
Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

author:Xiaofang medical science
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In everyday life, the health of nails is often overlooked. Many people pay more attention to nails at the aesthetic level, ignoring that nails are also a mirror of health.

Changes in the color, shape, thickness, texture, and smoothness of nails may indicate the presence of systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, etc. Therefore, understanding nail disease is not only for aesthetics, but also for the timely detection of potential health problems.

A common cause of nail disease

1. Infectious diseases

The most common infection of onychopathy is a fungal infection of the nail fungus, commonly known as "nail fungus". Fungal infections can cause nails to become discolored, thickened, and brittle.

In addition to fungi, bacterial and viral infections can also cause nail disease, such as paronychia, which is often caused by a bacterial infection, causing redness, swelling and pain around the nails.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

2. Trauma and physicochemical stimuli

Nail disease can be caused by physical irritants such as improper nail trimming, wearing ill-fitting shoes, and long-term exposure to chemicals such as detergents.

For example, ingrown nails and paronychia are often caused by improper trimming and improper shoe wearing, especially in adolescents and older adults.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

3. Skin diseases and systemic diseases

Some skin diseases such as psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, etc., can also affect the health of nails. Systemic diseases such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, etc., may also manifest themselves through the nails.

For example, clubbing (drumstick finger) is often associated with cardiovascular or respiratory disease, while spoon nails may indicate iron deficiency anemia or thyroid disease.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

4. Hereditary diseases

Some nail diseases are congenital, such as congenital thick nails, absence of nails, etc. These disorders are usually genetically related and present from birth.

Symptoms and manifestations of nail disease

1. Nail color change

A change in nail color is an important sign of nail disease. Subungual dark spots are a relatively common manifestation, if there are unexplained black lines, especially in middle-aged and elderly people, it is necessary to be alert to the possibility of nail malignant melanoma.

Female nail nevi can also appear as black lines, but they are usually benign. White or yellow nails, with similar symptoms on multiple nails at the same time, may indicate a fungal nail infection.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

2. Changes in nail structure

Structural changes such as nail thickening, separation, brittle texture, and rough surface are common in nail fungal infections, nail psoriasis, nail lichen planus, etc. Raised or grooved nails may indicate a tumor under or around the nail that requires further investigation and treatment.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

3. Other symptoms

Nail disease may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, erythema, etc. Angiomus is a common benign tumor of the nail bed, usually presenting as erythema under the fingernail with pain. If nail erythema is accompanied by other discomforts, you should seek medical attention promptly to rule out other serious diseases.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

Diagnosis and treatment of nail disease

1. Diagnostic methods

For people with suspected fungal infection, doctors do fungal scrapings and cultures. These tests can help confirm the presence of a fungal infection and the specific type of infection.

In addition, pathological examination is essential for nails with abnormal color or structure, such as subungual dark spots or nail bulges. A pathological examination can help determine the presence and nature of the tumour and ensure an accurate diagnosis.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

2. Common treatments

Treatment for nail disease varies depending on the cause. For fungal infections, topical antifungal drugs are the most common treatment. These drugs can act directly on the site of infection and are effective.

Due to the peculiarities of the nail structure, the absorption effect of topical drugs is limited. If the infection is more severe or involves more than one fingernail, your doctor may recommend oral antifungal medications.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

These drugs need to be taken long-term, and liver function needs to be monitored regularly because most antifungal drugs are metabolized by the liver.

3. Surgical treatment

In some cases, surgery may be necessary. For example, for nail nevi or malignant melanoma, surgical excision is the only effective treatment.

Nail sulcus reconstruction and orthopaedic nail plate surgery are indicated for patients with severe ingrown nails or nail deformities. These surgeries can effectively improve the appearance of nails, relieve symptoms, and improve quality of life.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

Special treatment for nail fungus

1. Medication encapsulation therapy

Drug encapsulation is a treatment that applies antifungal drugs directly to the nails. This method is suitable for more superficial or distal fungal infections with better results and fewer side effects. The antifungal drug is applied to the nail and then covered with an encapsulation material to enhance the absorption and effectiveness of the drug.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

2. Laser and photodynamic therapy

Laser and photodynamic therapy are the treatments for nail fungal infections that have been developed in recent years. Lasers directly kill fungi through high-energy beams, while photodynamic therapy activates drugs through specific wavelengths of light, causing them to have a bactericidal effect. These two methods are effective in treating deep fungal infections, but they are relatively expensive.

Get a holistic view of nail disease – health starts at your fingertips

3. Topical application therapy of traditional Chinese medicine

TCM topical therapy uses Chinese herbal ingredients and has a good antifungal effect. Common Chinese herbal ingredients include Coptis chinensis, Sophora radix, Phellodendron chinensis, etc. These drugs are applied to the infected area by soaking or applying them, and have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and nail recovery effects.

Through a comprehensive understanding of nail disease and scientific care, we can effectively prevent and treat nail disease and maintain the health and beauty of nails. Nails are small, but healthy are big, and focus on nail health, starting with your fingertips.