
Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

author:Xiaofang medical science
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Bananas, really are a very flattering fruit. Not only is it sweet and soft, but it is also very easy to carry, and it can be eaten without washing. This is really suitable for modern people with a fast pace of life.

In addition, it is easy to digest and can quickly replenish the body, which is suitable for all ages. However, many people have this confusion: why do the golden and attractive bananas that you just bought appear dark spots after a few days?

Do these dark spots mean that the banana is bad and cannot be eaten? Today, let's talk about this problem that is a headache for everyone.

Causes of banana black spots

First of all, let's talk about why bananas have black spots. Actually, this process is quite normal. The black dots on the skin of bananas are usually called "plum blossom dots". These black spots are formed because certain substances in the banana epidermal cells are oxidized.

Specifically, the polyphenols in the peel are transformed into melanin by the action of oxygen and enzymes. This oxidation process, like iron rusts, is part of the ripening of bananas.

Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

In addition to natural oxidation, there is another possibility of banana dark spots, which is the invasion of germs. It sounds scary, but it's not.

Bananas are sometimes infected with a fungus called anthrax, which causes slightly dimpled black spots on the peel that may have a sticky liquid nearby.

Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

Don't worry too much, though, this fungus only has an effect on bananas and does not infect humans. Therefore, if you see such black spots on bananas, you don't need to panic too much, just carefully judge whether you can continue to eat them.

Can you eat black-spotted bananas?

So, can you still eat bananas with black spots? This question scores. In fact, the "plum blossom spots" that have just begun to appear in bananas are often the best when they taste. These small black dots indicate that the banana is fully ripe and the sweetness is at its best. At this time, bananas can not only be eaten, but should be eaten quickly, and the taste is the best.

However, if the black spots on the skin of the banana gradually increase, and even the flesh of the fruit begins to turn black, it is not recommended to continue to eat it. Especially if the skin of the banana is black and cracked, and the flesh inside will also turn black after peeling it, it is better not to eat such bananas, just to be on the safe side, throw them away.

Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

There is also a situation where you find a banana with white or gray-green mold filaments at both ends, then you must throw the banana away.

Because even though the flesh of the other parts of the fruit looks good, the mold has spread throughout the inside of the banana and eating it may be bad for health.

Scientific methods of preserving bananas

The key to preserving bananas lies in how to control the ethylene gas they release, as ethylene accelerates the ripening and blackening of bananas. Here are some scientific and effective ways to help you keep your bananas fresher longer.

Wrap the banana rhizome

Most of the ethylene gas is released from the rhizomes of bananas. To slow down the ripening process, wrap the rhizome of the banana in plastic wrap.

Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

This effectively reduces the release of ethylene gas, which in turn prolongs the preservation time of bananas. If you want to keep the bananas fresh for about a week, you can take the whole banana apart and wrap the roots of each banana in plastic wrap separately. This method is simple and practical, and the results are remarkable.

Optimal storage temperature

Bananas are very sensitive to temperature. Studies have shown that 13°C is the optimal storage temperature for bananas. At this temperature, bananas ripen significantly slower, thus keeping them fresher for a longer period of time.

Therefore, it is ideal to store bananas in an environment around 13°C. If there is a condition at home, you can keep the bananas in a thermostatic storage cabinet and keep them within this temperature range.

Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

Hang to save

Another effective way is to hang bananas. This not only prevents the bananas from crushing each other, but also ensures air circulation around them.

Choose a cool, dry place and hang the bananas, a well-ventilated environment allows the ethylene gas produced to disperse quickly, thus delaying the aging process of the bananas. This method is not only simple, but also very effective, and is a common preservation technique used by many banana growers.

Other preservation tips and pitfalls

Avoid direct sunlight

Direct sunlight will accelerate the ripening and rotting of bananas. Therefore, bananas should not be placed in direct sunlight to avoid the effects of high temperature and strong light on bananas. Choosing a cool and dark storage environment can effectively prolong the storage time of bananas.

Do not mix with other fruits

Ethylene gas is released not only by bananas, but also by many other fruits. If bananas are placed with these fruits, it will accelerate the ripening and blackening of bananas. Therefore, it is best to store bananas separately and avoid mixing them with fruits such as apples, pears, etc.

Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

Use a paper bag for preservation

Keeping bananas in paper bags is also a good way to preserve them. Paper bags can regulate the concentration of ethylene gas without allowing excessive ethylene build-up or completely isolating ethylene. This method is simple and effective, and can help keep bananas fresher for longer.

Avoid excessively low temperatures

Although many people like to put fruits in the refrigerator, bananas are not suitable for cold storage. After the banana is put in the refrigerator, it is easy to have "frostbite", black spots and patches will appear on the surface, and the flesh will become soft and rotten. Therefore, low temperatures are not a good way to preserve bananas, but rather accelerate their spoilage. Summary and Recommendations

Bananas have black spots, are they bad and can't be eaten? This will last for a week

Through the above methods, you can preserve bananas more scientifically and prolong their freshness time. In order to enjoy the freshest and tastiest bananas, it is recommended that you buy a small amount of bananas often to ensure that you can eat them all within two days. In addition, mastering some simple and effective preservation techniques can also help us avoid waste and enjoy delicious bananas for longer.

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