
Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!



Sister Lan saw her grandson, that little thing was more tortuous than crossing the seven oceans!

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

In this gossip-ridden entertainment circle, Wang Xiaofei's family's homely meals can be fried into a table full of Han people, especially the big drama of Sister Lan and her group of precious grandchildren, which is even more twisty than a serial, and this year's drama is even more powerful!

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Sister Lan, the famous "national mother-in-law" in the circle, misses her grandson sweeter than milk tea and longer than a serial.

But want to meet? Hey, that's not a trivial matter that can be solved with a ticket, and it is more difficult to overcome many obstacles than to learn from experience.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Don't mention the past, life has been stormy

Having said that, the love-hate relationship between Wang Xiaofei and the curve is nothing new.

The two went from sweetness to parting ways, and the child became a "little sandwich cookie" sandwiched in the middle.

Custody rights, visitation rights, behind these legal terms, there are countless nights of anticipation and regret of Sister Lan.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

This year's new script is bigger than the screenwriter's brain

Anyway, this summer, Sister Lan thought that she could finally return her grandchildren to China and have a warm family reunion like looking forward to the stars and the moon.

She decorated her home early as the New Year, and she wished that even the air was filled with the smell of "welcome home".

But, well, it's a thing of it, it just likes to go against you.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Sister Lan's dream of crossing the ocean was stunned by a piece of Taiwan compatriot certificate and temporarily pressed the pause button.

The footprints of the children's summer vacation are still overseas, and the mixed tastes in Sister Lan's heart are faster than turning a book, from excitement to loss, which is more unpredictable than the weather forecast.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Let's guess, why did this curvy mom do this? Is it because the work is too busy and the doppelganger is lacking, or is it that the overseas educational resources are tempting, so that the children can continue to be nurtured by the "international style"? Or, a little bit of selfishness,

Want to keep your children away from the cusp of public opinion for a while? Anyway, we outsiders can only watch the fire from the other side and guess the roughly.

However, the considerations behind this are probably only clear in the hearts of the parties.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Let's talk about those legendary reunion conditions, which are simply more cumbersome than the moon landing mission.

The time has to be pinched just right, the location has to be screened layer by layer, and there must be a "guardian saint" to supervise, where is this reunion, it is simply a modern version of "Journey to the West", and it has to go through nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties to hold the grandson.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

The grievance in Sister Lan and Wang Xiaofei's hearts was like swallowing a whole lemon, and they frowned so sourly.

This psychological pressure is more crowded than the subway during rush hour, which makes people breathless.

Imagine, originally, family affection is the purest emotional outpouring, but now it's good, it's hard to be shackled, what a psychological challenge it must be!

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Sister Lan and Wang Xiaofei estimated how many sheep they had to count at night to fall asleep, and they had to be imported to match this international problem.

Of course, let's not rule out that there is a misunderstanding in it, after all, these days, the rumors on the Internet are flying faster than rockets, true and false, false and real, who can say accurately?

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

But no matter what, Sister Lan and Wang Xiaofei's hearts of wanting to see their grandson are real, more real than pearls.

I hope that one day in the future, they can take off all their guards and simply enjoy the belated family fun like ordinary families.

After all, home and love are the most hardcore passes, don't you say?

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Wang Xiaofei's road to "catastrophe".

In the past three years, Wang Xiaofei has been a "frequent visitor to the court", appearing in court more often than ordinary people visiting supermarkets.

Every time I stand in the defendant's seat, the degree of heartbeat is more exciting than riding a roller coaster, but this stimulation, whoever tries it, knows, it is not comfortable.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

This is not the end, the long-term psychological pressure has caused him to suffer from anxiety and depression, and at the worst time, he has to rely on people to help him take two steps, and he has changed from a business elite to a "greenhouse flower".

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

It's good to meet "Mei", and life is restarted

Just when Wang Xiaofei felt that life was bleak, Xiaomei was like a beam of light, shining into his world. The moment they met, it was like a romantic scene in a Korean drama, and people couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Xiaomei not only became his life assistant, but also a spiritual mentor, helping him rebuild his confidence and come out of the haze bit by bit.

During those days, Xiaomei's existence was like a warm baby in winter, warm and indispensable.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

Sister Lan's "like" certification

Sister Lan was full of praise for Xiaomei, and shouted: "This girl, it's hard to find with a lantern!" In Sister Lan's eyes, Xiaomei not only has a hand in housework, but what is even more rare is that she can always skillfully balance family relationships and make the family full of harmony and laughter.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

No, Sister Lan praises everyone she meets, and Xiaomei has become the "treasure girl" in her heart.

Husband and wife work together, and their profits are broken

In order to meet the children, Wang Xiaofei and Xiaomei embarked on a "treasure hunting trip" hand in hand.

Before setting off, they were like captains preparing for a long voyage, carefully planning every step, and their hearts were full of longing for reunion.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

In the face of those "non-human" conditions, they did not give up, but wits to "grind people", and melted the ice little by little with patience and wisdom.

Sister Lan saw that her grandson was far more than just crossing the ocean, and this year's conditions were even more exciting!

The fans' "refueling bag", Sister Lan's gratitude

In this family marathon, the encouragement of fans is like an energy bar, which makes Sister Lan and Wang Xiaofei full of motivation.

On social media, "come on" and "hold on" have become high-frequency words, and these warm words moved Sister Lan, and she often sighed in the live broadcast: "It's good to have you!" Sister Lan's gratitude is like the sunshine in spring, warm and bright.

9. Conclusion

The story of Sister Lan and her grandson is more ups and downs than any family ethics drama, but it is these twists and turns that make every time they get together, it is precious.

We look forward to the day in the future when they will be able to enjoy their family fun freely under the sunshine without strings attached.

After all, home and everything is the best plot direction.

As for those unfinished chapters to be continued, let's still read them while walking, after all, life is not an unknown adventure!

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