
Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

author:Xiaofang medical science
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Many people have had the experience of not eating much, but they feel that their stomach is very swollen, and they even belch a lot. After a meal, my stomach is so bloated that I can't sit or stand.

Sometimes, I don't want to eat all day and feel that my appetite is particularly poor. In fact, these symptoms may be caused by indigestion. For the general public over the age of 35, the problem of indigestion is not unfamiliar, but few people really understand its causes and how to deal with it.

Today, we're going to take a closer look at this health issue that plagues many people.

Definition and classification of dyspepsia

What is indigestion? In simple terms, dyspepsia refers to a series of uncomfortable symptoms in the upper abdomen. Doctors point out that when you experience pain in your upper abdomen, burning, feeling full after a meal, early satiety, as well as gas, belching, nausea and vomiting in your upper abdomen, it is likely to be indigestion. Dyspepsia is divided into two categories: organic and functional, depending on whether there is a clear cause.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

Organic dyspepsia, as the name suggests, refers to a clear cause, such as peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal tumors, hepatobiliary diseases, etc. These conditions lead to problems with the digestive system, which in turn can lead to a range of symptoms of indigestion.

Specifically, tumors like peptic ulcers can cause pain and burning sensation in the upper abdomen, while gastrointestinal tumors can cause postprandial fullness and nausea and vomiting.

Functional dyspepsia, on the other hand, refers to a series of epigastric discomfort that persists for a considerable period of time (usually 3 to 6 months) without a clear organic cause.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

This type of dyspepsia is not uncommon in clinical practice, and many people may experience long-term epigastric discomfort, but after various examinations, no clear cause can be found.

The main cause of indigestion

Helicobacter pylori infection is a common cause. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that parasitizes the gastric mucosa, which can cause chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers, which in turn can lead to indigestion.

Many people may not have obvious symptoms after being infected with this bacterium, but long-term infection can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and affect the normal digestive function of the stomach.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

Poor eating habits are also an important factor. Modern people live a fast-paced life, often overeat, and like to eat high-fat, high-sugar foods, which will increase the burden on the stomach and lead to indigestion. In addition, eating too fast and not paying attention to chewing and swallowing slowly when eating will also increase the workload of the stomach and affect digestion.

Lifestyle changes are also a significant cause of indigestion. Lack of exercise and irregular work and rest will affect the normal function of the digestive system.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

In particular, long-term sedentary life will slow down gastrointestinal peristalsis, and food stays in the stomach for too long, which can easily lead to gas and abdominal pain.

Mental stress and mood swings are also factors that cannot be ignored. Mental stress and emotional instability can affect gastrointestinal function through the neuroendocrine system, leading to indigestion. In particular, those who have been in a state of high pressure for a long time are more likely to experience symptoms of indigestion.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

Changes in the living environment can also have an impact on the digestive system. For example, changes in environmental factors and climate changes will have a certain impact on gastrointestinal function. People have different gastrointestinal adaptations in different environments, which is why some people are prone to indigestion after traveling or moving.

Strategies to prevent and manage indigestion

To effectively prevent and manage indigestion, it is essential to develop healthy lifestyle habits. The first is the adjustment of eating habits. It is recommended that everyone eat small meals and avoid overeating.

Chew slowly during meals to give your stomach enough time to digest your food. Try to avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, and irritating, as these foods can increase the burden on the stomach and induce or aggravate indigestion.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

In addition, a regular routine is equally important. An irregular pace of life can disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system, leading to indigestion.

It is recommended to maintain a regular work and rest time, ensure adequate sleep, and avoid staying up late. Go to bed early and wake up early every day to form a good biological clock, which helps to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

Moderate exercise is also an important means of promoting digestive health. Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can help promote gastrointestinal motility and enhance digestive function. Exercise can also help reduce stress and improve sleep quality, which indirectly improves the health of the digestive system.

Special care should be taken to avoid some common pitfalls. Many people think that drinking alcohol can help digestion, but in fact, alcohol has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which can easily cause gastritis and aggravate the symptoms of indigestion. Similarly, the caffeine in strong tea and coffee can also stimulate gastric acid secretion and increase the burden on the stomach.

Abdominal pain, bloating and always uncomfortable? It could be indigestion

Focus on digestive health and improve quality of life

Through scientific management and preventive measures, we can effectively alleviate and control the symptoms of indigestion. In daily life, maintaining a healthy diet, regular work and rest, moderate exercise, and a good mental state are the keys to maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Only in this way can we stay away from indigestion and enjoy a high quality of life. We hope that through the introduction of this article, you will have a deeper understanding of indigestion and can practice these health tips in your daily life to improve your overall health.