
It doesn't matter how important the writing of self-media creators is

author:Qi Xia writes

In the previous article, we have already talked about; This is an era when everyone can self-media, as long as you have a computer, even a mobile phone, you can write self-media anytime and anywhere.

We've also discussed; In this era of "everyone can self-media", does it matter whether the writing is important? In the end, the answer was "particularly important".

It doesn't matter how important the writing of self-media creators is

1. Why is it particularly important?

In fact, no matter which self-media platform you open now, you will find that there are so many homogeneous content and articles that are piled up. If you open an article to read casually, and then open an article in the same field to read, you will find that the content of these articles is actually the same, and there is nothing special about it.

Therefore, even if you have time, you can spend most of the day reading these articles and operate them in one meal; You will also find that there are actually very few articles or authors that can impress you, and this is for self-media creators; But it is nothing more than the deadliest.

Because our appeal is to have more readers like our articles, so that they want to continue reading; Click to follow us.

Therefore, our article must be attractive enough to attract others. In this era of homogenization, your words, the way you narrate, and your choice of words and sentences must be attractive enough to get more traffic and attention for your account, so as to get more income.

In fact, after many friends come into contact with self-media writing, they will have a hurrying and coping psychological state every day, don't be like this, seriously polishing every article we write is what we have to do.

It doesn't matter how important the writing of self-media creators is

2. How to improve your writing

There are a lot of friends who have said; Not to mention asking me to write a distinctive and engaging article, I can't write 300 words.

In fact, this is also a very real problem; Many people have drifted away from writing articles since they left campus. So let's not think about self-media writing for now, we can start to learn to write a diary, stipulate that we must write 100 words every day, and slowly transition to 300 words, 500 words, 800 words, and when we write more than 1,000 words, we can consider what kind of field we like and what kind of field we are good at, and then find those authors and celebrities in the same field as ourselves on the public platform to see how their articles are written, and we can imitate their writing techniques.

Or rather; After you have decided what kind of field you choose, you can write an article first, and then go to see how those gods and big names write articles, where is the gap between yourself and them, and what needs to be improved.

We can also understand that only after writing an article of more than 1,000 words can we revise and polish the article. Why? Because first of all we have to be very clear; I am a novice of self-media writing, and it is difficult for us to write short and concise articles. Therefore, in order to make our article look fuller and more meaningful, we must increase the content and length of the article.

In many cases, using more beautiful rhetorical devices will make our articles more eye-catching to readers.

It doesn't matter how important the writing of self-media creators is

3. Don't underestimate the importance of writing

I particularly like a blogger with an official account, her official account is all about speaking out for women and safeguarding women's rights and interests. And the language of her articles is also very sharp and refreshing, and every time I read her articles, I feel very comfortable in my heart.

It was only later that I slowly realized; It turns out that writing articles also requires attention to skills and techniques.

For example, we all know that in this modern society that shouts "equality between men and women"; The legal rights and interests of many women are still not protected.

Very ironic reality; If the woman is married and has children, the inertial thinking of the human resources department will be that this person will focus a lot of time and energy on the family and children in the future, so it is very likely that she will not be able to do high-intensity work.

And if the role is changed to a man, the human resources department will naturally think that the man is married, and there is no need to go on a blind date or fall in love in the future, and there will be more time to spend on work.

However, as long as one is married, a family must belong to both men and women. Men aren't just working, either; They also have to take care of the housework, the elderly, the children, and they also have to spend time and energy on the family.

The author of this public account has very sharply analyzed the current situation and contradictions, and shouted for the unfair treatment of women, which is her characteristic.

Therefore, even in today's era of "everyone can self-media", I still think that it is necessary to improve my writing, at least to deepen the reader's impression of us.

I am Qixia, a freelance writer who loves reading, writing, and writing, and I am here to share with you the dry goods of self-media writing, I will continue to update, click to follow my account, and let us become a better version of ourselves.

(The pictures involved in the article are all from the Internet)