
Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

author:Koyanagi Health said
Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

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On a sunny morning, 72-year-old Wang was walking in the community. This is his usual daily habit, and he walks here for about 30 minutes every morning.

"Master Wang, you are really in good spirits!" A warm greeting was heard not far away. It turned out to be Lao Wang's neighbor Aunt Lu, a 63-year-old retired worker.

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

"Haha, yes, yes, I recently had a magical 'Chief Health Officer'!" Lao Wang said with a smile.

Aunt Lu asked curiously: "What is the 'chief health officer'?

"Whereever, that's a simple and practical regimen I learned from a doctor." Lao Wang said mysteriously, "Just take a little vitamin B1 every day." "

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

Aunt Lu was stunned, isn't vitamin B1 just an ordinary nutrient in our lives? How can you become a "chief health officer"?

Seeing Aunt Lu's doubts, Lao Wang continued to explain: "Don't underestimate this old friend, B1 is very helpful to the body of our elderly. And the price is affordable, a few cents a piece, and the economy is very affordable. "

"For example, I've been suffering from fatigue and sore limbs lately. The doctor recommended that I take more vitamin B1 supplements, which can effectively alleviate these symptoms. "

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

"And B1 is also beneficial to improve some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular related diseases, such as arrhythmia, dizziness and headache, etc., which can benefit from it."

Seeing that Lao Wang was reasonable, Aunt Lu couldn't help but be convinced. She remembered that she had been numb in her hands and feet lately, maybe it was the nerve damage caused by the B1 deficiency.

So she asked, "Does vitamin B1 help with any other disease?"

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

"Oh, yes!" Lao Wang seemed to suddenly remember something, "B1 has also made great achievements in improving diabetes." It can enhance insulin sensitivity, which can control blood sugar levels in the body. "

"In addition, many people know that B1 can prevent beriberi, but it also has a certain effect in regulating sleep. It is good for relaxing the nerves and maintaining good sleep quality. "

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

Hearing this, Aunt Lu was finally completely convinced. Since retiring, she has been suffering from sleep problems and diabetes. If vitamin B1 can really play such a good improvement role, it is simply a "good medicine".

The next day, Lao Wang took Aunt Lu to a nearby pharmacy. Under the guidance of a pharmacist, they bought a bottle of vitamin B1 supplement.

"Remember, take one pill every morning and evening, and don't overdo it." The pharmacist advised, "Although B1 is safe and has no toxic side effects, it should be controlled within a moderate dosage range. "

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

After taking it for a while, Lao Wang and Aunt Lu really felt the miraculous effect of B1.

Lao Wang's fatigue and soreness symptoms have improved significantly, and his walking has become more vigorous. Aunt Lu's sleep quality has also improved dramatically, and her diabetes has become easier to control.

"It's amazing! Who would have thought that such a cheap small molecule would have so many benefits for us seniors!" Aunt Lu was sincerely admired.

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

Lao Wang nodded, and said with a smile: "Isn't it, isn't this the so-called 'small money can do big things'?" Supplementing with some necessary micronutrients is often more effective than any 'strong medicine' or 'health supplement'. "

"We are all getting older, and many health problems are actually caused by an imbalance of micronutrients, and finding the right cause can be well improved. This is much more than indiscriminate health supplements. "

Since then, Lao Wang and Aunt Lu have been insisting on taking vitamin B1, and gradually their physical and mental state have been rejuvenated. They often share their experiences and experiences with their friends, encouraging everyone to start with the small things in life and maintain their health in a simple and practical way.

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

Once, on a park bench, an elderly man who was ten years older than them humbly said, "Thank you so much, it is you old people who have brought us valuable health ideas."

"It's nothing, it's a great honor to be able to share my health with everyone." Lao Wang said with a smile, "There is no shortcut to health, but as long as we observe with our hearts and grasp it with wisdom, even the most ordinary vitamins can bring us surprises." "

Retired workers at the age of 63 eat a little "chief health officer" every day, and these changes will occur in the body

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Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.