
Laughing numb! Ma Weidu's salary arrears and layoffs have caused public anger? Netizen: It seems that the landlord's family has no surplus food!

author:Magpies say things

Sentence / Ki Ling



80 employees united to collectively defend Ma Weidu and demand compensation. The layoffs have raised questions, and netizens have speculated whether there is a problem with the company's capital chain. Ma Weidu used to be a beautiful antique world, but now it is facing market challenges. What's the story behind the layoffs? Hurry up and reveal the secret together!

Laughing numb! Ma Weidu's salary arrears and layoffs have caused public anger? Netizen: It seems that the landlord's family has no surplus food!

Employees collectively defend their rights

Laughing numb! Ma Weidu's salary arrears and layoffs have caused public anger? Netizen: It seems that the landlord's family has no surplus food!

In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy, people's attention to their own rights and interests is also increasing, and more and more enterprises will take layoffs in order to save costs.

However, it was recently reported that 80 employees have united to collectively defend the rights of Ma Weidu, demanding that they be given due compensation.

The employees said that they chose to defend their rights because their employment relationship had been unilaterally terminated by Ma Weidu, and they had not received any compensation.

Some people on the Internet said that the layoffs also included old employees who had worked in the company for more than 20 years, and everyone was very dissatisfied with the company's behavior.

Although everyone has united to defend their rights, Ma Weidu has not given any response, and has not explained the matter until now.

This also made many people question Ma Weidu's original good impression, and Ma Weidu's company's layoffs also surprised many people.

Laughing numb! Ma Weidu's salary arrears and layoffs have caused public anger? Netizen: It seems that the landlord's family has no surplus food!

Sudden layoffs

Because Ma Weidu has always given people the impression of being a good boss who is humble and kind, and has always been able to maintain a good relationship with employees in the process of the company's development and growth.

The company laid off 80 employees without compensation, raising the question of whether there were other reasons for this.

It is reported that this sudden layoff occurred on May 31, 2024, and the company announced the unilateral termination of the labor relations of 80 employees after going to work on the same day.

In response to such a surprise attack, these redundant employees said that there was no warning and communication at all, and even held departmental meetings before.

So at first, everyone thought it was just a routine adjustment of the company, and they didn't pay much attention to it, until the leader announced the shocking news at the meeting, and everyone suddenly realized.

Everyone felt very aggrieved and angry about their sudden expulsion and did not receive any compensation, so they chose to unite to defend their rights.

It is reported that after Ma Weidu's layoff, these laid-off employees were also sent out of the company without explanation, and they did not receive any compensation after that.

Laughing numb! Ma Weidu's salary arrears and layoffs have caused public anger? Netizen: It seems that the landlord's family has no surplus food!

Doubts abound

After learning of Ma Weidu's layoffs, netizens also expressed doubts, believing that Ma Weidu's current capital chain has been broken, and the company's current situation is also very difficult.

After all, Ma Weidu, who had unlimited scenery in the antique world before, is now unable to escape the blow brought by market changes.

A large part of the reason for the downward trend in the antiques market is due to the challenges of the cash flow era.

The era of cash flow refers to a phenomenon in the modern economic system that is constantly flowing and circulating, affecting the operation and use of funds.

To put it simply, changes in people's consumption patterns and habits have brought about a decrease in cash flow in the antiques industry.

This also made Ma Weidu face the impact of the downward trend of the antique market, and had to lay off employees under the tight capital chain.

In addition, according to the news revealed by the relevant parties, after this layoff, some employees of Ma Weidu have also left one after another, resulting in a serious brain drain problem in the company.

In addition, due to the increasingly fierce market competition caused by the loss of the industry threshold in the antique industry, it is difficult for the remaining antique merchants in the current market to continue to support the operation of such a large-scale company.

Laughing numb! Ma Weidu's salary arrears and layoffs have caused public anger? Netizen: It seems that the landlord's family has no surplus food!


The story behind the layoffs is heart-wrenching, and the sudden layoffs of Ma Weidu Company have aroused heated discussions and questions among netizens. In today's fierce competition in the antique market, the company's predicament may be the inevitable result of the development and change of the industry. What are your thoughts on the story behind the layoffs? Come and leave a comment to share your views!

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