
Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

author:Gossip and breaking the news circle
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Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"
Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

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Speaking of Wang Baoqiang, I have to mention his heart-rending performance. I remember that in "There Are No Thieves in the World", he played a simple-minded little person, who was chased and beaten by a gang of gangsters and fled everywhere in order to collect debts. The audience was deeply moved by his acting skills to the end.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

An originally unknown small role, under Wang Baoqiang's god-level interpretation, won everyone's applause. Since then, Wang Baoqiang's acting career has been greenlit, and his life has changed its trajectory.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

From Broken Boy to "King of Comedy"

To be honest, Wang Baoqiang's growth experience is legendary. He was born in an ordinary peasant family and enjoyed learning martial arts since he was a child. When he was 8 years old, a "Shaolin Temple" fascinated the little boy. Following in the footsteps of his parents, he left his barren hometown and began to experience the ups and downs in the Shaolin Temple.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Several years of martial arts training career has turned Wang Baoqiang from a poor boy to a strong martial arts teenager. But his dream doesn't stop there, he also wants to learn acting and become an actor on the screen. When he was 15 years old, he came to Beijing alone, starting with group performances and stand-ins, and started a road full of hardships to pursue his dreams.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

After several years of hard work, he was finally discovered by the director in 2003 through the movie "Blind Well". Later, films such as "Night Banquet" and "No Thieves in the World" pushed him to the peak of popularity. The audience was attracted by the funny performance of this "big old and rough" actor, and they gave him the reputation of "King of Comedy".

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

After becoming popular overnight, Wang Baoqiang admitted that he was actually a little "afraid". Becoming popular brings fame and money, but there are many people around him who have other intentions for him. In the face of human affection, he can only rely on his diligence to deal with it.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

The bloody plot of Ma Rong's divorce case

Just when his career was getting better, Wang Baoqiang's love life fell into a whirlpool. In 2018, he suddenly issued a divorce statement, accusing his wife Ma Rong of having an improper relationship with his agent Song Zhe, and even transferred a large amount of family property.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

As soon as the news of the divorce of a single father with two children came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions. As a model couple in the circle, how did they get to where they are today? The scary details made netizens collectively angry.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

It was once revealed that Ma Rong was quite "scheming" in the divorce lawsuit, she not only wanted to take away all of Wang Baoqiang's assets, but also repeatedly used her children as a "weapon" to threaten. After several years of disputes, Ma Rong finally only divided a small part of the property, and the relationship between the two parties was completely severed.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

"Dude, you have to be strong!" Fans cheered for Wang Baoqiang, and during the period, they often drilled out some curious claims, such as Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong were actually calculated by a "third party" and so on. Either way, the end of this marriage made everyone sigh.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

The new relationship is full of suspicions

After the divorce case subsided, Wang Baoqiang soon entered a new relationship. In 2019, some media took photos of him being very close to a mysterious woman, Feng Qing. The two went out intimately many times, hugged and kissed, and behaved intimately.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

At first, Feng Qing was said to be a "white rich beauty", with a good family background, and he was also a successful entrepreneur and investor. People around Wang Baoqiang also praised this woman. But then some negative news about Feng Qing's past was also dug up.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Someone broke the news that Feng Qing actually had the problem of academic fraud and many debt disputes, and he was not as "perfect" as he imagined. Some people even bluntly said that she may just want to use Wang Baoqiang to pay off her debts. For a while, doubts and suspicions about Wang Baoqiang's new relationship were rampant on the Internet.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Despite this, the relationship between the two continues to this day. It is reported that Feng Qing has paid off all his debts, has a dignified character, and is also wholeheartedly devoted to Wang Baoqiang. At the end of last year, the two were photographed attending the wedding of their friend Donnie Yen together, and it seems that the wedding date is not far away.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Today, Wang Baoqiang is over 40 years old, and although his career has improved slightly, his emotional road is still quite bumpy. Looking back on his journey, he has had a youthful era of pursuing his dreams, a glorious moment in his acting career, and endless disputes in marriage and family.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Now it seems that Wang Baoqiang is finally able to let go of the shadow of the past. From time to time, he posts his new work on social media and interacts with his friends, and seems to be in a good mood. As a single father, he always finds time to spend with his two children.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

I wonder what the future holds? Is it to marry Feng Qing and enter a stable family? Or conscientiously enjoy being single? Let's wait and see. No matter what the road ahead is, I believe that this former "poor boy" will be able to stick to his heart and set sail.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

In short, Wang Baoqiang's life experience is really legendary and tortuous. From a rural boy from a poor background, to later working hard in the entertainment industry with his own efforts; From the initial obscurity, he later became a household name in the national comedy. His story shows us resilience and courage, and it also makes us reflect on the complexity and injustice of this society.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

An artist's road to fame is often full of thorns

On the road to success, Wang Baoqiang has also encountered all kinds of doubts and ridicule. He was once commented on as "mediocre in appearance, short in stature, and stiff in acting", and almost gave up his dream. But he was not defeated by the voice of discrimination, but gritted his teeth and practiced the basic skills, and finally shined in one masterpiece after another.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

This kind of self-improvement quality may be the key to Wang Baoqiang's ability to get to where he is today. In the entertainment industry, which is heavy on color and heavy body, he used his strength and hard work to complete the "counterattack". Although his appearance and figure are not the best, his love and dedication to the profession of actor are far better than those "vase" artists who are carried away by great fame.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Marriage is an important event in anyone's life. It's a pity that in Wang Baoqiang, his two relationship experiences have encountered a lot of twists and turns.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

The first marriage ended regrettably with the plot of Ma Rong's derailment after 7 years of companionship. Thinking carefully about the causes and consequences of that marriage change, it really makes people sigh. not only hurt Wang Baoqiang, but also triggered widespread criticism and condemnation of the behavior of the "little three" in society.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Now Wang Baoqiang has entered a new relationship, and the background of his new girlfriend Feng Qing has also been questioned. Despite this, the relationship between the two seems to be getting deeper and deeper, and there are rumors that they are about to enter the palace of marriage.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

No matter what, there is always a group of fans who are loyal to Wang Baoqiang, and they all sincerely hope that this former "Brother Da Xuan" can meet the right person and live a happy and healthy life. After all, as a hard-working and well-behaved struggler, he deserves to be blessed.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

Looking forward to the rise of the "new Wang Baoqiang".

Today, Wang Baoqiang is over 40 years old, and it can be said that he has a lot of experience and experience. Although he has suffered some setbacks in emotional issues, his development in his career is remarkable. In recent years, he has also begun to try to challenge different types of roles.

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

We have reason to believe that Wang Baoqiang will be able to go to the next level on the road of performance and bring us more excitement. Don't stick to the label of "King of Comedy" in the past, but look forward to the rise of a new, multi-faceted, and more connotative "New Wang Baoqiang".

Ma Rong just left and came Feng Qing again, the unlucky Wang Baoqiang, in the end, he still couldn't get around the "women's pit"

In general, Wang Baoqiang has been questioned along the way, but he has also received countless applause and cheers. With his strength and tenacity, he wrote a legendary life with struggle. No matter what kind of opportunities we face in the future, we will continue to support and look forward to this veteran actor continuing to shine!

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