
The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

author:Qingxin real estate

  A few days ago, Caifeng Ling issued a "Urban Development Group doesn't even let go of the community lobby? The owner of Yangtze River Ruicheng "fryer"! The article mentioned that the area originally planned to be used as a community lobby in the Yangtze River Ruicheng Community suddenly hung up the sign of an art center, and openly started art training, and many owners in the community were very angry in the face of this incident.

The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

  It is understood that the location was previously used as a sales office, and then there was information about the rent, and then an art center was settled, from the initial planning of the project, this location was obviously set as a community lobby, and it was used as a sales office in the early stage, which is more common in many projects, and it is understandable, but after the actual delivery, it should restore its function as a community lobby.

The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

  According to Article 274 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, roads within construction zoning belong to the owners in common, except for urban public roads. The green space within the building zoning belongs to the common ownership of the owners, except for the urban public green space or the express belonging to the individual. Other public places, public facilities and property service rooms within the building zoning belong to the owners in common.

  The function of the community lobby is mainly to provide services for the owners, such as for reception, owners in and out and temporary visitor seating, etc., and by no means to rent it out completely for commercial purposes, the community lobby is equivalent to a community of vital "face", especially like the Chengfa Yangtze River Ruicheng, which was sold as high as 223,000 per square meter of high-end community, a decent community lobby is undoubtedly the "image signboard" of the entire community.

  In order to understand the follow-up situation, recently, Caifeng Ling went to the Yangtze River Ruicheng Community, which is located at the intersection of Changjiang West Road and Emeishan Road in the West Coast New Area, and observed that the sign and road flag of the China Oriental Performing Arts Group Art Training Center outside the lobby of the community have been removed. Entering the lobby, the stairs leading to the upper floor are blocked by chairs on both sides, and the construction fence has disappeared, and it seems that the staff of Yangtze River Ruicheng have restored the lobby to its original state.

The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......
The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......
The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

  In the Yangtze River Ruicheng Community, Caifeng Ling randomly asked a number of community owners, a lady with a child said: "It has not been withdrawn, the outside sign has been removed, but the structure inside has not changed, the partition inside, some time ago the law enforcement department came, so that he was not allowed to do it, the owner is asking him to restore the original state, and now he is looking for materials to see whether the lobby belongs to the owner or belongs to the developer." ”

  An aunt walking in the community said: "It's really angry, the lobby on the first floor was very big, and then it was sealed, and the sign was removed some time ago, and it seemed that the leaders had a meeting at that time, and it was indeed they who were not compliant, so we asked to remove the outside sign first, and asked to go to the front door, and I really don't know anything else." ”

  An uncle said: "Many people go to defend their rights, it stands to reason that the lobby belongs to the owners of the community, and it is good for people in the community to enter and exit, walk or go to the lobby to sit, and the property is rented out privately that the people in the community can agree, so whether there is this configuration is the same." ”

  From the relevant inquiries, it can be seen that many owners are quite dissatisfied with the situation of renting out the community lobby without permission, and the owners believe that the urban development encroaches on the owner's common lobby, hinders the owner from returning home normally, and makes the public configuration of the community useless. In the past two years, many high-end projects have risen in the West Coast New Area, and clubs and community lobbies have become standard. What will happen next?

  The staff of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Qingdao West Coast New Area said: "This matter is still being processed, depending on the nature, it is necessary to define whether the lobby belongs to the property or the real estate company's front room, if it belongs to the community property house, it must not work, if it belongs to the real estate company's door room, it has nothing to do with the owner, and now the relevant information has not been provided, and it has not been completed, so it is still being processed, and the results will be announced after processing." ”

The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

  It is understood that the property of the Yangtze River Ruicheng Community is the property of Chengfa Group (Qingdao) Property Management Co., Ltd., so does the lobby area belong to the property or the real estate company's house? Has the training center been withdrawn? How to solve the subsequent situation?

  The staff said that there were relevant personnel who were specifically responsible for this matter, and the other party was only a front desk staff and was not clear about this matter.

  According to public information, Chengfa Investment Group Co., Ltd. was established on July 18, 2001, the legal representative Xu Deqing, the enterprise address is located in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Huangdao District, Lijiang West Road, No. 1669, No. 2 Building 21, the company involved 45 judicial cases, 51 judgment documents, 21 case information, 58 court announcements, and 9 court announcements. Qingdao West Coast New Area Fusion Holding Group Co., Ltd. holds 100% of the shares.

The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......
The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

  According to public information, Chengfa Group (Qingdao) Property Management Co., Ltd. was established on June 25, 2007, the legal representative Zhu Shenghua, the enterprise address is located in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Huangdao District, Lijiang West Road, No. 1669, Building 2, 17th Floor, the company involved 179 judicial cases, 183 judgment documents, 49 case information, 67 court announcements, and 1 court announcement. Its urban development investment group co., LTD. holds 100% of the shares.

The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......
The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

  It is understood that Chengfa Yangtze River Ruicheng, as a hardcover house, is actually full of problems in delivery. In August last year, Xinwang made a special report that the owners of Changjiang Ruicheng Community, Qingdao West Coast New Area, found that there were multiple quality problems in the house, and they had not been able to repair it after contacting the developer......

The lobby of Yangtze River Ruicheng was "sold" and the follow-up came......

  It can be seen that the owners are extremely disappointed and angry about the various misdeeds of the Urban Development Group in the Yangtze River Ruicheng Community, and they have spent a lot of money to buy real estate, expecting a comfortable and reassuring living environment, but they have encountered a series of problems such as the encroachment of the community lobby and the poor quality of the housing. It is hoped that the urban development group can face up to the problem, assume the due responsibility of state-owned enterprises, and give justice to the owners, so that the community can truly become a warm and harmonious home.

Source: Qingdao Community