
If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

author:Shin Shin Tea Party

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If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Editor: Shin Shin Tea Party

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Artillery fire in the eastern part of Ukraine was incessant, and gunsmoke shrouded the sky over the city of Kharkiv.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

In this war-torn land, the Ukrainian army is preparing to launch a seemingly insane counteroffensive. This is a big gamble on the fate of Ukraine, and it is also a desperate move to embark on the road to the country's demise.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

The counteroffensive order issued by Sersky was like a burning fire that pushed the entire Ukrainian army to the forefront. For the Ukrainian army, this Kharkiv counteroffensive can be called a Jedi counterattack.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Since the beginning of Russia's large-scale military operation, the Ukrainian army has been losing ground on many fronts and has lost nearly 20% of its territory. Kharkiv is not a commanding height for the Russian army, but for the Ukrainian army, it is the only remaining hot land and an anchor point to maintain vitality.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Selsky had to take a desperate gamble because defeat was a foregone conclusion. Only a counteroffensive that is like a counterattack can reverse the passive situation of the Ukrainian army and bring the trend of the war to an abrupt end.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

But did this sudden decision come out of nowhere? On the contrary, it stems from a series of military defeats and political pressure. In this special military operation, the front of the Ukrainian army is in a hurry.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

In March this year alone, Russia inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian troops in the Bakhmut region, causing about 20,000 casualties. The previous defeats in Soretu and Crimea left the Ukrainian army scarred.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Repeated military setbacks have gradually weakened the Ukrainian people and depleted their national strength. As president, Zelensky has been bombarded by domestic public opinion, and he urgently needs a victory that can boost the hearts of the people.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Moreover, Syrsky had just taken over the post of commander-in-chief of the army, and he urgently needed to use a great victory in the counteroffensive to prove his strength in unity of military order and command as soon as possible, so as to consolidate his position in the political arena.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

This Kharkiv counteroffensive is not only out of military necessity, but also out of political reality. It is burdened with the expectations of the whole country, internal and external troubles, and unprecedented risks.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

It is ironic that although the Ukrainian army is at the bottom of this counteroffensive, they have no choice but to take a desperate gamble. On paper, the Ukrainian army has an advantage in the number of personnel and equipment, but there is a serious lack of actual combat experience and elite troops.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

In contrast, the Russian army has laid out a dense defensive line in the Kharkiv region, and the thunderous firepower positions have blocked the clouds. Under the advantages of the other, the prospects for the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive are bleak.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

If the counteroffensive fails, the Ukrainian army will suffer heavy losses and morale will be further depressed, which will not only accelerate Ukraine's military rout, but may also cause civil unrest and even lead to the fall of the Zelensky government.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

However, looking at the situation in Ukraine, how can it protect itself if it does not advance? For them, retreating only means waiting to be completely crushed. Therefore, Syrsky had to put aside this salary of the prairie fire, and he was afraid that he would wait until the fire to extinguish the last ray of life.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

In fact, the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive decision has gone far beyond the scope of a local military operation, it is related to the future fate of Ukraine, and will even affect the entire geopolitical pattern of Eastern Europe.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

If the counteroffensive is successful, the Ukrainian army can use this to win the initiative in future negotiations and attract the support of more Western countries. At that time, Ukraine's position in the international arena will be significantly enhanced.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Conversely, if the counteroffensive fails completely, the likelihood of a landslide victory for Russia in this special military operation will greatly increase. At that time, Russia will have greater influence throughout Eurasia, and the United States and its allies will also suffer a heavy blow to the voice in the region.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

Ukraine's geographical location makes it a frontline in the game of power between East and West. On the one hand, Ukraine seeks to align more closely with the Western world, especially the European Union and NATO, hoping to strengthen its own security and economic development through Western support.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

On the other hand, Russia regards Ukraine as part of its traditional sphere of influence and tries to maintain its influence over Ukraine through various means in order to safeguard its strategic security and geopolitical interests. The outcome of this conflict will have a direct impact on the balance of power between the East and the West in Eastern Europe and Europe as a whole.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

The conflict is also a test of international law and order. The international community has long been committed to settling disputes between countries through international law and multilateral mechanisms in order to maintain world peace and stability. However, the emergence and continued escalation of the Ukraine crisis has exposed the international community's sense of powerlessness in dealing with such issues. This not only poses a threat to Ukraine and neighboring countries, but also poses a challenge to global peace and security, and it is urgent for the international community to work together to find more effective solutions.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

The conflict will also have an impact on the global economy. Ukraine is an important grain exporter, and disruptions in food supplies due to the conflict have hit global food markets, especially for countries and regions that depend on food imports. In addition, the conflict has led to the instability of energy supplies, especially natural gas, which poses a direct threat to European countries that depend on Russian energy. These economic impacts have further exacerbated the uncertainty of the global economy and posed a challenge to the global economic recovery.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive

The conflict is also a test of the spirit of international cooperation. In today's in-depth development of globalization, the fate of all countries is closely linked, and conflicts and instability in any region may have an impact on the whole world. Therefore, the international community needs to work together to resolve disputes through dialogue and negotiation and to maintain international peace and security. Only by strengthening international cooperation can we effectively address various global challenges and build a more peaceful, stable and prosperous world.

If you don't want to step down, you will continue to attack, the defense of Kyiv will not be fought, and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army will receive an order for a counteroffensive
The Ukraine crisis is not only a local military operation, but also a concentrated expression of a series of complex issues in current international relations. Its development and outcome will have a profound impact on the international political landscape, the international legal order, the global economy and the spirit of international cooperation. Therefore, resolving the Ukraine crisis requires not only the wisdom and efforts of the countries concerned, but also the common attention and coordination of the international community.

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