
The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

author:Magpies say things

Sentence / Ki Ling


The situation in the Middle East, the path of economic development, the change of the global pattern, the current situation of the global economy, and the choice between peace and war were discussed, among which the global economic debt problem, the decline of the traditional hegemonic system of the West, and the unity of Middle Eastern countries against external forces were discussed. Want to see how the global situation is changing? Then follow the editor to continue reading!

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

The situation in the Middle East is changing at an accelerated pace

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

The recent situation in the Middle East can be described as extremely turbulent, and behind the turmoil is often a complex entanglement of interests.

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

In recent years, the United States has been increasing its presence in the Middle East, and what the United States has done has not only plunged the already chaotic Middle Eastern countries into a more complicated situation, but has even angered other major powers.

The United States has always carried out its layout in the Middle East in the name of "fighting terrorism," but its actions have often given opportunities to terrorist organizations to take advantage of, and even directly provided weapons and materials to terrorist organizations.

Terrorist organizations, on the other hand, have become tools for the United States and some other countries to control the Middle East region, and as long as they deal with Middle Eastern countries that do not conform to the interests of the United States, the United States will send terrorist organizations to put pressure on them, and even directly use force.

Such an approach will naturally make the Middle Eastern countries disgusted with the United States, so these Middle Eastern countries have begun to strengthen their unity and use unity to confront external forces.

In the past, countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia had tense relations due to territorial disputes and internal interests, but in the face of US suppression, these countries could only have to unite.

After Russia, Turkey and other countries also began to actively deploy in the Middle East, the Middle East began to gradually heat up like a bucket of boiling water.

Although the United States has great strength, it alone cannot defeat the united countries of the Middle East, and the Middle East region at this time is like a powder keg that can break out at any time.

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

Economic development path

In recent years, the development of the global economy has not been very optimistic, and the global debt problem has been suppressing the global economic development like an insurmountable chasm.

Developed countries such as Europe and the United States have accumulated a large amount of debt due to the forcible expansion of colonies and the seizure of other people's resources in the past, coupled with their own high welfare policies and other problems, these countries have also been heavily indebted.

These developed countries originally thought that they could easily control these debts with their own strong strength, but they did not expect that they would become slaves of these debts instead.

Although these developed countries still maintain a high level of development, in fact, the heavy debt burden behind them is also eating away at themselves.


However, this model is no longer applicable on a global scale, and if it continues, it will only plunge the world into an even worse economic crisis.

Therefore, the whole world is looking for a new economic development model, although it has not yet been finalized, but it is certain that scientific and technological innovation will be one of the solutions in the future.

Technological innovation requires a lot of capital investment to be carried out, so the global economic pattern will also change greatly in the future.

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

The global landscape is changing

Although it may not seem obvious now, the change in the global landscape has been quietly going on for a long time.

In fact, the traditional hegemonic system of the West began to decline many years ago, and although various Western countries are unwilling to admit this fact, in fact, everyone knows it.

The United States, Japan, Britain and other traditional Western powers used to be world hegemons, but now there are actually quite a few contradictions between them.

The United States has always put itself above the countries of the West and has subordinated itself to its will by kidnapping other Western countries with its powerful military force.

Europe has always been firmly controlled by the United States, and has been forced to accept some decisions that it is not willing to accept, and can only choose to passively accept or pay a huge price when it comes to things that disagree with the United States.

If Europe is truly unified and cooperates with countries such as Russia, then they can actually redefine the global pattern.

Although there is no sign of it yet, there are actually quite a few contradictions between various European countries, and there has been an undercurrent surging within the traditional hegemonic system of the West for a long time.

And the reason why the United States is so desperate to maintain its position within the hegemonic system is actually because they have serious internal problems.

In fact, there is another very important reason why Europe is so obedient to the United States, that is, the competition between the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II led to the final collapse of the Soviet Union, and Russia is the biggest bane left after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Due to its deep foundation, Russia has finally re-emerged after years of efforts under the leadership of the Russian president, and has become an important factor for peace and stability.

Although Russia is still far less powerful than the Soviet Union, and has reduced a lot of territorial resources that originally belonged to the Soviet Union compared with the era of the United States and the Soviet Union, Russia is still a great threat as a deep-seated power.

In recent years, Turkey has also been actively deploying on a global scale, and it is important for peace and stability to exist under the banner of religion.

Therefore, although the changes in the world pattern do not seem to be particularly obvious, they are becoming more and more inevitable with the passage of time.

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

The current state of global economic development

Although the situation in various parts of the world is complex now, and the reasons behind the complexity are different in each place.

But in fact, no matter where it is, the most fundamental reason behind the complexity of the situation is actually because of the level of economic development.

The most common and serious problem in the world is the debt problem, and the reason why many developed countries still maintain a high level of economic development is actually relying on the loan support of banks and other financial institutions.

Although the economic development level of the United States, Japan, Europe and other places is quite high, the heavy debts behind them have not been effectively resolved, and they are still rising.

In fact, one of the most important reasons behind Europe's obedience to the United States is that they are worried about their own debt because they lack the ability to pay external debt.



The United States has blocked foreign trade with China through cooperation with Europe, and suppressed Southeast Asia and other places by shorting the yen, hoping to hit the economies of these regions, thereby diverting global attention from the US debt and diluting its heavy debt burden.

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe

The choice between peace and war

In recent years, the situation in various parts of the world has not been good, and hidden dangers have emerged one after another behind the seemingly stable situation, and the hidden dangers have undoubtedly brought great pressure to various places and may even trigger the crisis of war.

The situation in Ukraine some time ago is the best example, the build-up of troops on the Russian border has led to tensions in Ukraine, and Ukraine and even NATO as a whole are still in a state of tension.

Although Ukraine is now peaceful, the internal and external difficulties still exist, and there are still people living under the shadow of war every day, and the people cannot live and work in peace and contentment.

There is no doubt that there are many hidden dangers behind the current turbulent situation in the Middle East, and there may even be a crisis of war, so there is no doubt that there are hidden dangers of war in the world.

However, the world should also know that in the current global structure, no matter which side of the war is to pay a heavy price in exchange for short-term benefits, so the most important thing we should do at present is to unite and work together to deal with all kinds of current challenges in order to win the future, and we want to win the future.

The global contradictions are acute, the war may become the only answer, and the international evolution is accelerating as soon as a gun rang out in Central Europe


The global situation mentioned is indeed worrying, with economic debt problems, regional conflicts, and changes in the global pattern all affecting our lives and futures. In the face of these challenges, the key to solving these challenges is to work together and work together. In this unpredictable world, we need to understand and support each other and work together to create a more peaceful and stable future. What is your view on the global situation? Come and leave a comment to share your views!