of a stronger and stronger heart, everything will be twice as effective with half the effort.

It is said that life is too difficult, but in fact, as long as you do these three things, everything becomes simple

(3) Concentrate and make money

Money is stumped for heroes, this is the last word. The world is made of matter, and the economic base determines the superstructure. I'm not going to preach some unrealistic poisonous chicken soup to anesthetize everyone.

Talking about practical problems, as a human being, you have to take care of your family, you have to work hard for your career, you have to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, all of which must be guaranteed by abundant economic conditions.

It is said that it is not easy to make money, but elites who hold wealth abound. It is said that the self-media industry is too difficult, but there are not a few big names in the industry. Therefore, as long as you master the password of traffic, it is difficult not to be famous, and as long as you master the password of wealth, you can't make a fortune. Many people can't get money, most of them can't concentrate. Either this mountain looks at that mountain high, or it is too much thinking and hesitating, time and opportunity are not waiting for anyone, concentrate and make money.

Why do I say it's hard to make money? Once you smell a good business opportunity, you must be fast, accurate and steady, seize the wealth password, and make a lot of money. There are many people who say that money is the root of all evil, but I don't think that's the case, even though I'm not a rich person right now. Because of the emptiness and wisdom in the heart, those who know that the poor are good to themselves, and those who are good enough to help the world will realize the eternity of wealth.

It is said that life is too difficult, but in fact, as long as you do these three things, everything becomes simple

I think that life in the world is nothing more than these three important things, and what else can't be let go? We are too tired, and many times, it is nothing more than thinking too much, hesitating, not daring to let go of everything and stride forward. We don't get it because our hearts are filled with anxiety, hesitation, doubt, terror, and so on. Just do these three things well, don't focus elsewhere, and we will all get the life we want.