
"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

author:Building together

Betel nut, a name that sounds a little unfamiliar, is actually a household name in some areas. It is the fruit of a palmaceous plant native to Malaysia and later widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions such as Yunnan, Hainan, and Taiwan. The taste of betel nut is very unique, and some people describe it as chewing as if it is stuck in the throat, which feels very pungent. But you know what? This seemingly ordinary snack is actually a hidden health killer.

According to the World Health Organization's International Center for Research on Cancer1, betel nut is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen. This means that betel nut has the highest risk of cancer, and it is on the same level as well-known carcinogens such as tobacco and alcohol. The main reason why betel nut is so dangerous is that it contains some special substances, such as arecaine and arecaine, which will produce chemical reactions during chewing, destroy the oral mucosa, and in the long run, may induce oral cancer.

And the dangers of betel nut don't stop there. The texture of betel nut is very rough, and when chewed, it will cause minor damage and chronic irritation to the oral mucosa, and long-term chewing in large quantities will cause chronic inflammation and increase the risk of oral cancer. In addition, the harmful substances in betel nut can be absorbed by the body, increasing the risk of other cancers such as lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and cervical cancer.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

What's even more worrying is that betel nut also has a certain addictive nature. Arecine can stimulate the human body, make people excited, and produce a feeling similar to drinking, which makes it difficult for many people to quit once they start chewing betel nut. In order to cater to the market demand, some businesses have even launched the so-called "healthy betel nut", adding wolfberry, osmanthus oil and other ingredients to betel nut products, but this does not reduce the harm of betel nut, but may make people more relaxed and mislead consumers.

The harm of betel nut has attracted widespread concern in society. Epidemiological studies have been carried out by centers for disease control and prevention and medical institutions in some regions, and the results show that the incidence of oral cancer is significantly higher in people who chew betel nut for a long time. For example, a study in Hunan found that the proportion of people chewing betel nut was as high as 38.42%, of which the proportion of people aged 30 to 40 reached 50.36%. The onset of oral cancer not only brings great pain to patients, but also brings a heavy burden to families and society.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

In the face of such a reality, we should really be vigilant and stay away from betel nut. After all, health is priceless, and once lost, no amount of money and time can be recovered. For those who have already developed the habit of chewing betel nut, it may not be easy to quit this habit, but it is still worth giving it a try for the health of yourself and your family. At the same time, we should also strengthen publicity and education on the dangers of betel nut, so that more people can understand the true face of betel nut and avoid more people falling into this health trap.

In this era of rapid development of the Internet, Internet celebrities and traffic have become two inseparable words. In order to pursue click-through rates and attention, many influencers do not hesitate to try various means, including promoting some controversial products, such as betel nut. Betel nut, a gadget that is used as a daily snack in some areas, actually hides huge health risks behind it. However, some influencers ignore this by munching betel nut during live broadcasts and even branding it as a "refreshing" artifact, which has an extremely bad effect on teenagers.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

Adolescents are in a critical period of growth and development, and their minds are not yet fully mature, and they are susceptible to external influences. When they see their favorite influencers chewing betel nut in the video, looking like they are enjoying it, it's hard not to have a desire to imitate. However, these Internet celebrities often do not mention the harm of betel nut, and some even deliberately exaggerate the effect of betel nut in order to attract attention, misleading teenagers into thinking that it is a fashionable and trendy behavior.

The dangers of betel nut have been confirmed many times by the medical community. It contains ingredients such as arecine, which not only have strong irritation to the oral mucosa, but long-term chewing may also lead to serious diseases such as oral cancer. Moreover, the addictive nature of betel nut also makes it difficult for many people to quit once they start, which is undoubtedly a huge trap for teenagers with relatively weak self-control.

What's even more worrying is that some Internet celebrities do not hesitate to sacrifice their social responsibility and moral bottom line in order to pursue short-term traffic and profits. When they promote betel nut, they often use a variety of attractive marketing methods, such as discount promotions, buy one get one free, etc., which are very tempting for teenagers who are not strong in discernment. In such a situation, it is easy for teenagers to indulge in the short-term pleasure of betel nut and ignore the long-term health risks.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

In addition, the promotion of betel nut is accompanied by a misconception that betel nut is associated with social interaction. Some influencers show a social scene of "chewing betel nut to make friends" in the video, which undoubtedly intensifies the curiosity and desire of teenagers to try betel nut. They may think that chewing betel nut is a social activity, a sign of adulthood, and thus unknowingly be swept up in this whirlpool of health risks.

In the face of this situation, what we need to do is not only to strengthen the health education of young people, so that they can realize the harm of betel nut, but also to regulate and guide those Internet celebrities who promote betel nut for the sake of traffic. Society, schools and families should work together to build a line of defence to protect young people from this unhealthy culture. At the same time, regulators should also strengthen the supervision of online content, and impose severe penalties on influencers who promote harmful products to set an example.

The problem of betel nut is not only a health problem, but also a social problem. It's about whether our next generation can grow up in a healthy, positive environment. Therefore, everyone should take the responsibility to jointly resist the bad promotion of betel nut and protect the physical and mental health of young people.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

Betel nut, a gadget that is used as a daily snack in some areas, actually hides huge health risks behind it. However, in order to pursue short-term traffic and profits, some influencers do not hesitate to ignore these risks, and even chew betel nut in live broadcasts, flaunting it as a "refreshing" artifact. They may not realize that their actions may mislead fans, especially teenagers, into thinking that it is a fashionable, trendy behavior.

Unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen multiple tragedies of oral cancer due to long-term consumption of betel nut. In these cases, four influencers ended very tragically. Three of them died within two years, and their lives came to an abrupt end in the best of years. The vitality and dreams they once had were ruthlessly taken away by this little betel nut. Their stories were supposed to be a warning, but they did not attract enough attention because of the lack of sufficient publicity and education.

Another influencer had to undergo facial surgery because of the severity of his oral cancer. Although the surgery temporarily saved his life, his face could not be restored to its original appearance. Whenever he appeared in public, the obvious scars silently told of the damage caused by betel nuts. His life changed completely, not only physically, but also psychologically. His experience is a warning to all those who still eat betel nut, but such warnings do not seem to have resonated widely.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

The tragedy of these influencers could have been avoided. If they had known about the dangers of betel nut, if they had been able to resist the temptation of the short term, if they had been able to cherish their health more, would the outcome have been different? But the reality is cruel, there are no ifs. Their story should be a lesson for everyone, especially for those Internet celebrities and teenagers who are still eating betel nut.

The harm of betel nut is not only a "double whammy" for the mouth, it can also lead to a range of health problems, including tooth damage, loss of taste, digestive dysfunction, and even oral cancer. These diseases not only cause physical suffering, but also have a long-term impact on their lives. Therefore, each of us should be vigilant, stay away from betel nut and cherish health.

At the same time, we also need to regulate and guide those Internet celebrities who promote betel nut for traffic. Society, schools and families should work together to build a line of defence to protect young people from this unhealthy culture. The media and public figures should take on social responsibility and guide young people in the right way, rather than promoting products that are harmful to health for the sake of temporary profits.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

The problem of betel nut is not only a health problem, but also a social problem. It's about whether our next generation can grow up in a healthy, positive environment. Therefore, everyone should take the responsibility to jointly resist the bad promotion of betel nut and protect the physical and mental health of young people. Only in this way will we be able to avoid more tragedies and make our society healthier and better.

Betel nut, which in some areas is used as a refreshing snack, is actually a hidden health killer. In recent years, there have been many cases of oral cancer caused by long-term consumption of betel nut, including some Internet celebrities and public figures. They used their own experiences to show the world the dangers of betel nut, hoping to arouse more people's vigilance.

Internet celebrity Binbin Little Brother, a 36-year-old young man in the prime of life, unfortunately suffered from oral cancer due to long-term betel nut chewing. His life came to an abrupt end under the torture of illness, leaving behind a broken family and endless regrets. In the last stage of his life, he shared his treatment process through social media, telling people about the dangers of betel nut and admonishing everyone to stay away from this deadly fruit.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

Singer Fu Song, a talented musician, also suffered from oral cancer due to betel nut. He has opened up about his illness on social media, showing his face ulcers caused by cancer, and using his pain to warn the world. Fu Song's death is not only a loss for the music industry, but also a wake-up call for all betel nut consumers.

Brother Rain Pants and Betel Nut, they are also victims of oral cancer due to betel nut. Their experiences are equally tragic, and their stories are equally heart-wrenching. Through their own cases, they showed the world the horror of betel nut, hoping to arouse everyone's attention to health and stay away from this potential killer.

Each of these cases is so shocking, and every one of them is so regrettable. They used their lives to warn us: betel nut, this seemingly ordinary small fruit, actually hides huge health risks. Not only can it cause oral cancer, but it can also lead to a range of other serious health problems.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

The arecine and other components in areca nut have a strong irritation to the oral mucosa, and long-term chewing will lead to mucosal damage, inflammation, and even tissue fibrosis. These lesions are prone to cell necrosis mutations during the increase of mucosal cells, and eventually evolve into oral cancer. Moreover, the addictive nature of betel nut also makes it difficult for many people to quit once they start, and over time, the oral mucosa will develop into serious diseases such as oral cancer and throat cancer.

In the face of these bloody lessons, each of us should be vigilant and stay away from betel nut. For those who have already developed the habit of chewing betel nut, it may not be easy to quit this habit, but it is still worth giving it a try for the health of yourself and your family. At the same time, we should also strengthen publicity and education on the dangers of betel nut, so that more people can understand the true face of betel nut and avoid more people falling into this health trap.

The problem of betel nut is not only a health problem, but also a social problem. It's about whether our next generation can grow up in a healthy, positive environment. Therefore, everyone should take the responsibility to jointly resist the bad promotion of betel nut and protect the physical and mental health of young people. Only in this way will we be able to avoid more tragedies and make our society healthier and better.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

Betel nut, this small fruit, may seem inconspicuous, but it hides great harm. Many people know that betel nut is not good for health, but not many people really understand the extent of its harm. In the hearts of many people, betel nut is like a snack, chewing it can refresh the mind and make people feel a hundred times more refreshed. However, behind this short-lived pleasure, there is a hidden threat of serious diseases such as oral cancer.

The lack of public awareness of the dangers of betel nut is partly due to a lack of adequate publicity and education, and partly related to the marketing strategies of the areca nut industry. Betel nut companies carry out advertising through various channels, and even implant betel nut elements in some film and television works, so that betel nut is beautified and legitimized to a certain extent. This kind of misleading propaganda has made many people turn a blind eye to the dangers of betel nut, and even think that betel nut is a symbol of fashion and trend.

In addition to the lack of awareness, an important reason why it is difficult for people to quit betel nut is that betel nut is very addictive. Ingredients such as arecine in areca nut can stimulate the central nervous system of people and make people feel a sense of pleasure. This feeling of pleasure can make one feel comfortable, which can lead to dependence. Once an addiction is formed, it is very difficult to quit. Many people will experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and irritability in the process of trying to quit betel nut, which further increases the difficulty of quitting betel nut.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

In addition, in the process of abstaining from betel nut, people often have a fluke mentality. They think they just chew once in a while and there won't be any big problems. Or feel that diseases such as oral cancer are far away from them and will not happen to them. This kind of luck psychology makes it easy for people to relax their vigilance when facing the temptation of betel nut, thus falling into the trap of betel nut.

However, the reality is harsh. The harm of betel nut will not be reduced by people's neglect and luck. A growing number of cases prove that long-term betel nut chewing increases the risk of oral cancer. Moreover, the harm of betel nut is not limited to the mouth, but can also cause a range of other health problems. Therefore, we must be vigilant, fully aware of the harm of betel nut, and resolutely resist the temptation of betel nut.

Quitting betel nut requires personal determination and perseverance, and more importantly, the support and help of society. The government should step up efforts to raise awareness of the dangers of betel nut. At the same time, the supervision of the betel nut industry should be strengthened, and the publication of betel nut advertisements should be restricted to reduce the availability of betel nut. In addition, people can also be helped to quit betel nut by setting up a smoking cessation hotline and providing smoking cessation services.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

In short, the harm of betel nut cannot be ignored, and quitting betel nut requires our joint efforts. Only when we truly understand the harm of betel nut and resolutely resist the temptation of betel nut can we protect the health of ourselves and our families and stay away from the pain and tragedy brought by betel nut.

"The Big Four of betel nut": eat 5 packs of betel nut a day, die for two years, and the remaining one cuts his face to save his life

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