
The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

author:Glutinous rice Rc who loves to chase dramas

Rose and Fang Xiewen finally quarreled. After Rose became pregnant, Fang Xiewen went to quit her job without consulting her, and similarly, without consulting her, he took his mother over. Rose stayed in the hospital for two days, and Fang Xiewen did these two things on his own initiative.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

Fang Xiewen quit his job for Rose, saying that he wanted Rose to take good care of his body, but he was actually worried that Zhuang Guodong would go to the unit to find Rose again.

He didn't feel at ease when he let Rose stay at home, and picked up his mother from his hometown, saying that he was taking care of Rose, but in fact, he was monitoring Rose's actions, and he was afraid that she would go out to see Zhuang Guodong.

Especially when Rose said that she would go back to Beijing with her parents to live for a few days, Fang Xiewen quarreled with Rose.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

He said to Rose: "You remember, you are now a member of our Fang family, and you can't think about yourself for anything." ”

Rose asked him: "What did you tell me before, you said that we got married, you did not separate from the original family, but gave you an extra home, and now you say that I am a member of your family, what do you mean?" ”

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

Fang Xiewen said, if you are pregnant with my child, I will be responsible for you, what's wrong with this?

Rose said, you say that you are responsible for me, that is, to arrange my life and restrict my freedom.

Rose regretted that she shouldn't have let Fang Xiewen see Zhuang Guodong. But in fact, she didn't know that Fang Xiewen knew about Zhuang Guodong's existence before they decided to get married. And it was Zhuang Guodong who suddenly came to Beijing and let them get married in advance.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

Fang Xiewen found a meal receipt from the pocket of Rose's clothes, he found the restaurant according to the address on it, asked the manager to monitor him, and saw Rose eating with a man. Seeing this man tall and handsome, he immediately felt that his love for Rose was threatened. When he returned home, he took out the company's business license and official seal to propose to Rose, saying that he would share the company's profits with Rose.

Touched by his sincerity, Rose immediately left Zhuang Guodong behind and firmly accepted his proposal.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

Moreover, because Fang Xiewen has no money, everything in marriage is simple. When neither parents met, Rose went to Fang Xiewen's house to marry him.

When Zhuang Guodong learned the news of Rose's marriage to Fang Xiewen, he went to Fang Xiewen's hometown to stop it, Fang Xiewen wrapped a red envelope for his mother and asked his mother to give Rose, saying that Rose didn't mention the bride price, and his mother was very unhappy.

In fact, Fang Xiewen knew that Zhuang Guodong came to prevent Rose from getting married, and he was worried that Rose would change his mind, so he wrapped the red envelope.

The rose wedding dress was not worn, and the marriage was not registered, so the wedding was held with him first.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

Rose asked him: "Then why don't you let me go to work, why do you control my freedom, you can sneak there and ask me for a long time when I buy flowers, and why do you want to buy a big house, make yourself so stressed, don't you want to compete with him?" ”

Fang Xiewen saw that Rose asked about the sore spot, so he simply asked her: "Then what do you mean by going to Beijing, who is there in Beijing?" ”

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

Zhuang Guodong cooperated with Qingxuan, the unit where Rose worked before, and went on a business trip to Beijing, Rose may not know, but Fang Xiewen inquired very clearly.

Rose thought that Fang Xiewen and Zhuang Guodong had only met once in Yanji, but she didn't know that they met again after returning to Shanghai.

That day, Fang Xiewen's company took over a big project and solved the company's existential crisis.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

He called Zhuang Guodong to ask to meet, he brought Zhuang Guodong a candy, declared his sovereignty to Zhuang Guodong again, and said to him: "The last time we met, I and Rose had not registered, and Rose told me about you." Of course I know that she is such a good girl, it is impossible for no one to chase. She's been in love a few times, who she's been with, that's her past, and I don't mind at all. She's not a drag either, and if she decides to marry me, I have no competition. ”

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

He said so, but when Zhuang Guodong asked the waiter to order and bring roses, his face was a little unbearable. Because Zhuang Guodong said that these dishes are all roses like to eat, don't you know?

The meaning of Zhuang Guodong's words was a little slap in Fang Xiewen's face, even if Rose married him, what could it mean, what did Rose like, and he didn't tell him. Besides, his company has just opened, and he doesn't have the financial strength to invite Rose to a big restaurant for dinner.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

Zhuang Guodong asked the waiter to pack the dishes for Fang Xiewen to take away, Fang Xiewen first threw the packaged vegetables next to the trash can, and then thought about it, or took it back and brought it to the roses to eat. He saw that the roses were eating happily, and he felt very inferior in his heart, and he began to be suspicious and suspicious of the roses' feelings for him.

Therefore, after Rose became pregnant, he took it upon himself to quit her job on the grounds of health and picked up his mother from his hometown. Rose wanted to go home with her mother, so he quarreled with her, resolutely objected, and finally simply asked: "What do you mean by going to Beijing, who is in Beijing?" ”

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge

took out the meal receipt from Rose's pocket, and he began to be suspicious, and went to the restaurant to investigate who Rose was with. He got married ahead of schedule, but he didn't expect Zhuang Guodong to chase after Yanji, which made him feel Zhuang Guodong's existence. Wait until Zhuang Guodong packs a few dishes and asks him to bring roses, so that he can really feel the threat of the other party.

His jealousy gradually swelled, and he began to consciously watch over Rose to prevent her from meeting Zhuang Guodong again. When Rose became pregnant, he directly went through the resignation procedures for her, and took his mother to the house to monitor Rose's whereabouts, and Rose wanted to go back to Beijing with her mother, but he directly opposed it and controlled Rose at home.

The story of the rose: Fang Xiewen brought the dishes ordered by Zhuang Guodong to the rose, which was the beginning of his revenge
