
There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

author:Join in the fun

Recently, there has been a matter that has aroused heated discussions on the Internet, that is, Southern Medical University has fallen into the whirlpool of controversy, and the reason why the school is controversial is mainly because of a doctor named Yu Li.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

Dr. Yu Li is a teacher at Southern Medical University, and she usually saves lives in the hospital and teaches students at the school.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

But just recently, some things about Dr. Yu Li were exposed, and this matter also involved some regulations of the school, so as soon as it was exposed, it immediately aroused heated discussions and attention from the majority of netizens.

The beginning and end of the Yu Li incident

Dr. Yu Li's incident started on May 10, when she had a class to attend, but for some reason, she ended up being 29 minutes late.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

For schools, no matter what the reason, as long as the teacher is late, it is a very serious teaching accident, because the time of a class is not long, and the student's time is also very precious and cannot be wasted.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

So when the school learned that Dr. Yu Li was late, it dealt with her to a certain extent, and the results of this treatment were not announced to the outside world at that time, so everyone didn't know how the school dealt with Dr. Yu Li for a while.

And just when everyone was still speculating, on June 15, Dr. Yu Li's punishment notice was exposed, and it turned out that the school had suspended her for a week.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

As soon as the results of such a treatment came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among everyone, and many people felt that such a treatment was too much for Dr. Yu Li, after all, the reason why she was late was because she was saving people in the hospital, which in itself is a very positive thing.

Therefore, there are many people who believe that when the school deals with this matter, it should take into account the specific situation, and cannot blindly act according to the rules and ignore some special reasons behind the matter.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

As for the school's handling of the results, although everyone has all kinds of dissatisfaction and doubts, the school has not made any response to this, but has remained silent, no matter what the outside world thinks of this matter, they have not made any explanation and explanation.

In this way, Dr. Yu Li's matter has naturally been infinitely magnified, and many people feel that the result of such a treatment is very unreasonable, so they have begun to criticize the school, feeling that they are doing this is a very irresponsible performance.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

And just when everyone was disagreeing on this matter, a new news suddenly came from Southern Medical University, it turned out that the director of the school's infrastructure department was investigated by the relevant departments because of corruption.

The former director of the infrastructure department was investigated for corruption

At such a sensitive moment, a school leader was actually investigated by the relevant departments for corruption, so the scope of the whole matter was different.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

On the surface, this matter does not seem to have much to do with Dr. Yu Li, but I don't know why, many people began to connect these two things, and felt that the sudden silence of the school must have something to do with the investigation of the director of the infrastructure department.

This matter is undoubtedly a very big blow to the school, after all, they were already questioned and criticized by public opinion, at this time, a leader of the school was investigated for corruption, and the outside world will definitely make all kinds of speculations, thinking that the school's atmosphere must be problematic, so there will be such some things.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

For Dr. Yu Li, such a thing happened undoubtedly a very big impact, everyone was still waiting for her results, but now that there is such news from the school, her matter will naturally be no more, and the school has not made any more explanations and explanations to the outside world.

Many people have their own views and opinions on the development of the whole thing, especially for the school's practice, which has caused everyone to think deeply.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

In fact, it is not very difficult for schools to get some positive evaluations and affirmations in such things, the key is how they think about it when dealing with such things, and how they weigh the interests of all parties.

After all, no matter what kind of decision is made, there will be people who are dissatisfied with it, so the school must stand on an objective and fair standpoint, and cannot be swayed by various remarks from the outside world, let alone conceal the facts for some other reasons, which will only make the outside world's perception of the school worse and worse.

There is no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated for corruption, and the official report was made

At the same time, the school should also learn to take the initiative to communicate at such a time, no matter what kind of doubts and doubts the outside world has, they should give a reasonable explanation, so as to eliminate some concerns from the outside world, and also let everyone have a deeper understanding of the school's practices.

For Dr. Yu Li, perhaps what she needs most now is a justice from the school, and this justice also needs everyone to appeal and work together.

Write to the end

Whether in any unit or organization, if there are some problems and contradictions, communication and understanding are very important, only everyone can have an equal opportunity to communicate, in order to better solve the problem, but also to make things develop in a good direction.

I hope that in the next time, whether it is Southern Medical University or some other relevant departments, we will be able to learn some experiences and lessons from it, and we will be able to better deal with all kinds of things, so that everyone can feel the warmth of justice.